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I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an edu
Apr 17, 2011
Heaven [N's Castle]
Mega Man Legends 3 Project Restarts

If Mega Man knew how to use Twitter, he would have gladly told everyone that he’s alright. So instead, his producer will blog the good news to fans. The Blue Bomber has had a rough couple of months. It all started when Keiji Inafune, who was in charge of the upcoming Mega Man Legends 3, decided to leave Capcom for good. Things only went downhill from there, with the cancellation of Mega Man Universe (another project spearheaded by Inafune), the cancellation of MML3′s first public demo, and several sources stating that the game never even received a green light from Capcom. Also, that tsunami probably didn’t help things. But amidst the rubble and rumors, Capcom’s beloved robot hero stands tall, undaunted and ready to win back our hearts. In a recent blog post, Legends producer Tatsuya Kitabayashi confirmed that the 3DS sequel is back on board, declaring that the project is now “restarting“. Also posted was a promotional image that celebrates the game’s resuming development as well as provide relief for the victims of the latest tragedy (Capcom had released similar uplifting artwork starring Street Fighter’s Japanese-descended fighters). It’s good news indeed for Mega Man fans everywhere, but what does Kitabayashi mean by “restart”? Is the team going to scrap everything that’s been completed so far and start over with a new look? What about the content provided by fans as part of Capcom’s community interaction, including the fan-voted heroine Aero? It would certainly be disappointing for the Legends staff to toss out all of the content that fans voted (and created) so far, even if it does mean that the game is now resuming development. In any event, one can only hope that this latest commitment means that the game won’t be as far off as we had imagined; we have still yet to see any actual gameplay footage or other concrete details, so hopefully Capcom will be able to show the game off proper in an upcoming event (E3).

Cooking Mama 4 to release in October

New Mama games are on the horizon, but information is scarce. The facebook game should help you while you wait for new Mama Madness!

Cooking Mama 2: World Kitchen for the Wii
A week ago, rumours surfaced that a new Cooking Mama game was in the works for the 3DS. The news was confirmed by a listing on gamestop, though that listing was taken down shortly thereafter. This week, however, the listing is back up and hasn’t moved since. The newest title in Majesco’s “Mama” series will put Mama back in the kitchen after her brief attempts at crafts, gardening and babysitting. According to the gamestop website, the game will release October 3rd, but no other details have been made available. Gamestop’s website doesn’t even have a photo of the game yet, and the Majesco website only lists the first three games in the series. No other retailer has Cooking Mama 4 listed for preorder as far as this reporter has been able to find. The company has created a facebook application connected to the cooking mama fanpage on facebook, with a facebook application very similar to the DS version, though of course, like every popular facebook game, in order to get the really good stuff you’re going to have to cough up real cash. The fanpage also includes a QR Code for downloading the Cooking Mama Mii on your 3DS.

Add Mama to your Miis!
Majesco also bought trademark rights to Camping Mama late last year, though there isn’t any evidence of a camping game in the works. The same was done with Babysitting Mama about a year before it was previewed at E3 last summer. Perhaps there will be previews of Camping Mama and Cooking Mama 4 at this year’s convention. According to the Gamestop website, 4 will be released at the typical 3DS game price, $39.99, and is available now for preorder. If you simply can’t wait for the new handheld games, Cooking Mama Friend’s Cafe is sure to hold you over. Sources: Gamestop, Siliconera

3DS Sales Predictions- Made too Early?

3DS sales are good for now, though predictions for the future remain at almost half the sales of the DS. The research firm IHS has estimated that the 3DS will sell approximately 11.6 million units worldwide by the end of 2011. The firm says that while this number is high, if the 3DS continues to sell at that rate it will not come anywhere near the total sales for the DS predecessors, which sold almost a hundred million units in their first four years on the market. IHS credits the relatively low numbers to competitive handheld technology, such as smartphones and tablets. However, tf the firm is basing these numbers on the first month of 3DS’s sales, the numbers predicted are very likely much lower than the numbers we will start seeing once first party games are released for the system; something that the firm has not taken into account. Like any new technology, the 3DS has had a tumultuous history already, though many of the struggles that the game system has faced were met with equal triumphs. IHS’s lead game analyst Piers Harding Rolls stated in the report, “Nintendo’s accent on network services… represents an attempt to convince users to carry their 3DS systems with them at all times and to engage with the platform everyday and in every place,” He goes on to say that the connectivity of the 3DS is crucial to its ability to compete with like-minded gadgets currently on the market. Having had almost two weeks to adjust my personal gadget line-up to include a 3DS, I would say that while my new game system certainly hasn’t bumped out my iPod from “list of essentials”, I am just as likely to make sure I don’t leave home without it; an experience in which I am definitely not alone. Not only does 3DS keep me connected with my gaming friends, but it does so in a uniquely gamer-ific way, but that’s for another article. At the end 2010, Nintendo had sold a total of 136 million DS units, almost double the predicted sales of 3DS by the year 2015. Sales numbers are sure to increase for the 3DS once the system has more available games and more versatile ways to take advantage of its connectivity. More accurate sales predictions can be made later this year, once we get to see how Nintendos own games affect the overall sales. Sources:, Game hunters

Revelations a Direct Sequel to Resident Evil 5

Capcom’s Masachika Kawata speaks on both upcoming Resident Evil titles for the Nintendo 3DS. According to GoNintendo, Capcom’s Masachika Kawata dropped a few interesting tidbits in a recent interview with Nintendo Power where he discussed Capcom’s two upcoming Resident Evil titles for the Nintendo 3DS.

