My DS doesn't turn on in DS mode.
My touch screen flashes on boot, then turns off. According to my Googling, if a screen flashes, it means the other one doesn't work.
Since my DS is set to play GBA games on the touch screen, GBA games work.
I spilled many sticky liquids on my top screen, and I'm too cheap to buy a new DS/top screen. Is there a way to repair it without buying a replacement part?
My touch screen flashes on boot, then turns off. According to my Googling, if a screen flashes, it means the other one doesn't work.
Since my DS is set to play GBA games on the touch screen, GBA games work.
I spilled many sticky liquids on my top screen, and I'm too cheap to buy a new DS/top screen. Is there a way to repair it without buying a replacement part?