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Massive protests in Venezuela leave at least six dead and hundreds arrested.


Jul 8, 2023
A good number of countries pressure the Maduro Government to carry out a transparent count of the votes in Sunday's presidential elections

Protests in Venezuela have intensified due to suspected fraud in the recent presidential elections. At least six deaths and hundreds of arrests have been reported in less than 24 hours, with massive mobilizations in the main cities. The international community demands transparency in the vote counting, but President Nicolás Maduro has shown no signs of wanting to carry it out. The repression has begun, with arrests of opponents and numerous reports of disappearances throughout the country.

International pressure on Maduro continues, with countries such as the United States, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico demanding transparency in the electoral process. Individual sanctions are being considered for Venezuelan officials involved in the fraud. Chavismo has directly threatened opposition leaders such as María Corina Machado and Edmundo González. The fight between Chavismo and the opposition has moved to the streets, with demonstrations and threats from both sides.

Maduro has called on his followers to counter opposition protests, which has generated an escalation of violence. International observers have expressed doubts about the transparency of the electoral process, and the uncontrolled situation in the country has raised fears of a bloodbath. The role of the army is fundamental in these moments of crisis, since its loyalty can be decisive in the outcome of the situation.

Edmundo has urged security forces to respect the will of the people and stop the repression of peaceful demonstrations. The Venezuelan population demands peace and respect for the popular will. The tension in the country is palpable, with an uncertain future and fear of a growing escalation of violence.


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