Two of the more exciting pieces for Nintendo fans centered around where Revelations fits in the Resident Evil timeline and possible DLC for The Mercenaries. In regards to Revelations, Kawata said it’s “all about survival horror, the very genre Resident Evil established.” He proceeded to add, “We actually think of Revelations as a direct sequel to Resident Evil 5 and it will be full of new, innovative ideas and characters.” Finally, Kawata also mentioned the possibility of DLC for The Mercenaries: “Should the Mercenaries establish itself as a franchise as we hope, we’ll be looking into expanding the game through DLC, though of course we’d have to consult Nintendo regarding the specifics.” For the full interview and more, be sure to check out the latest Nintendo Power.

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D is available to buy now from:


Pokemon Global Link Set to Launch on April 13

Already caught them all? Extend your Black and White experience with the Pokemon Global Link. Nintendo is set to launch the Pokemon Global Link service on April 13th. According to an official Nintendo Press Release, “For the first time ever, a Pokemon video game incorporates dynamic, customizable Web-only content and online options that make it even easier to communicate with fellow Pokemon Trainers anytime, anywhere.” Global Link is set to launch with two main features, which will enhance the already robust Pokemon Black version and Pokemon White version. The Pokemon Dream World and the Global Battle Union will be available on the 13th, although Nintendo has plans for “more exciting content to come.” The Dream World gives players the ability to interact with other trainers through a collection of mini-games and various other activities. On the other hand, the Battle Union enables players to check weekly ratings and access certain battle features. Players will need to have broadband Internet access as well as a Pokemon Trainer Club Account (free at Players can visit to learn more about Global Link.

Pokémon Black and White (DS) is available to buy now from:

new $29.25 used $29.98

new $29.75 used $27.00

Your DSiWare games won’t play off an SD Card on 3DS

But does anybody really care? One of the drawbacks of Nintendo’s DSiWare download store on the previous iteration of the DS was that titles could not be copied to and played from an SD Card. The upcoming equivalent service for the 3DS rumoured to be called 3DSWare won’t have the same problem. This has led some to speculate that DSiWare software, which Nintendo revealed would be transferrable to the new handheld, would run from SD Cards on the 3DS. Presumably drawing from insider sources, N-Sider is reporting otherwise. This is a minor bother since gamers will have to continue to manage their DSiWare purchases on the system’s relatively small internal memory. However, it isn’t entirely unexpected given the rigidity of Nintendo’s current online stores. What I want to know is how many people actually care enough about DSiWare software to even move titles across to the 3DS. My impression of the service is that it’s largely a dumping ground for shovelware with a huge number of poor quality games and pointless applications. In many quarters it’s treated like a joke, even having ironic podcasts dedicated to it. Nintendo itself has gone so far as to publically express disappointment with both it and WiiWare. So my question to you, dear 3DS Buzz readers, is do you care about DSiWare and its future on the 3DS?

Revelations a Direct Sequel to Resident Evil 5

Capcom’s Masachika Kawata speaks on both upcoming Resident Evil titles for the Nintendo 3DS. According to GoNintendo, Capcom’s Masachika Kawata dropped a few interesting tidbits in a recent interview with Nintendo Power where he discussed Capcom’s two upcoming Resident Evil titles for the Nintendo 3DS.

Two of the more exciting pieces for Nintendo fans centered around where Revelations fits in the Resident Evil timeline and possible DLC for The Mercenaries. In regards to Revelations, Kawata said it’s “all about survival horror, the very genre Resident Evil established.” He proceeded to add, “We actually think of Revelations as a direct sequel to Resident Evil 5 and it will be full of new, innovative ideas and characters.” Finally, Kawata also mentioned the possibility of DLC for The Mercenaries: “Should the Mercenaries establish itself as a franchise as we hope, we’ll be looking into expanding the game through DLC, though of course we’d have to consult Nintendo regarding the specifics.” For the full interview and more, be sure to check out the latest Nintendo Power.

Mega Man Legends 3: Choose Mega Man’s Look

Looks like Mega Man is in need of some new duds after the earthquake. Vote now on his new look, and win a prize in the process. Fans awaiting the fate of Mega Man Legends 3 following a recent string of disasters, both metaphorical (Inafune leaving Capcom, the cancellation of Mega Man Universe) and physical (the Japanese tsunami) were given the first piece of good news in a long while. Last week the game’s producer blogged about the Mega Man Legends 3 project officially “restarting” development, erasing all doubts about whether the game would ever see the light of day. But there was still the question on whether Capcom would continue to poll the community on the game’s various features, such as the look of the new heroine or what kind of enemies the hero must fight. That question has finally been answered in the form of a new community poll, possibly the most significant yet: determining the design for the hero. From now until April 25th, fans will be given the chance to vote on one of three designs for the Blue Bomber to don in the upcoming sequel. While the difference between the three designs appear minimal, longtime Mega Man fans will no doubt obsess over the importance of shoulder-mounted bolts or whether he should ditch the metal codpiece and go commando. Capcom Unity members have until Monday, April 25th at 5:00pm PST to help pick out Mega Man’s new look. Those that leave a comment on the voting page will also be eligible for a prize. While the prize has not been determined, Capcom has teased that the reward will “increase” depending on the number of times the voting page is shared on Twitter or Facebook. Even if you advocate the promotional whoring of either social site, it’s justified in this case if it means giving the long-demanded sequel further attention.

