I've been using Luma 3DS for quite a while on my Homebrewed 3DS and have used It from time to time to take screenshots for some of the Games I've been playing, but suddenly the feature stopped working as everytime I try to use the Screenshot feature It gives the same message "Operation Faile (0xc8804478)." and Idk how to fix It, I have tried updating Luma3ds via the Universal Updater Homebrew App but that hasn't fixed the Issue and Im not sure what else to do now so I am asking on here for help!
System model:
[Old 3DS XL]
SysNAND version (+emu/redNAND version if applicable):
[[SYS 11.17.0-50U]
Entrypoint (How/what you're using to boot Luma3DS):
Luma3DS version:
I tested the SD Card using H2testw and It showed no errors, I even double checked using Windows 10's built In Error Checking In the SD Cards Properties, both showed no errors In the SD Card so Im pretty sure the SD Cards not corrupted at least for now but Im still unsure of what the problem Is and still need help!
System model:
[Old 3DS XL]
SysNAND version (+emu/redNAND version if applicable):
[[SYS 11.17.0-50U]
Entrypoint (How/what you're using to boot Luma3DS):
Luma3DS version:
I tested the SD Card using H2testw and It showed no errors, I even double checked using Windows 10's built In Error Checking In the SD Cards Properties, both showed no errors In the SD Card so Im pretty sure the SD Cards not corrupted at least for now but Im still unsure of what the problem Is and still need help!