I guess we can't delete our own posts. I wish I could.
Like this post: https://gbatemp.net/threads/anyone-else-have-a-needy-animal.485417/#post-7606131
I want to delete it.
Why do I want to delete it? Because I have a stupid problem.
It's not because it was a stupid pointless post that I only made to try and increase my post count (even though that's exactly what it was).
It's because my post count is 9, you see.
My post count has been 9 for about 5 years.
See: https://gbatemp.net/members/mr_reaper.433581/
So I only post on the Edge of the Forum. Because all the posts here are meaningless and don't increase my post count. I never want to have more than 9 posts.
But now I am tempted to make a post in another part of the forum.... For this upcoming contest full of Fabulous Prizes!!!
Woooow, $2000 worth of said Fabulous Prizes!!!
... but I can't enter it because of my very stupid problem.
My post count would go over 9 if I posted in a thread to enter that contest.....
Even worse, it looks like there will be 4 different threads where I would have to post.
That would make my post count go all the way to.... **counts on fingers** 14
So that's why I wish my old spam post could be deleted, to decrease my post count to 8 so I could then post in one of the contest threads to enter for a chance to win Fabulous Prizes!!!
Well, I guess I really need to examine my priorities....
Should I stupidly cling to a completely meaningless, pointless, worthless number in order to have "9 posts" for absolutely no reason whatsoever....
Or should I just say, "to hell with it," and post in the contest threads for a chance to win some completely amazing Fabulous Prizes!!!! for free?
.... Well, see you guys after Halloween, when I will still definitely have 9 posts....
I told you it was a very stupid problem!
Like this post: https://gbatemp.net/threads/anyone-else-have-a-needy-animal.485417/#post-7606131
I want to delete it.
Why do I want to delete it? Because I have a stupid problem.
It's not because it was a stupid pointless post that I only made to try and increase my post count (even though that's exactly what it was).
It's because my post count is 9, you see.
My post count has been 9 for about 5 years.
See: https://gbatemp.net/members/mr_reaper.433581/
So I only post on the Edge of the Forum. Because all the posts here are meaningless and don't increase my post count. I never want to have more than 9 posts.
But now I am tempted to make a post in another part of the forum.... For this upcoming contest full of Fabulous Prizes!!!
Woooow, $2000 worth of said Fabulous Prizes!!!
... but I can't enter it because of my very stupid problem.
My post count would go over 9 if I posted in a thread to enter that contest.....
Even worse, it looks like there will be 4 different threads where I would have to post.
That would make my post count go all the way to.... **counts on fingers** 14
So that's why I wish my old spam post could be deleted, to decrease my post count to 8 so I could then post in one of the contest threads to enter for a chance to win Fabulous Prizes!!!
Well, I guess I really need to examine my priorities....
Should I stupidly cling to a completely meaningless, pointless, worthless number in order to have "9 posts" for absolutely no reason whatsoever....
Or should I just say, "to hell with it," and post in the contest threads for a chance to win some completely amazing Fabulous Prizes!!!! for free?
.... Well, see you guys after Halloween, when I will still definitely have 9 posts....
I told you it was a very stupid problem!