Majesco Announces Delay for BloodRayne: The Shroud

The Nintendo 3DS’s line-up of inbound third-party videogames takes a fresh hit this week as Majesco abruptly pulls the rug out from beneath BloodRayne: The Shroud.Initially unveiled for the Nintendo 3DS during last year’s E3 Expo, fangtastic videogame BloodRayne: The Shroud has since faded further and further into the enveloping shadows of developmental obscurity. Now, with the stereoscopic 3DS only a few weeks old and crying out for increased software support, third-party publisher Majesco has pushed the game back into the light… to announce its potentially indefinite delay.

Although Majesco has not offered up any concrete explanation for its decision (which doesn’t bode well), the official BloodRayne page on Facebook simply outlines that the vampire-laden 3DS adventure “is currently on hold”. The notice, which was reportedly penned by a Majesco representative, also states that any further news regarding the game will be offered up as and when it becomes available. Given the lack of coverage or build-up surrounding BloodRayne: The Shroud, we here at 3DS Buzz wouldn’t recommend holding your breath. Taking a little edge off any accompanying disappointment, Majesco has said downloadable title BloodRayne: Betrayal remains on track to hit Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network during the summer. Source: GoNintendo

Nintendo Confirms June 17/19 Launch for Ocarina of Time 3D

Waiting for a definite ‘system seller’ before splashing the cash on Nintendo’s new stereoscopic 3DS console. How does June 17/June 19 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D grab you?We’ve suspected for a while that the stereoscopic 3DS port of classic Nintendo 64 game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was likely to hit retail shelves during the early part of summer. And now that Nintendo has officially confirmed Link’s acclaimed Hyrulian adventure will launch in Europe on June 17 and the U.S. on June 19, we’re pleased to say the dusty 3DS Buzz crystal ball wasn’t too far wide of the mark following release predictions of early-to-mid June.

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... Argh!
Described by Nintendo as one of 50 upcoming titles scheduled to grace its family of consoles over the next few months, the remastered version of Ocarina of Time promises to deliver “phenomenally enhanced graphics with stunning, glasses-free 3D visuals” that bring Link’s gameplay heroics to life. It also boasts a streamlined touch-screen interface, newly implemented motion-based controls, a host of new challenges not included in the original 1998 epic, and the introduction of the Master Quest. “Legend of Zelda veterans can look forward to the Master Quest–a second quest with revamped puzzles and redesigned dungeons that feature the same graphical and interface upgrades as the main game,” outlined Nintendo. “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is a masterful improvement on one of the landmark releases in video game history,” it added. We’re certainly not arguing on that one… and our office calendar is duly marked (twice). Note: Thanks to those readers who pointed out our omission of the slightly earlier Euro release. Corrected. Source: Nintendo [youtube=]

Chronos Twin Developer Throws its Weight Behind 3DS

The industry giveth, the industry taketh away. As we bid an almost certain farewell to BloodRayne: The Shroud, we warmly welcome newly announced 3DS developer EnjoyUp into the fold. If you’re a fan of the BloodRayne series, and you’re currently reeling with disappointment following Majesco’s thinly-veiled decision to delay BloodRayne: The Shroud on 3DS, allow us to remind you that as one development door closes… More pointedly, with Majesco’s (all-but cancelled) vampiric title fading from view, clearly joyous Spanish developer EnjoyUp Games has received an official license from Nintendo with a view to crafting future videogame experiences for the stereoscopic 3DS console. “We at EnjoyUp are very excited with the new brand possibilities that the Nintendo 3DS offers to us,” trumpeted studio managing director Julio Moruno in a statement. “It’s a very impressive handheld and its new capabilities will allow us to create many great original game experiences… we can’t be more thrilled for the new times ahead,” he added. Although EnjoyUp has not yet revealed exactly what it has planned for the 3DS, it’s a studio with more than 14 years of industry experience under its belt and a degree of promise within its existing software portfolio. For those not familiar with EnjoyUp’s wares, the Barcelona-based outfit is responsible for action epic Chronos Twin, which was released on Nintendo DS in 2007 and went on to become a WiiWare and DSiWare download in 2010. It currently has a Metacritic score of 76/100. Other DS games produced by EnjoyUp include the upcoming 99Bullets and 2008′s fabulously titled Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ. Expect to hear more about EnjoyUp’s 3DS exploits in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime, watch the following trailer to revisit the recent DSiWare version of Chronos Twin. Source: GamesPress [youtube=]

