Homebrew Is it werid that my NID got erased and I can re-create a new one even tho I was banned from that ban wave they did?

HinaNaru Cutie

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
idk anymore..I feel like traveling lol
Alright I do hope people click on this question. Because I want to explain it more clearly since my title doesn't make no dang sense lol. Sorry not good at making up titles :c! BUT! I wanted to ask anyone IF they noticed once they enter the eshop it idk asks you to answer these question like you were a new owner of the 3ds. Like for real new member. When I finally decided to you know visit the eshop (even tho my 3ds is super outdated lets say to 11.3 ow o;; haven't updated yet but i will) it asked me the same questions it asked me when i first owned a 3ds. I thought it was weird so i answered them..guess what happen next? I lost HALF of my games and i had to of course wonder what the hell happened; and i went to settings found out the games were still installed yet they were blacked out like a dark grew shadow appearance were on them and it had an X on them. I thought it was weird so what i did was back up all my save data ( i lost like 2 or more save data but it was okay. First time I actually had to delete everything i was panicking on whether or not it would work on backing up my data but it did) and re-downloaded the games back. It was all good until I recently found out miiverse was ending. Which idk..I used to be VERY active on miiverse until they decided to be an ass and banned me because I was protecting little girls from a pedophile -_-"..no joke the man was asking children for they're ages and if they wanted to be his gf..shit was creepy. I didn't break any rules of course and I made a post warning people and hoping to get the mods attention to get this creep out of miiverse and banned them. But nope. It backfired and i got kicked out miiverse. Story end right? I checked miiverse once more and guess what? It didn't recognize my nintendo id nor my account or profile was on miiverse anymore. It was like i was new to miiverse type of shit. So i am over here like..I've been banned for idk 3 or more years(?). And they finally decided to let me create a new nintendo id account and everything? So i kept on thinking and I found out that since miiverse is gonna end on November. I am assuming that they were unbanning everyone(?) and allowing them to recreate they're nintendo ID accounts again. For they can have fresh new clean ones. I mean..I never knew they did this? Until I found out today. I was actually shocked. Now what i wanted to know IF anyone knew about this experience? Or covered this out already on here?? Do note i am not here that much. Rather i come on really random times; and this is one of them.

Another thing I wish to know is that once miiverse is gone..are they going to take out the dumb nintendo ID shit where its really connected to your games and everything else that you own on the 3ds?? Or are they going to remove that as well and keep it as the old 3ds where you can um do your own thing without having an ID attached to your things. And not having the trouble of being banned and you can't delete your ID or you'll lose everything. Type of shit. If that makes sense??

Sorry if i am not explaining well but i tried to. Wanted to say thank you for reading this if anyone did <3

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
Nintendo network id is part of the system firmware update, unless the update to remove such feature, then no is here to stay. If they release a update to remove miiverse from the system, you could potentially expect the NNID option to be removed, but is not necessary to do so, it records the games purchased under that account so if you need to change systems for some reason you can and keep all digital content without paying again.

HinaNaru Cutie

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
idk anymore..I feel like traveling lol
@Sonic Angel Knight They are going to be removing Miiverse on November its been already made cleared on Miiverse and everywhere else..so yeah I believe that NNID will end as well :T or they will be changing it?? But idk. But I already know all of that stuff I just thought it was odd that I could remake my account for NNID once more..i've been had my 3ds for over more than 1 year..like years now and I always had my same NNID until now its like they delete it or they removed everything of mine and made me a new member of everything. It's crazy to say. But its good? Idk..I'm still guessing that it's mainly because of Miiverse leaving.

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I meant the mii verse app on the 3ds system, they could remove it from the system with a firmware update much like they did with WII u TV app. They could update the system and have it gone from the system home menu or just leave it there, but it won't be able to do anything since the service shut down.

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