how does this program compare to draw?
+ Has a GUI - which is ncie but could use a lot of improvement
+ Random lines rarely pop up while you draw
+ You can set the Opacity/Alpha of your tool
+ An EXCELLENT Zoom function which lets you make some really detailed pics
+ - Nice RGB System for making colors. but a palette like the one in Draw wouldn't hurt
- The smudge tool doesn't seem to be as good as that in Draw
- The Pencil tool doesn't make nice, clean lines it's rather pixelized
- There is no Eraser, though this is no big deal
? The paint bucket seems better than that in Draw, but I don't use this much in either, it could be worse
Also here's something I drew earlier today
Overall, it's better than Draw3 but it could use some more work and tweaking, a few more tools and a different GUI would be great.
In fact I think the guy that made Draw and the guy that made Phidias should join up and make one awesome drawing program together.
EDIT: G6 Lite users, you should have no problems working with high-res pics or saving on your G6 If you:
Upgrade to Firmware 4.7
Use and patch it with the latest DLDI patch: 0.17