Here's the deal. I've had an M3 Perfect SD for almost 2 years and love it, it has not given me any trouble so I'd like to stick with the M3 name. I've been looking at the Real recently, but there seem to be a lot of problems with it from what I've seen, but I've also seen good things said about it.
Now the M3 Lite from what I understand, is still a slot-2 which is great, which I'd buy a Passcard 3 with or something (I flashed my original DS with a Passkey 2 back when I got the thing, but I don't want to flash my Lite). First question about this, is, does it use the same software to write ROMs as the original M3 SD did?
Basically I'm just looking for opinions. Price doesn't really make a difference, I was looking on RealHotStuff and the 2 bundles I'd buy are $20 difference in price (The Lite being more), but I'm just looking for the better quality one overall.
Any help appreciated.
Now the M3 Lite from what I understand, is still a slot-2 which is great, which I'd buy a Passcard 3 with or something (I flashed my original DS with a Passkey 2 back when I got the thing, but I don't want to flash my Lite). First question about this, is, does it use the same software to write ROMs as the original M3 SD did?
Basically I'm just looking for opinions. Price doesn't really make a difference, I was looking on RealHotStuff and the 2 bundles I'd buy are $20 difference in price (The Lite being more), but I'm just looking for the better quality one overall.
Any help appreciated.