Japanese Teasers and Release Dates for Star Fox and Zelda

Nintendo has finally announced Japanese release dates for two of its most anticipated 3DS titles, and one of them may provide a clue for Western gamers. Plus: Japanese teaser websites for both games! In addition to yesterday’s American and European release date announcements, we’ve now received intriguing info about the Japanese releases of a couple of heavy-hitter first-party affairs for 3DS. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is now officially scheduled for a June 16 release date in Nintendo’s motherland, basically setting it up for a street date right alongside those of the Western nations. To accompany this announcement, Nintendo has opened a teaser site for the title, which you can visit here. Just to warn you, it’s pretty basic… but it does have an interesting 3D effect, some nice music, and may give you that extra twinge of anticipation for your upcoming revisit to the Hyrule of the N64 era. Perhaps more interesting, though, is the newly-announced release date for Star Fox 64 3D. We weren’t sure when this title was going to drop, but now it’s clear that Japanese fans will be firing up their Arwings on July 14. Sadly, there’s still no word for other territories, but now we can hopefully expect it within a few months of Japan, at most. I wouldn’t think the localization time for this title would be overly harsh, after all, but then again it wasn’t listed in yesterday’s announcement of upcoming games. In any event, there’s a teaser site here that features a nice little animated bit with Fox and pals readying for takeoff.

Dead Or Alive Dimensions Gets New Japanese Date

It takes a lot of work staying beautiful. Find out when the DOA ladies will be making their next public showing. The recent tsunami disaster in Japan has not been kind to games originally planned for release at the time. Some titles were delayed to an undetermined date, while others were outright cancelled. Dead or Alive Dimensions, which was planned as one of the first 3DS titles, was particularly affected. It seemed the lovely ladies needed time to fix up their outfits and apply their makeup before making a proper public appearance, but it looks like the deadly divas are soon ready to break hearts (and faces). Originally planned for a March 24th release, Tecmo Koei has finally announced the new date for their debut 3DS title. The femme fatale fighter will be hitting Japanese stores come May 19. This new launch day will also officially start Tecmo’s original plan to include free downloadable costumes from the day of the game’s launch, with each new costume available for one day only. The new schedule starts May 19th and runs until June 21st. Anyone who forgets to have their SpotPass feature turned on during that time need not hang themselves just yet, as Tecmo will give gamers a second chance to play dress up by offering the costumes again from June 23rd to July 26th. There is currently no official word on whether this new date will result in pushing back the planned North American date of May 31st (with Europe to also receive the game sometime that same month). One would imagine that Tecmo may have to push the Western releases a bit further back in order to get the schedule for the daily costumes down. In any event, we can only hope the wait won’t be that much longer, as no doubt many DOA fans are tired of playing by themselves (it’s always more fun with ladies).

Nintendo dates US and European 3DS summer line-up

Not drooling at the mouth over Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D? There’s still plenty to distract you from the glorious summer weather Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo of America each published their quarterly release schedules today. And yes, the key news from that is that Ocarina of Time 3D is tantalisingly close. But what else can 3DS owners look forward to? Well, April remains relatively quiet – with only bullet-hell shooter Dream Trigger 3D and Puzzle Bobble Universe yet to come out. May’s highlights include LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (which looks like it’ll be a damn sight better than the DS LEGO ports), Dead or Alive: Dimensions (for those who need breast physics in their lives) and anime brawler BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II. And in June – aside from Zelda, of course – movie fans can don the green spandex with Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters or roll out Autobot-style with Transformers: Dark of the Moon, while mystery buffs can delve into James Noir’s Hollywood Crimes. Here is the full list of upcoming titles: EUROPEAN RELEASE DATES Puzzle Bobble Universe (Square Enix) – April 21st Steel Diver (Nintendo) – May 6th LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (Disney) – May 13th Dead or Alive: Dimensions (Nintendo) – May 20th Naruto Shippuden 3D The New Era (505 Games) 21-May (Italy & France) Sudoku : The Puzzle Game Collection (Hudson/Konami) – May 26th Sports Island 3D (Hudson/Konami) – June 2nd The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo) – June 17th Naruto Shippuden 3D: The New Era (505 Games) – June 17th Pac-Man and Galaga Dimensions (Namco Bandai) – TBC US RELEASE DATES Dream Trigger 3D (D3Publisher) – April SpongeBob SquigglePants (THQ) – May 17th BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II (Aksys Games) – May 24th Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion (Crave Games) – May 24th LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (Disney) – May Dead or Alive: Dimensions (Tecmo Koei) – May Dual Pen Sports (Namco Bandai) – May Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters (Warner Bros) – June 7th James Noir’s Hollywood Crimes (Ubisoft) – June 7th Transformers: Dark of the Moon Stealth Force Edition 3D (Activision) – June 14th The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo) – June 19th Cave Story 3D (NIS America) – June 28th Pac-Man and Galaga Dimensions (Namco Bandai) – June Driver Renegade (Ubisoft) – TBC

