1. Could you tell us about your experience with french prostitutes?
2. Gayest game on the DS?
3. Most shameful game you ever played?
1. It was a cool October evening, the ground was frosted but beautiful and ahead of me standing outside of a phone box was a red haired skank who could suck harder than a vampire who has been trapped in an cellar and the only sustenance he has is a singular corpse he has been feeding off for two years. Anyway, I asked her how much would she charge and she said "I need about three fiddy" and we did stuff in the phone box. The next morning I went to the clinic and got a course of antibiotics for whatever she gave me (she had sores on her lips so you know, just being careful. The End.
2. I was gonna say Tingle but that dude got all the girls in that game...WWE Vs Smackdown. So gay.
3. ET on the 2600. "Oh look I'm falling through holes...still falling through holes...ok sod this I'm playing River Raid instead".
1. Would you rather take a shower with red water or green water?
2. How does it feel to be the one answering weird questions now?
3. What car do you drive?
4. Favourite sport?
5. Pick an element from the periodic table of the elements.
6. Caramel or fudge.
8. Oh, and favourite game of all time, like ever.
1. Red.
2. I feel ashamed.
3. The only thing I drive is you lot crazy. I did have a motorbike once though.
4. Snooker.
5. Pd
6. Caramel, fudge can be so misleading.
7. :'(
8. H.E.R.O.
1. Any clue on what we might do for the next Tempcast?
2. Have you seen lagman around lately?
3. Any idea on whether lagman has received his GH3 yet?
4. Any idea about if lagman connected his Wii to the net to accept my Pokemon Snap gift to him?
5. Do questions about lagman turn you on?
6. How much?
7. Explain.
8. If you had to choose between being able to drink alcohol or having sex with lagman just once, which would you choose and why?
9. Are my questions inappropriate?
10. Think anyone cares about the Tempcast?
11. Let me rephrase that: How many people do you think would care if there suddenly were no more episodes of the Tempcast?
12. Do you mind me asking so many questions?
13. Can you tell that I'm bored?
14. Trade?
16. Did you notice?
17. Was it because of answering?
18. OIC
20. I guess I'm done asking questions and then trgh!
1. The Hadrian & VVoltz Show.
2. I saw him last week, he said he loved me more because you don't know the words to all of the Beatles songs.
3. Why do you think we don't see much of him?
4. Face it, he's ignoring you! He has grown tired of you and seeks older men.
5. As much as they do you.
6. Eight.
8. Alcohol then I can pretend to have sex with him and VVoltz. Plus I doubt he'll be as good as in my fantasies, best to just imagine. Hey Ubisoft new game idea!! Imagine Lagman, naked.
9. Yes but I'll get my revenge.
10. The cool people do, the others prefer Gamefaqs.
11. 43.
12. I'm indifferent.
13. Can you tell that I'm board?
14. Swap?
A16. I did notice the notice and then I noticed that it wasn't worth noticing at all. Did you notice?
17. My baby smells of lemon wipes.
18. Organization of the Islamic Conference? Order of the Imitation of Christ? T2UL8er.
20. We're replacing you with JPH.
1. I stalked you, you stalked me, should we now stalk lag or Spikey?
2. I love your articles, you really know and love video games and above all, you like to share your knowledge, would you let me help you writing them some time?
3. I know more about videogames than you?
4. You also know a lot about music, do you like the song Bubbly?, does it make you wrinkle your nose?
5. Hatedrian or hrthdrian?
6. Are you still in La Paz?, if so, would you get me a Salteña, pleeeeeeeease?
7. Do you look forward to the next Hadrian & VVoltz show?
7. Am I asking too much?
1. I think AceGunman is next.
2. Yes but only while you cup one of my bum cheeks.
3. I doubt it.
4. Not really and no.
5. Hrthdrian.
6. No I'm somehwhere else, stalking a certain gunman but I can send you one from Potosí.
7. Yes, I think we should do one LIVE!
7. Not as much as Mr NDS, I need more dammit!
1- Did you know that your sig is misleading? I thought it was a download link but it was just a petition
2- Hadrian or Gaydrian?
3- Don't you think you should be b& for your avatar?
4- Will you marry mthrnite and adopt me?
5- Will you ever come to the statestide?
6- VVoltz or Anti-VVoltz?
1. No not really.
2. Hadrian, Gaydrian is annoying me keeps singing about mthrnite.
3. There are worse out there.
4. Mthrnite is too large for me in the pants so I won't marry him and further more I already have one kid.
5. One day but Japan and Canada are first.
6. Anti-VVoltz pisses me off, I'm gonna send my evil conjoined triplet after him.
1) If you were to be given a chance to relive life knowing the joy of only one console (All memories of all other consoles would be erased) what console would you choose?
2) If you were to be given a chance to relive life knowing the joy of only one GAME (All memories of all other consoles and games would be erased) what game would you choose?
3) What character NOT in SSBB would you like to see in SSBB?
4) Dogs or Cats?
5) That protein based goop they ate in the Matrix or Soylent Green?
6) If you could switch lives with one video game character for one day ... which character would it be and why?
That is all for now....
1. You are cruel :'( but I guess I'll choose the SNES, unless the PC is an option.
2. H.E.R.O
3. Ristar, awesome headbutter.
4. Cats.
5. The goop, too many Plankton have died because of soylent green.
6. An unchained Chomp, then I can go on a rampage killing and destroying things in my way that I dislike and also keep people up all night with my incessant barking.
[M said:
artin,Jan 22 2008, 04:32 AM]I'll be back tomorrow, Haddy, DON'T WORRYZ0RZ!!!
That too far away.