DarkChili said:
and most importantly... piss off Nintendo
I know your joking with this , but my intention was never to piss off nintendo.
I respect the lads who built this machine as they did a great job with it , and if i ever saw the company in trouble i would make a serious effort to help them out.
I do think they would gain worldwide respect if they decided to allow all hacks on the console once its book shelf life was up (when they reach the target date for end of life) and i think even more wii's would sell if that was done.
I know by contributing to the whole backup loader section i probably have annoyed someone in ninty , but i honestly am not out to piss them off in any way - i just believe that people should have the right to decide to do what they want with devices they have paid for and own.
Respect is a big thing for me on here and i do respect the lads in Nintendo as well for all the work they put into their Wii and the knowledge they have - i also respect anyone who has made an effort to find out more for themselves on here - and the original pioneers of any project get great respect from me.
People like team tweezers , waninkoko , wiigator, wiipower, wiishizza ,Forsaken, Ironmask and well theres loads more , but people who put their wii's on the line to test things out for themselves and others are great assets to this community , to their local community and to the gaming world in general. The even contribute to nintendo by giving them ideas for future releases like homebrew browser type of things.
Anyway , i had my little rant - i dont think we should do things to disrespect anyone , and especially nintendo - they arent really the enemy , but to them we probably are.