I have only tested the plugin inside this kernel and do not guarantee availability elsewhere.
This pogoshell plugin integration package, part of the plugin I copied from inside the SimpleLightDE kernel and did some testing, the rest comes from the plugin package put out by the author of another EZ Flash OMEGA Definitive Edition third-party kernel (link to the corresponding kernel: https:/ /github.com/orzgithub/omega-de-kernel_ZaindORp/releases/download/Stable_v5_k1.03/M5K103_ezkernelnew.bin), and some files I found in the archive from some recently updated emulators, as well as from the site linked below. archive (https://web.archive.org/web/20150221154248/http://kuwanger.net/gba/plugin2gba/), and some files from some recently updated emulators, as well as the integration pack I made from some files I found inside the archive linked to at this site below.
Several of the following plugins are still missing at this time:
MADSP for Pogo
by liar
MDA Player
Ogg-GBA (page)
by Inside-cap.com
Ogg Vorbis Player
( shareware, no download link )
ogg pogo <*>
by key
Ogg Vorbis Player
( binary file is dead link yet... )
by Moonlight
Movie Player ???
Here is how the pogoshell plugin works as I tested it on an EZ Flash OMEGA Definitive Edition burn-in card:
ap - aPlib compression mode 3 bitmap, you can view ap format images, soft reset function need to hold down L + R or press B alone to achieve back to the burn card menu, but this operation may lead to trigger EZODE burn card kernel upgrade, it is recommended that after upgrading the burn card kernel and delete the kernel file and then use it.
Copy the GBATemp forum SimpleDE kernel V1.4 plug-in package inside the thing, should be the Simple kernel author of their own pogoshell plug-in Emerson Arcadia 2001 mainframe emulator (Advcadia 0.15, the time is 2019), you can press L + R to open the emulator menu to select the Soft reset after exiting the option to return to the burn-in card menu, and the simulation is pretty good.
bgf - BoyScout module, you can play music in bgf format, press B to soft reset directly back to the burn-in card menu. (No related music collection found yet)
plug-in that can be used to view BMP pictures, BMP pictures only support quality below 24-bit true color, can't soft reset back to the burn-in card menu during picture viewing and displaying, press B to display a part of the picture will be lost, and you can only shut down and restart the computer.
c8.mb, ch8.mb, xo8.mb, sc8.mb (probably only c8 format can run, the remaining 3 formats can not necessarily support)
Copy the GBATemp forum SimpleDE kernel V1.4 plug-in package inside the thing, should be the Simple kernel author of their own to do a Chip-8 emulator pogoshell plug-in (Chip8adv 0.4, the time for 2019), you can press L + R to open the emulator menu to select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu! , and the simulation works great.
ColecoVision emulator Cologne 0.8, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option and then soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
CWZ music (I don't know exactly what it is, but it's included in PogoShell 1.2)
Sega GG handheld emulator SMSAdvance V2.5, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
jpg.bin, jpeg.bin
Plugins for viewing jpg and jpeg images (not sure if it's the pogojpeg plugin), press L+R to soft reset back to the burner menu.
k3m - Krawall advanced sound, can play music in k3m format, can't soft reset back to the burner menu during playback.
lz - LZ77 compressed image, if you don't want to see the image after opening it, you can press the B button to soft reset back to the burner menu.
Music format for Sharp X68000, can play music in mba format, can't soft reset to return to burn card menu during playback.
mid.bin, midi.bin
Quoted from pogomidi plugin version V0.91, can be used to play midi music, can't soft reset during playback to return to the burner card menu, and press the B key will stop playback directly to the white screen, can only shutdown and restart.
.mod - ProTracker module file, I don't have this format file, I can't test it.
ngc.mb, ngp.mb, ngpc.mb
NGP+NGPC emulator NGPAdvance V0.3 (released on October 1, 2008), you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn card menu, but the subsequent maintenance of this emulator to update the January 2024 version can not be called properly, can only be put on this outdated version.
Modified by Kuwanger based on pogonef, modified version for pogonef-d, can be used to play NSF format music, press the B button / START button can be replayed, but will be a white screen, and can not be soft reset during playback to return to the burn-in card menu, you can only shut down and restart.
pce.mb, iso.mb
PCE emulator PCEAdvance version 7.5, updated on October 14, 2005, here is the pogoPCE version, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn card menu.
.pcx - ZSoft Paintbrush PCX image, you can view PCX format images and press B to return to the burn-in card menu.
pdb.gba, book.gba
A plug-in called Pixie, says it can view .pdb and .book format text reader, I don't have these two formats of files to test it
MSX emulator MSXAdvance V0.4 (here pogomsx0.4 version), only support MSX1 games, MSX2 does not support, you can press L + R to open the emulator menu to select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn card menu.
sb - MaxMod sound library, can play music in this format, I can't test without this format file.
sfc.bin, smc.bin
SFC emulator SNES Advance version 0.1F, only XY key functions via key combinations, the plugin is always in splash screen unable to enter the game.
