Hi I have never posted on any thread for any help before I've always trusted google. I made an account just for this reason for Google is no help this time. I have recently homebrewed my wii with everything as up to date as I could find, usb loader gx, wiiflow, neo gamma etc. And it all works as far as I know. My issue is once I got a usb device ready I added my games and none will appear in any loaders I have. Not even GameCube games. Nintendont reads and runs the GameCube games fine but elsewhere I cannot see them or my wii games. I put them on my usb with Wii backup manager and can find everything in wad manager but I'm lost as far as trying to find it and play it elsewhere. All my paths are sd and I'm not sure if the path for game locations can be changed or what path reads the games I need serious help I have been trying to find a solution for a week now so I can play wii games and not just gamecube games. I'm not good at navigating anything computer related so everything I've done has been through easy to follow and understand tutorials and guides. Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated and if any more information is needed I may need a little help on how to aquire it. Thanks in advance
I have also tried solutions to similar issues. I would really like to play my games I'm not sure how to make my console find the games that are there
I have also tried solutions to similar issues. I would really like to play my games I'm not sure how to make my console find the games that are there
Last edited by Kmack,