Hacking New 3DS XL ver. 11.0.0-33U HARDMOD Questions


Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
So I used this guide linked below to hardmod my N3DS XL.


I just finished the mod on the motherboard and I haven't plugged my modded sd card adapter to my pc yet since I do not have the recommended card readers provided in the guide. With these info, here are my questions:

1. Can't I use any other cheap card readers? I have an unbranded one that costs less than $1. I could buy a better one locally but the price of around $10 is out of the question plus it's still not amongst the recommended card readers.

2. Using my laptop.. Can't I just use the card reader available on my laptop? I mean directly plugging the modded sd card adapter into the laptop's sd card slot.

3. Assuming that I finally did everything on the guide (hardmod and plugging it to pc), how will I use these to fully downgrade my 3ds to 10.7 or much better to 9. 2?

So far, those are my questions and I believe that more questions will arise along the way. Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2007
United Kingdom
Card readers with the n3ds nand work here and there, so make sure you buy one that's confirmed working if you decide to buy one.
There's very few which are in laptops that work, there's a short list of some on here which are confirmed working though: https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-noob-friendly-nand-dumping-2ds-3ds-3ds-xl-n3ds-n3ds-xl.414498/

Or if you're lucky like me and have one of these old things lying around, it seems to work with everything http://www.sweex.com/en/beeld-geluid/cr006/

but there's some nice cheap options on there, but make sure you get the right model number as it makes all the difference.

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    i have an odd question for the UK members (bit political but informative) how is Homosexuality precieved across the pond? I mean is it as bad here with laws being passed etc etc?
  • JollyBaker @ JollyBaker:
    @SylverReZ February (the name change cooldown is 2 months hence why I was SpookyBaker during November)
  • The Real Jdbye @ The Real Jdbye:
    @chrisrlink i don't live in UK but it's definitely not illegal there
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    US and china are kinda the only ones doing that as far as 1st world countries go afaik
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @chrisrlink, Homosexuality is not illegal there from what I know. Only countries like the USA and China, or other countries that don't support LGBT rights or human rights most of the time that often result in conflict.
  • The_Dizzy_Vizzy @ The_Dizzy_Vizzy:
    Nothing wrong with homosexuality. NOTHING. I'm not one among their numbers, but I would never treat someone poorly if they were. Welcome to the world, people!!!
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    You do still get stereotyping and some homophobia along with racism in the UK, but it doesn't seem quite as overt as what you see coming out of the states.
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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Not sure why people think the USA does not allow gay-ness, its prevalent here and accepted openly in most states. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States
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    I wouldn't consider the current state of the law as permanent. Abortion access was prevalent in most states too... until it wasn't.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    The hysteria is currently focused on trans rights but don't think gay rights aren't close to the chopping block.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Abortion is still legal in most states, only banned/restricted in 10/50 states. And the issues with trans rights are the Republicans want to ban anyone under age 18 from having sex changes, and stop trans people from competing in sports whereas a born male cannot compete with females. But yea with Trump, who knows what he will pull.
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    Trump isn't really interested in anything past making money (and evading prison) so he will push for whatever nets him the most bribes. It's what the people he puts into power will pull that is the real problem.
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