Sega SG-1000 console emulator SMSAdvance V2.5, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option and then soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
Sega Master System host emulator SMSAdvance V2.5, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option and then soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
sv - Watara Supervision ROM file (Wasabi), referenced from WasabiGBA V0.2.4, updated April 9, 2024, which can be soft reset to return to the burner card menu after pressing L+R to open the emulator menu and selecting the exit option.
pogoshell's ps2txt plugin, can view TXT files, but does not support Chinese display, only Japanese and English, you can press L+R to soft reset back to the burner menu.
vga - aPlib compressed SMS/GG music file, can play the format of the music, I do not have the format of the file can not test!
vgl - LZ77 compressed SMS/GG music file, can play the music format, I don't have this format file to test it
I copied the GBA VGM Player 2006 plugin from the SimpleDE kernel V1.4 plugin package from the GBATemp forum, because the VGM plugin of the same name in the kernel shared by Rainfall can't be played, but this VGM plugin in the SimpleDE kernel can be played (although the sound quality is not good and the original effect can't be restored), and this plugin can't be played during the playback. This plug-in can not be played during the process of pressing the key combination soft reset to return to the burning card menu.
version 0.02 of pogoshell's ps2gsm plugin, can be used to support playing music in WAV format, and you can press L+R to return to the burner menu with a soft reset. (I converted a song to 22050 bit mono wav file by myself, the real machine reported error directly and could not be played)
ws.gba and wsc.gba
Quoted from the January 2024 update of the WS+WSC emulator SwanGBA 0.6.5, although it still doesn't run very efficiently, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
Copied from the SimpleDE Kernel V1.4 plugin package from GBATemp forum, the corresponding emulator is ZXAdvance 1.0.1a (used to emulate the ZX Spectrum model) released in 2002-2003, there is a not so nice animation every time I start it up, and this emulator can't be reset softly to go back to the burn-in card menu.
The file inside the kernel plugin package shared by Rainfall, corresponding to the plugin GBAFrotz, which runs Z-Machine games written in the zcode programming language. (In order to use Frotz for PogoShell, you need to have a keyb.dat in the root directory, which I've included)
FC emulator PocketNES, updated for 20130701
gb.gba, gbc.gba
GB, GBC emulator Jagoombacolor V0.5 updated for 2022
This pogoshell plugin integration package, part of the plugin I copied from inside the SimpleLightDE kernel and did some testing, the rest comes from the plugin package put out by the author of another EZ Flash OMEGA Definitive Edition third-party kernel (link to the corresponding kernel: https:/ /github.com/orzgithub/omega-de-kernel_ZaindORp/releases/download/Stable_v5_k1.03/M5K103_ezkernelnew.bin), and some files I found in the archive from some recently updated emulators, as well as from the site linked below. archive (https://web.archive.org/web/20150221154248/http://kuwanger.net/gba/plugin2gba/), and some files from some recently updated emulators, as well as the integration pack I made from some files I found inside the archive linked to at this site below.
Several of the following plugins are still missing at this time:
MADSP for Pogo
by liar
MDA Player
Ogg-GBA (page)
by Inside-cap.com
Ogg Vorbis Player
( shareware, no download link )
ogg pogo <*>
by key
Ogg Vorbis Player
( binary file is dead link yet... )
by Moonlight
Movie Player ???
Here is how the pogoshell plugin works as I tested it on an EZ Flash OMEGA Definitive Edition burn-in card:
ap - aPlib compression mode 3 bitmap, you can view ap format images, soft reset function need to hold down L + R or press B alone to achieve back to the burn card menu, but this operation may lead to trigger EZODE burn card kernel upgrade, it is recommended that after upgrading the burn card kernel and delete the kernel file and then use it.
Copy the GBATemp forum SimpleDE kernel V1.4 plug-in package inside the thing, should be the Simple kernel author of their own pogoshell plug-in Emerson Arcadia 2001 mainframe emulator (Advcadia 0.15, the time is 2019), you can press L + R to open the emulator menu to select the Soft reset after exiting the option to return to the burn-in card menu, and the simulation is pretty good.
bgf - BoyScout module, you can play music in bgf format, press B to soft reset directly back to the burn-in card menu. (No related music collection found yet)
plug-in that can be used to view BMP pictures, BMP pictures only support quality below 24-bit true color, can't soft reset back to the burn-in card menu during picture viewing and displaying, press B to display a part of the picture will be lost, and you can only shut down and restart the computer.
c8.mb, ch8.mb, xo8.mb, sc8.mb (probably only c8 format can run, the remaining 3 formats can not necessarily support)
Copy the GBATemp forum SimpleDE kernel V1.4 plug-in package inside the thing, should be the Simple kernel author of their own to do a Chip-8 emulator pogoshell plug-in (Chip8adv 0.4, the time for 2019), you can press L + R to open the emulator menu to select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu! , and the simulation works great.
