Your PC is well over 5K and you need a
hackable PS3. Cool story bro
Not only that, but you felt the need to judge my purchase when it wasn't even the main subject nor I was talking to you. If that doesn't set off red flags for envy, I don't know what does. Don't worry, you can afford nice stuff too one day
and if not, well, how about you keep your "precious" advice no one asked for yourself? The anti-Apple and anti-rich mentality is seriously getting out of hand. Literally none of what you've written so far is relevant with the question from the OP.
I know macs and PC's inside out as well as anybody out there. I've been running an online PC business for 7 years that involves building, and selling very high end, custom tailored PC's to customers around the country, and world. PC's that are typically in the $3000-$10,000 range. I have built over 1000 of these high end PC's over the past 7 years. So yeah, I really don't know what I'm talking about. A clueless Apple fanboy knows more, and better
. As for hacking a PS3, and Wii U, I like the flexibility of console gaming when I don't feeling sitting on the PC. The girlfriend prefers playing console games more anyways. Plus, I like the challenge of hacking a lot of things out there.
And... What I said in the above post is very relevant for the questions the OP was asking. For some reason, everything to you is some kind of strange money argument that keeps going back to what you can afford, and what others apparently can't. Sad... Anybody that knows anything about computers, Apple or PC, knows that the newer Macbook Pros are complete garbage in terms of specs, flexibility, etc.. People are paying a lot more for a lot less with Apple these days. Apple is more interested in pleasing the share holders than making computers anymore that are leading with function and form. Steve Jobs never would have approved half the crap that Apple is producing these days. Apple is on it's way downhill, and will probably suffer the same fate that it had when Jobs left the first time. But, in the meantime, Apple can depend on clueless consumers like yourself to lace the pockets of their shareholders. If the OP was smart he would take the advice from somebody that knows a thing or two about computers. Otherwise, with your advice, he will over pay for a computer that puts you in a straight jacket from the start, forces you to use countless adapters/dongles, and tells you to take a hike if you ever want to upgrade/repair the battery, storage, RAM, HDD's, etc...
Oh, and by the way, I'm not anti Apple at all. I'm using a Macbook Pro right now to respond to your messages. I have been an Iphone user since 2008. I also have 2 27" Imacs, and a Mac Mini. Am I envious of your $3000 dongle book pro purchase? Hardly. Obviously, I'm not anti Apple
. What I am is anti-apple stupidity in the post Steve Jobs era