Ocarina 3D not developed by Nintendo

Zelda fans shock (but not deterred) as game classification reveal 3DS’ killer app was outsourced to WiiWare developer It’s almost like the moment when you found out that the Mickey Mouse you met at Disney World was actually an unshaven college drop-out in a costume. Almost. Brace yourselves for this one. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D has not been developed by Nintendo. Oh sure, the screenshots show all the familiar locations with spruced up character models and textures but none of it was put together by the folks at The Big N, the makers of the original Ocarina of Time or even their underpaid interns. Instead, the title has been developed by Grezzo. The revelation was spotted by Siliconeraafter Australia’s Classifications Board rated the game for its release in June. So who are Grezzo? Well, this is where the news becomes easier to take. They are a relatively new studio that has previously developed Line Attack Heroes, a well-recieved WiiWare title released in Japan last summer. It was founded by Koichi Ishii, who is best known for his work developing the Mana series (Secret of Mana, etc) while he worked at Square Enix. So at least Ocarina 3D has been overseen by the man behind some of the most popular RPGs of all time. And let’s not forget that (with the exception of the horrendous Phillips CDI games) Nintendo has never outsourced the Zelda franchise to anyone that couldn’t handle it. During the last decade, they passed the license over to Capcom, who created the excellent Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons Duo, the GBA remake of A Link To The Past, the innovative multiplayer-focused Four Swords and the enjoyable Minish Cap. So that’s comforting, too. Plus, perhaps the most important thing to remember, it’s Ocarina of Time. It could be developed by two arthritic fanboys on a 20-year-old PC and you’d still want it. Am I right? The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is due out in Europe and the UK on Friday, June 17th. It will follow in the US two days later on Sunday, June 19th. Screenshots have been floating around the net, as well as the occasional over-the-should video at various gaming expos. We think you’ll agree that it looks like Grezzo have done a good job – Majora’s Mask next, please.

More Mercenaries Media and Miscellany

Check out the latest word on Capcom’s next entry in its unrelenting Resident Evil franchise, including info about the Skill Slot feature and a new trailer. Capcom may have kept the lid closed on any info regarding a potential Monster Hunterannouncement at its big press event, but Captivate did yield yet another round of meaty morsels of Mercenaries minutiae. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D is coming to 3DS soon, though an official Western release date has yet to be announced. We know that the game is set to come out June 2nd in Japan, though, and there’s evidence that Europe and the United States will face their own zombie invasions not too long after. We’ve known for a while that Mercenaries 3D is based on an extra mode featured in Resident Evil 4 and 5, and it ultimately boils down to running around maps to see how many undead ruffians you can eliminate in a given period of time. Players can take control of several series veterans, and so far we can confirm the following: Chris Redfield, Krauser, Hunk, Jill Valentine, Albert Wesker and, making her debut in a Mercenaries game, Claire Redfield. There are at least two character slots that remain unannounced, judging by the latest trailer. There will be 30 missions included, with the action taking place in remastered versions of locations from RE 4 and 5. The game will feature both new and nostalgic audio accompanying your shotgun-slingin’ escapades, along with face-offs against familiar foes from the Executioner to Popo Karimu. All this Resident Evil classicism is no doubt meant to coincide quite well with the series’ 15th anniversary, which just so happens to be this year. New for Mercenaries 3D is the Skill Slot feature, which allows players to customize characters to suit their particular play styles and strategies. You’ll be able to fill three skill slots from a selection of 30 skills including improvements to health, weapons performance, reload speed, melee abilities, and more. Skills can apparently be gained through an unlock system, which should theoretically add replay value to the experience. Also unique to this entry are the ability to switch weapons on-the-fly through use of the touch screen, the ability to move and shoot simultaneously, and (inevitably) stereoscopic 3D-enhanced visuals. In case all of this sounds too shallow for your zombie-zapping needs, Mercenaries 3D will also feature a demo for the more full-fledged 3DS Resident Evil title, 2012′s Revelations. There are rumors that there will be some worthy unlockable modes or features to extend the lifespan of the game, as well. Now, those of you who are excited for this game, please remain calm as you experience the full shotgun blast to the face that is this latest trailer for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. We don’t want your head to explode like you just shuffled into the path of Leon Kennedy on a bad hair day. [youtube=]

Konami Introduces Doctor Lautrec Via Trailer

This Layton-inspired puzzle adventure is beginning to distinguish itself from the good Professor. We’ve learned a bit about upcoming 3DS puzzle-based adventure game Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights already, but now Konami has seen fit to shove its new IP into the limelight in a more wholehearted fashion with fresh media and details. The first thing everyone notices about this title is its similarity to Level-5′s masterful Professor Layton series, and who can blame them? That franchise is quite beloved by true gentlemen the world over, and the similarities between the two games are so apparent that it doesn’t take a puzzle pro to notice them. Both Layton and Lautrec are archeologists, scholars, and puzzle enthusiasts who search out adventure of a mysterious variety alongside youthful apprentices. However, the more we learn about Lautrec, the more unique he appears. First of all, the man is not a true gentleman, it seems. No, he’s actually something of a brutish chap, sporting his unseemly sideburns and moustache while tackling treasure hunts that stem more from greed than intellectual curiosity. His female companion, Sophie Coubertin, is there more to keep him in line than to learn from his brilliance as Luke does in the Professor’s titles. The gameplay and story of The Forgotten Knights also avoids being a full-on Layton copycat. The story, first of all, has a bit more real world context: set in 19th century Paris, the plot revolves around a search for relics belonging to Louis XIV and devolves into a race against a malevolent criminal group. Gameplay will include puzzle-solving a la Layton, but it also features combat (demon-like Sprites can be leveled up and pitted against foes in battle) and searching for clues in 3D environments. Overall, Layton fans should keep their eyes on this one. Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights has potential to appeal to fans of that series while establishing a bit of its own identity—one with a bit of an edge in comparison to other, more gentlemanly offerings. Konami has its work cut out for it, though, if it hopes that Lautrec will achieve the same level of acclaim and success that its most distinguished rival puzzler has. Source: CVG & Konami [youtube=]

