Hello Everyone,
I attempted to get a new game installed on the My Arcade Contra Micro (https://www.amazon.com/My-Arcade-Playable-Collectible-DGUNL-3280/dp/B0845TDGL6?th=1). It is an RK3128 device, and it gave up an image dump with rkflashtool-6.1-win32-bin as detailed by this blog post from 2021 (https://trustedsec.com/blog/hacking-the-my-arcade-contra-pocket-player-part-i). No other tool would let me get a dump from the device.
Binwalk did reveal that there are some SquashFS partitions, and a hex viewer let me know that the dump isn't encrypted. It wasn't until I started reading posts from @WD_GASTER2, @rrifonas, and others that I realized that this was more difficult than I could do own my own. It was this guide (http://atgamesgenesis.wikidot.com/wiki:hardware-genesis-flashback-2018) that let me know I needed help.
Can anyone provide assistance? Is this even worth pursuing?
If anyone want to look at the NAND dump, it's attached here (https://xdaforums.com/t/rk3128-img-analysis-help-advice-for-myarcade.4686268/).
Thank you,
I attempted to get a new game installed on the My Arcade Contra Micro (https://www.amazon.com/My-Arcade-Playable-Collectible-DGUNL-3280/dp/B0845TDGL6?th=1). It is an RK3128 device, and it gave up an image dump with rkflashtool-6.1-win32-bin as detailed by this blog post from 2021 (https://trustedsec.com/blog/hacking-the-my-arcade-contra-pocket-player-part-i). No other tool would let me get a dump from the device.
Binwalk did reveal that there are some SquashFS partitions, and a hex viewer let me know that the dump isn't encrypted. It wasn't until I started reading posts from @WD_GASTER2, @rrifonas, and others that I realized that this was more difficult than I could do own my own. It was this guide (http://atgamesgenesis.wikidot.com/wiki:hardware-genesis-flashback-2018) that let me know I needed help.
Can anyone provide assistance? Is this even worth pursuing?
If anyone want to look at the NAND dump, it's attached here (https://xdaforums.com/t/rk3128-img-analysis-help-advice-for-myarcade.4686268/).
Thank you,