The title says it all really! From what I've read you can do it the other way around, so I'm hoping it's at least theoretically possible! Some flashcarts such as Sky3DS can't boot .cia files.
A converter already exists. Use Google. The conversion tool that allows you to convert a .3ds to a .cia has an option to do the reverse, and it doesn't require xorpads either. The only requirement is that the .cia is not encrypted, but I believe most/all scene .cias are not.
Nice. So can you essentially take a .3DS file that was never a .cia file and convert it to .cia? Wondering since as of now I ordered a gateway but only have a big SD card and only a 8 gig microsd. So would be cool to run most of the stuff off the SD card.
Sky3ds does not support .3ds eshop dumps or conversions!
Oh wow, really? Do they need to be signed with a common key? A lot of tools don't do that.