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Sells One Million Copies

Capcom’s 3D fight-fest reaches hefty milestone, has surely become best-selling 3DS title to date Capcom has announced that Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition has sold over one million copies worldwide. These rosy sales figures probably won’t surprise many given the game’s excellent reception from both fans and the gaming press, not to mention the lacklustre competing software at the 3DS’ launch. Capcom credits much of the game’s success to the system’s 3D capability with it having “successfully expanded the audience for our fighting games. In capturing both new fans and longtime fans of the series, we were able to reach the one million unit mark for this title.” Given that the game has been outpacing the current crop of 3DS games in sales charts, it’s surely become the best-selling game for the system though we won’t know for sure until Nintendo release its own software figures. Source: CVG

Third-Party Augmented Reality T-Shirt Goes on Sale

Online clothing retailer gets bored of waiting for Nintendo’s own AR T-shirt, starts selling its own. If you live outside of Europe or are simply tired of waiting to hear about the augmented reality t-shirt promised to the first 3000 purchasers of the 3DS you might want to check out the latest product from Level Up Studios. The American-based online outlet specialising in video game and internet culture themed clothing has begun selling their own AR t-shirt. When used in conjunction with a 3DS running the AR Games application it works exactly like the question mark card that comes packed in with every system, offering a variety of reality-bending games and the ability to pose and snap photos of your Miis. Check out the video below to see it in action. Since Nintendo’s own AR shirt has still not been released (still waiting to hear from you, Nintendo) we don’t know if it’ll work in the same manner or provide new functionality. However, you can find out what the staff and community of 3DS Buzz know about it in our investigative news report. [youtube=]

3DS Ocarina of Time Box Art Revealed

Gaze upon the glory of the official box art for Link’s first foray into 3D. Yesterday you began marking your calendars for the day you’ll be picking up The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D for Nintendo 3DS. In all the fervor and anticipation, you may be wondering just what the box you’ll be carrying out of the store will look like. Well, wonder no more. Nintendo has released the box art for its upcoming remake of the N64 classic. Can you virtually feel your future self tearing the plastic off in anticipation of playing what may prove to be the definitive edition of one of the greatest games of all time on your 3DS? If there is any hope for the world, the cartridge inside this box will be colored gold. I’m just saying…

Having trouble with your StreetPass Quest?

Sick and tired of spending your precious StreetPass coins, only to have your warriors scream and run away?I know that I, personally, have grown increasingly annoyed with my StreetPass Quest to save my Mii from impending doom. I’ve walked thousands of steps and spent numerous coins only to have my attack miss or my warriors wimp out and flee the battle.

It's best to assemble as many warriors as you can before going into battle.
If you too have been experiencing these difficulties with your own StreetPass Quest then you’re in luck. It was only a matter of time before someone put together a guide with a few simple strategies on how to make it through the maze efficiently. PocketGamer’s Mike Rose has put together a StreetPass walkthrough that contains some very useful tips on getting through the quest. “Note that you can send heroes to the back of the queue as many times as you want,” Rose writes. “Hence, when you first begin with a new set of heroes, go through each one by one, checking their levels and powers.” The article contains a number of other useful tips including which warriors are best suited for each enemy, as well as the best types of magic for the various coloured ghosts. You can check out Rose’s article here!

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition On 3DS? Ono Responds…

Looking forward to plopping down cash for Street Fighter IV yet again? How about increasing that debt with a 3DS edition? Street Fighter IV is fast becoming the most successful fighting game of all time. As if the weekend tournaments around the world weren’t tantamount to the game’s thriving community, Capcom continues to keep the hype going with yearly expansions. Super Street Fighter IV came and dominated across multiple consoles, including receiving top honors as a launch game for the 3DS. Now Capcom is running the Hadoken train yet again with another new expansion (this time in both retail and downloadable form) with the Arcade Edition, which includes four new characters (Evil Ryu, Oni, Yun and Yang) and massive re-balances for every character, as well as a new Replay feature. It all sounds well and good, but where does this leave the 3D Edition? One IGN reader decided to ask series sensei Yoshinori Ono on his Twitter account about this very possibility. Ever keen on milking his cash cow, Odo replied with a teasing (and I quote) “Heheheeee. ;P”. The only thing missing from that response is a LOL followed by a few 1′s at the end. Ono has often been accused as a troll in the internet community, making promises and claims that may or may not be backed up, all in an attempt to keep fans on their toes. No doubt this innocent little gesture will do the same, but it does raise the question: will the Arcade Edition of SSFIV hit the 3DS, and if so…in what capacity? Will the game be distributed as a downloadable update on the forthcoming WiiWare store? Or will it be re-released as a separate retail game? Why not both, since Capcom will be implementing this strategy for the home consoles. Hopefully something beyond a girlie laugh will surface soon. With the 3DS currently the most powerful handheld on the market, it makes little sense to deny it the “definitive” version of the hugely popular fighting game.

