Correction: several conservative governments, including 4 in a row. Well five, if you consider the few days Liz Truss was there.
It all started with Tatcher that did for the country what Reagan did for the US. Introduced neo-liberalism in the government and severely raised inequality.
Her greatest achievement many would say was pulling the Overton Window way right to the point of the Labor Party, the main opposition party electing a neo-liberal light prime minister much like Clinton (well, "illuminated centrist" if you want, formed the "Third Way" - with Clinton). So the opposition to neo-liberalism for years was no more than weaker neo-liberalism.
So the richer became way richer and the poorer, poorer while the public narrative blamed the poor for everyone except the elites becoming poorer and eventually the scapegoating continued to immigrants and foreigners, including people outside the country.
This also eventually led to Brexit, the exit of the UK from the European Union. There were two main reason people voted for: to reduce immigration and to cut the money that was sent to the EU as part of the UK dues. There was also a third aspect that convinced some idiots that was the level of regulation that supposedly stifled the UK economy.
Well, most immigration actually came from ex-commonwealth countries and not the EU and the UK never implemented a proper immigration system after leaving the EU. Why? The conservatives still needed a scapegoat of course (that they made sure to abuse in a vain attempt to keep in power as of late, devising a plan to send immigrants and asylum seekers to Rwanda - it was not practical, safe for these people nor cheap for the country, a purely idiotic sinkhole that was nothing but cruel and money laundering), but what the conservatives wanted more was cheap labour and more importantly to keep the stuff like the national health service alive, the last bastion of a social state that is a national treasure and political suicide to kill altogether. It's in shambles but they can't quite kill it. They hoped to slowly but surely privatize it though.
The money sent to the EU was in fact mostly sent back in social and even entrepreneurship programs, aside infrastructure ones. It was the mediating mean that held together both the poorer communities, I dare to say most of Wales included and kept many smaller businesses alive. The departure from the EU also meant that all businesses that exported to the EU saw their costs rise and had either to accommodate somehow, move abroad (a lot did) or close down (also many lot did). The local buying power dying out also means the local business have trouble surviving on the local market. Is just like the economy is built from the bottom up and not top down, as it trickles up and not down, go figure.
Finally, most regulations that the government wanted to rid the country of where in fact consumer protection, safety or health regulations - although the big prize was economical transparency and anti-tax avoidance. But one of the most notorious result of it was sewers now started to be directly dumped into oceans and rivers, having literal shit everywhere. Some tourism that lived off parts of their coast simply died.
The pinnacle of the conservative blow came with Liz Truss, that decided to shown everyone that the faults of neoliberalism can be solved with more neoliberalism and applied a massive tax cut to the super rich, pretending it would trickle down to everyone. That immediately blew on her face, by crashing the UK economy £30 billion in a single day.
As a goodbye gift, the last conservative PM (not elected) is a headfund manager that grifted his way into government and got out almost a billionaire. There was really no point of the last government than to enrich the grifters before the conservatives were put out of power. And that they did in a historic landslide.
Now here's the kicker: the current government, although led by a human rights lawyer - which is a refreshing sight, considering the last executive committed human rights violations and wanted to go further and reject the International Human Rights Convention - is said by some to be more neoliberal even than Blair. The previous Labour party leader, after years of a smear campaign by the tabloid media - mostly owned by Rupert Murdoch, the same Aussie lovely chap that owns stuff like Fox News - was essentially forced out of the party when it was clear it would govern next - to be replaced by a vague political program that aims to do little of concrete. This is a particular problem in the UK due to not giving the government a mandate to change things and put anything they decide to actually change to be contested by the House of Lords - a very conservative organism.
So the only change to be expected is the end of the political circus but it will be hard to see structural improvements that will rebuild the economy and give the common folk the rebuild the desperately need. Meanwhile the conservative party is in shambles and the third political force, the greatest growth is the far right party, led by one of the grifters responsible for convincing the people to leave the EU.