UPDATE 2013-01-03: Patches updated to allow installation of hidden titles now. (was still broken with error -1017 with older patches)
Thanks to FIX94 for bringing this issue to my attention, so I could fix it
IOS236 Installer also updated with these patches.
Well, I am sure that thread title caught your attention Well, maybe.
With the release of HBC v1.1.1 (v1.1.2 now) (for those who do not know of this, links here, here and here), access to AHBPROT-related features is now available on the vWii of the Wii U.
So anyways, I installed the new HBC this morning, but unable to make a NAND dump due to BootMii being unable to be installed on the vWii. However, I managed to fully dump the entire unencrypted contents of my Wii U's vWii NAND using WiiPower+Nicksasa's old FS Toolbox app, which I had modified to add in support for AHBPROT runtime IOS patching so it would actually work in vWii. The main reason I wanted to dump the NAND contents was to have a look at the vWii IOS, especially due to them being hardcoded to throw error -1017 if trying to install a system title, and I wanted to try patch that out.
FS Toolbox MOD dol+src here, use it at your own risk! Could brick vWii if you do not know what you are doing.
So I managed to get what I wanted, and after a while messing around in IDA (despite me not really having much coding or reverse engineering knowledge), I managed to find out where this new IOS "feature" was, and managed to create a few patches that, when applied via either AHBPROT supporting app, or by hex editing the ES IOS module then rewriting it to NAND, will then allow that vWii IOS to be able to install system titles like IOS once more (and presumably system menu too, but I am too scared to try that right now, since I do not have any way to recover vWii if it does not like that).
UPDATE 2012-12-11: (Patches updated, should work for all versions of vWii IOS now)
So, here are the patches I made, 3 in total, must apply all 3 to ES module in IOS (well technically 5, pt1 and pt2 patches get applied twice each)
Modified iospatch.c for AHBPROT apps with these added patches here. <- link updated 2013-01-03, updated with v3 of my patch.
Now that we can install IOS wads on vWii, what can we do?
Well, here is where that big "But..." in the thread title comes in.
Answer is, not much at all, at least not yet.
You can install older IOS (and cIOS if you have signature patch enabled too), but you cannot do much with them. I have not tested any with games, so do not know what would happen there, but just testing them out in Multi-Mod Manager (WiiMod would blackscreen on me every time I tried loading it with AHBPROT support on vWii... do not know why), I noticed that both older Wii IOS, and cIOS, which are based on them, you can reload to them, and perform basic things (like navigate around the app for example), but nothing really too awesome.
However, every time you try to initialize SD or USB with either old Wii IOS or cIOS, they would crash, freezing the Wii U, which is of course no real use at all. Also, for me, it seemed that initializing network abilities is not doable with these either. Trying did not freeze the Wii U like initiializing SD or USB did, but just "failed to initialize network" error message in apps.
So, long story short, these patches allow Wii U vWii IOS to install system titles once again, no more error -1017. Do so at your own risk though. You can reload to older IOS, but can not use many features without them crashing and freezing up the Wii U. For things like USB Loaders to work on Wii U vWii, I believe things like d2x cIOS would have to be updated to support using vWii IOS as bases for vWii cIOS.
...I think that sums it all up. Well, enjoy!
UPDATE 2012-01-03:
IOS236 installer updated with new v3 patches: here
Thanks to FIX94 for bringing this issue to my attention, so I could fix it
IOS236 Installer also updated with these patches.
Well, I am sure that thread title caught your attention Well, maybe.
With the release of HBC v1.1.1 (v1.1.2 now) (for those who do not know of this, links here, here and here), access to AHBPROT-related features is now available on the vWii of the Wii U.
So anyways, I installed the new HBC this morning, but unable to make a NAND dump due to BootMii being unable to be installed on the vWii. However, I managed to fully dump the entire unencrypted contents of my Wii U's vWii NAND using WiiPower+Nicksasa's old FS Toolbox app, which I had modified to add in support for AHBPROT runtime IOS patching so it would actually work in vWii. The main reason I wanted to dump the NAND contents was to have a look at the vWii IOS, especially due to them being hardcoded to throw error -1017 if trying to install a system title, and I wanted to try patch that out.
FS Toolbox MOD dol+src here, use it at your own risk! Could brick vWii if you do not know what you are doing.
So I managed to get what I wanted, and after a while messing around in IDA (despite me not really having much coding or reverse engineering knowledge), I managed to find out where this new IOS "feature" was, and managed to create a few patches that, when applied via either AHBPROT supporting app, or by hex editing the ES IOS module then rewriting it to NAND, will then allow that vWii IOS to be able to install system titles like IOS once more (and presumably system menu too, but I am too scared to try that right now, since I do not have any way to recover vWii if it does not like that).
UPDATE 2012-12-11: (Patches updated, should work for all versions of vWii IOS now)
So, here are the patches I made, 3 in total, must apply all 3 to ES module in IOS (well technically 5, pt1 and pt2 patches get applied twice each)
Kill_AntiSysTitleInstallv3_pt1 <- must patch 2 instances of this pattern!
Kill_AntiSysTitleInstallv3_pt2 <- must patch 2 instances of this pattern!
Modified iospatch.c for AHBPROT apps with these added patches here. <- link updated 2013-01-03, updated with v3 of my patch.
Now that we can install IOS wads on vWii, what can we do?
Well, here is where that big "But..." in the thread title comes in.
Answer is, not much at all, at least not yet.
You can install older IOS (and cIOS if you have signature patch enabled too), but you cannot do much with them. I have not tested any with games, so do not know what would happen there, but just testing them out in Multi-Mod Manager (WiiMod would blackscreen on me every time I tried loading it with AHBPROT support on vWii... do not know why), I noticed that both older Wii IOS, and cIOS, which are based on them, you can reload to them, and perform basic things (like navigate around the app for example), but nothing really too awesome.
However, every time you try to initialize SD or USB with either old Wii IOS or cIOS, they would crash, freezing the Wii U, which is of course no real use at all. Also, for me, it seemed that initializing network abilities is not doable with these either. Trying did not freeze the Wii U like initiializing SD or USB did, but just "failed to initialize network" error message in apps.
So, long story short, these patches allow Wii U vWii IOS to install system titles once again, no more error -1017. Do so at your own risk though. You can reload to older IOS, but can not use many features without them crashing and freezing up the Wii U. For things like USB Loaders to work on Wii U vWii, I believe things like d2x cIOS would have to be updated to support using vWii IOS as bases for vWii cIOS.
...I think that sums it all up. Well, enjoy!
UPDATE 2012-01-03:
IOS236 installer updated with new v3 patches: here