Kagura: Portrait Of Girls Perverts Your 3DS

We are bursting at the sames with new info on Marvelous’ sidescrolling 3DS game. Bounce on over for the big scoop (or two). Looks like Dead or Alive: Dimensions has some new competition. Oh no, we’re not talking about Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, or even BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II. A new sidescroller from Marvelous is about to challenge the series’ most defining attributes…and I’m not talking about the fighting engine. Titled “Senran Kagura (or “Kagura: Portrait of Girls”), the game features a bevy of bodacious kunoichi on a 2D plane, fending off waves of enemies who are keen on attacking their clothes rather than their bodies. The game is being by Kenichiro Takaki, who is given the title of “Planner and Enormous Breast Producer” for the project. No, seriously. The game is even described as a “Enormous Breast Hyper Battle”, so it’s pretty clear that Marvelous isn’t even attempting to be subtle on this one. The playable characters, who are all given their own profiles (and bust sizes), are designed by Nan Yaegashi, who anime fans can credit to the similarly-endowed series Ikkitousen. Takaki decided to make the project when he realized that the one feature gamers would want to see first-hand on the 3DS is enormous breasts displayed in 3D; Gotta give the man credit, he knows what’s on demand. The official websiteonly has the one page for now, but no doubt many of you will stare at it for a good while. Some blurry magazine scans of the female characters can also be seen below. Needless to say, don’t open any of this while at work…or in any public area for that matter. Kagura: Portrait of Girls is hitting Japan in the face this Summer, with a “Sexy and Gorgeous” edition containing a bonus artbook drama CD. It is unknown if this softcore sidescroller will be hitting the West, but in all honesty such an announcement would be very, very surprising.

Club Nintendo Promotional T-Shirts Winners Confirmed

Nintendo finally announces the lucky recipients of the limited edition augmented reality t-shirt Before the 3DS launched, Nintendo announced that European Club Nintendo members would be in with a chance to bag an exclusive gift. The first 3,000 early adopters of the new handheld who registered their device online would receive a mysterious augmented reality t-shirt. It’s been almost three weeks since the Western release of the 3DS. Aside from a few mixed messages from various Nintendo customer support members around Europe, we’ve been mostly left in the dark about how the 3,000 would be chosen, how they should claim their gift and when they should expect to receive it. Now, Nintendo has at last sent out emails to the chosen few thousand addressing the above questions. 3DS Buzz reader Louise Davies was kind enough to forward us the email that she and the other English-speaking winners have received.

Congratulations, there’s a free Nintendo 3DS T-shirt waiting for you! Because you were one of the first 3,000 people to register your Nintendo 3DS system to Club Nintendo, you can claim an individually numbered collector’s item T-shirt, absolutely free! To get your free T-shirt, all you need to do is tell us where you’d like us to send it! Click the link below and enter your address before 19/04/2011 to bag this cool freebie!”

Judging from other information the winners have received it looks like they’ve been told to expect delivery of their gift in about eight weeks. Sadly, I was not among the chosen 3,000 so I hope that you winners amongst the 3DS Buzz community and staff will let the rest of us know what secrets these t-shirts hold. Thankfully, there is an alternative for those feeling left out. Check out yesterday’s news postabout the third-party augmented reality shirt which is now on sale. (Special thanks to Louise for sending through a copy of the email and everyone else in the comments for letting us know about this latest development.)

3DS Breaks Retail Sales Record Down Under

Yet more good news for Nintendo as Aussie gamers flock in their thousands to secure themselves a clamshell slice of stereoscopic goodness.The Nintendo 3DS has continued its quest to set international checkouts on fire this week, following news that the glasses-free appeal of the groundbreaking console has led to the setting of a new sales record in Australia.

Specifically, Nintendo Australia has revealed that expectant gaming consumers down under managed to snap up 31,000 units of the 3DS portable within the first four days of its official availability. Now, while we here at 3DS Buzz freely acknowledge that 31,000 units doesn’t amount to much–equating more to gently smouldering checkouts as opposed to fiercely blazing checkouts–we feel it necessary to point out that Australia has always been a modest market. Furthermore, the motion-sensing Nintendo Wii needed a full week to shift 32,000 units when it launched in Australia back in December of 2006. So there. And, far from fading into retail obscurity, the demographic-busting Wii has since gone on to sell a respectable 2.1 million units throughout the region. It’s therefore still worth throwing some imaginary bunting into the air, emitting an audible ‘whoop’, and hailing Nintendo’s latest (mini) victory, because, whichever way you slice it, the 3DS now holds the title of ‘fastest selling handheld’ in Aussie history. Yay. Source: Gamasutra

Official Nintendo Mag Boasts Interactive Mii Cover

The latest print edition of Official Nintendo Magazine is all Mii, Mii, Mii…The latest ye olde print edition of the Official Nintendo Magazine (ONM) is offering its 3DS-toting readership a shot at fleeting international fame–albeit in unbearably cute Mii form–thanks to an exclusive interactive cover containing the best 100 reader-submitted character designs.

While the magazine cover itself may not look particularly special, it’s actually a snazzy gatefold that opens out to reveal a wealth of reader Mii designs that are all just waiting to take up occupancy within your 3DS. The final 100, all of which come with corresponding scan-friendly QR codes, were selected from thousands of varying creations submitted to the magazine via its official website. And that’s not all ONM is offering up this month where 3DS content is concerned. Indeed, readers can also look forward to an in-depth Legend of Zelda double bill boasting previews of both Ocarina of Time 3D and Skyward Sword for the Wii. Issue 68 of the Official Nintendo Magazine is published by Future and goes on sale on April 14 (that’s today, kids) priced at 3.99 GBP. Source: Official Nintendo Magazine

Rumor: Wii Successor Confirmed For E3?