ColecoVision emulator Cologne 0.8, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option and then soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
CWZ music (I don't know exactly what it is, but it's included in PogoShell 1.2)
Sega GG handheld emulator SMSAdvance V2.5, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
jpg.bin, jpeg.bin
Plugins for viewing jpg and jpeg images (not sure if it's the pogojpeg plugin), press L+R to soft reset back to the burner menu.
k3m - Krawall advanced sound, can play music in k3m format, can't soft reset back to the burner menu during playback.
lz - LZ77 compressed image, if you don't want to see the image after opening it, you can press the B button to soft reset back to the burner menu.
Music format for Sharp X68000, can play music in mba format, can't soft reset to return to burn card menu during playback.
mid.bin, midi.bin
Quoted from pogomidi plugin version V0.91, can be used to play midi music, can't soft reset during playback to return to the burner card menu, and press the B key will stop playback directly to the white screen, can only shutdown and restart.
.mod - ProTracker module file, I don't have this format file, I can't test it.
ngc.mb, ngp.mb, ngpc.mb
NGP+NGPC emulator NGPAdvance V0.3 (released on October 1, 2008), you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn card menu, but the subsequent maintenance of this emulator to update the January 2024 version can not be called properly, can only be put on this outdated version.
Modified by Kuwanger based on pogonef, modified version for pogonef-d, can be used to play NSF format music, press the B button / START button can be replayed, but will be a white screen, and can not be soft reset during playback to return to the burn-in card menu, you can only shut down and restart.
pce.mb, iso.mb
PCE emulator PCEAdvance version 7.5, updated on October 14, 2005, here is the pogoPCE version, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn card menu.
.pcx - ZSoft Paintbrush PCX image, you can view PCX format images and press B to return to the burn-in card menu.
pdb.gba, book.gba
A plug-in called Pixie, says it can view .pdb and .book format text reader, I don't have these two formats of files to test it
MSX emulator MSXAdvance V0.4 (here pogomsx0.4 version), only support MSX1 games, MSX2 does not support, you can press L + R to open the emulator menu to select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn card menu.
sb - MaxMod sound library, can play music in this format, I can't test without this format file.
sfc.bin, smc.bin
SFC emulator SNES Advance version 0.1F, only XY key functions via key combinations, the plugin is always in splash screen unable to enter the game.
Sega SG-1000 console emulator SMSAdvance V2.5, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option and then soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
Sega Master System host emulator SMSAdvance V2.5, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option and then soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
sv - Watara Supervision ROM file (Wasabi), referenced from WasabiGBA V0.2.4, updated April 9, 2024, which can be soft reset to return to the burner card menu after pressing L+R to open the emulator menu and selecting the exit option.
pogoshell's ps2txt plugin, can view TXT files, but does not support Chinese display, only Japanese and English, you can press L+R to soft reset back to the burner menu.
vga - aPlib compressed SMS/GG music file, can play the format of the music, I do not have the format of the file can not test!
vgl - LZ77 compressed SMS/GG music file, can play the music format, I don't have this format file to test it
I copied the GBA VGM Player 2006 plugin from the SimpleDE kernel V1.4 plugin package from the GBATemp forum, because the VGM plugin of the same name in the kernel shared by Rainfall can't be played, but this VGM plugin in the SimpleDE kernel can be played (although the sound quality is not good and the original effect can't be restored), and this plugin can't be played during the playback. This plug-in can not be played during the process of pressing the key combination soft reset to return to the burning card menu.
version 0.02 of pogoshell's ps2gsm plugin, can be used to support playing music in WAV format, and you can press L+R to return to the burner menu with a soft reset. (I converted a song to 22050 bit mono wav file by myself, the real machine reported error directly and could not be played)
ws.gba and wsc.gba
Quoted from the January 2024 update of the WS+WSC emulator SwanGBA 0.6.5, although it still doesn't run very efficiently, you can press L+R to open the emulator menu and select the exit option after a soft reset to return to the burn-in card menu.
Copied from the SimpleDE Kernel V1.4 plugin package from GBATemp forum, the corresponding emulator is ZXAdvance 1.0.1a (used to emulate the ZX Spectrum model) released in 2002-2003, there is a not so nice animation every time I start it up, and this emulator can't be reset softly to go back to the burn-in card menu.
The file inside the kernel plugin package shared by Rainfall, corresponding to the plugin GBAFrotz, which runs Z-Machine games written in the zcode programming language. (In order to use Frotz for PogoShell, you need to have a keyb.dat in the root directory, which I've included)
FC emulator PocketNES, updated for 20130701
gb.gba, gbc.gba
GB, GBC emulator Jagoombacolor V0.5 updated for 2022
Last edited by WanderingHunter,