Multiple sources claim that the wait will soon be over on Nintendo’s new console. Is the time soon nigh for HD graphics and a lesser emphasis on gimmicks? Even though this is primarily a website dedicated to the 3DS, there’s no doubt that Nintendo fans worldwide are anxiously awaiting any news or information on the company’s next console release, finally succeeding the profitable but primitive (compared to current gen tech) Nintendo Wii. Many industry experts have speculated that an announcement from Nintendo is just around the corner, with one infamous producer practically spilling the beans just recently. But now, we may have our strongest lead yet, which makes the wait until E3 all the more brutal. According to Game Informer, multiple sources have told the magazine that Nintendo’s next console is indeed a reality and is on track for its official unveiling at this year’s E3. What’s more, the new system will finally embrace the HD era, officially putting Nintendo back on the current age of visual quality. But further details suggest this won’t just be a simple conversion of upscaling Wii graphics to 1080p…allegedly, Nintendo wants their new system to be at least comparable to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, in an effort to gain more third party support; while most of the major third party releases see simultaneous releases on both Xbox 360 and PS3, the technologically inferior Wii is usually ignored. Even if Nintendo can now be included in the multiplatform party, what extra features will their new system have that will convince gamers to buy the newest Call of Duty on their system? According to one anonymous source, Nintendo is “doing this one right” in regards to their new system, which allegedly will not commit itself to a single “gimmick” like the Wii. Does this mean that the Big N’s next system won’t have a single defining feature like the Wii’s motion controls or the 3DS’ 3D screen? Would a gimmick-less system be just the thing to win back hardcore gamers and third party developers? Count the days, folks, until E3.

New Kagura Screenshots, Profiles, Measurements

Get all the juicy details on Kagara’s leading ladies inside. Don’t bother disputing the measurements either…melons are melons. Previously, you were given just a tease on what to expect on Marvelous’ new 2D sidescrolling ninja game, Kagura: Portrait of Girls. No doubt many of you were hoping for more pictures pertaining to the “Enormous Breast Hyper Battle”. Well, shut the doors and close the blinds, because now we have some faces (and bodies) to go with our demented imaginations. Listed below are the five playable characters, with a brief description of their personalities (or more importantly, their bust sizes): Asuka (90cm): A 2nd year student, and most likely the main character of this game. She’s currently a ninja in training, and is prone to rookie mistakes, much like anime hero Naruto (though the latter probably doesn’t suffer from back problems as much as the former). Ikaruga (93cm): The classiest dressed of the bunch (but still among the bustiest), this third year student is kind-hearted on the surface, but goes into an unstoppable rage when angered. Katsuragi (95cm): The most “gifted” of the girls, this third year student likes to rock out in her “no bra necktie”, and also likes to sexually harass cute girls. Suffice to say, she’s most likely going to be the fan favorite of the bunch. Yagyu (85cm): Despite being a first year student, Yagyu displays excellent skills (but seems to lack in depth perception, assuming she mistook that umbrella for a sword). Hibari (80cm): The smallest-breasted of the bunch, although you wouldn’t know it by looking at her. This first year is hard working but is also a total klutz. Expect many camera shots zoomed in on her butt as she trips over. Further screenshots can be found below. Despite the emphasis on ninjas, the game actually takes place in modern times, and also features a full-featured story modedepicting the five ninja during their school lives. You’ll also be able to play dress-up with each character with a variety of outfits and hair styles.

New Screenshots (Old Vs New) For Ocarina Of Time 3D

It’s old vs new with these comparative screenshots. See if the updated 3DS version does justice to the N64 original. Don’t let the sudden news of a new HD Nintendo console deter you: while it’s doubtless that many fans are salivating at the prospect of a next gen Zelda game, we still have the re-release of a time-honored classic to look forward to this year (and hopefully Skyward Sword, which may potentially be the Wii’s last major first party title). Just released on the interwebs are new screenshots for the 3DS remake of Ocarina of Time. Each of the new screens are directly taken from scenes that should be mostly familiar to those who played the original, and one source was kind enough to put the two versions of the gameback-to-back for folks to gloss over the graphical differences. Many pivotal moments are shown here, such as Link receiving the ocarina from childhood friend Saria, using said ocarina to establish a bond between farm girl Malon and her horse Epona, and watching a distraught princess Zelda flee from the pursuing Ganondorf. Even at his young age, Link was quite the ladies’ man. The graphical improvements on the 3DS version should be immediately obvious when viewing the screens together, with Link’s model seeing the biggest improvement in detail. Everyone still has enormous bear claws for hands, but otherwise this is looking like a solid update to a beloved classic. Nintendo recently opened the official Japanese homepage for Ocarina of Time 3D, along with a release date of June 16 in its home country. Europe and North America were recently given their own launch dates at June 17th and June 19th, respectively, along with a snazzy gold coated box art(still no word if the cartridge itself will be gold colored, which many oldschool fans are hoping for).

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is available to buy now from:





Goli said:
joshua8 said:
Was this posted twice on purpose??
The title is the same but the content is not so technically it wasn't posted twice.
Oh, sorry, I thought it was the same.
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