Tutorial  Updated

How to use a larger than 2TB Hard Drive dual parition (Seagate version)

Usual External USB disks wil not allow you to get a MBR partition bigger than 2TB but I succeeded to use a 16TB working on PS3 with specific Seagate disks.
I made a guide where I explain everything for Wii, and if you want to use a single partition FAT32 on PS3 just follow the same guide here

But if you don't want to split your iso or for any other reason you want a dual partition FAT 32 + NTFS there is some specific details you should now to make it work. You need to follow the previous guide (verify you have the right disk) and stop before the finalize partition section, then follow this one.

How to set a dual partition on large drives for PS3 :

I use the software MiniTool Partition Wizard (MTPW) to do the job, for some reason EaseUS Partition Manager won't let me create Partitions bigger than 2TB. (if you know why tell me)
  • Delete all partitions (obviously backup your disk before if you take the guide from here)
  • Initialize the disk in MBR (right click on the disk, initialize as MBR, if asked choose the windows XP mode)

  • Create a single partition on FAT32 as Primary the size you want (FAT 32 needs to be the first partition) but keep in mind MTPW will only allow you 8TB partition (if you know how to avoid this or a better software pls mp me as extending the partition mess up a bit the partition)


  • If you want your FAT 32 partition to be bigger. Create a second partition of the missing size. On my example I want to create a 12TB FAT32 partition so I recreate another 4TB partition.


  • Then create the 3rd partition NTFS with what's left, always primary, and 4ko cluster size. In my example there is only 2,6 left due to the approximation 1000=1024 bytes.


  • Now delete the 2nd partition and extend the first partition FAT32 to match the limit of the NTFS partition. (right click on the first partition and extend partition, note that extending the partiton can corrupt the drive and you can loose all data, but for now we don't have any data, plus the PS3 won't read it so we will have to format it again).


  • Apply on the changes in MiniTool Partition Wizard (make sure you didn't misslick on another drive and accidentaly delete your shameful collection of your childhood cartoons)
  • Then use the FAT32 GUI Formatter (64-bit link : http://ridgecrop.co.uk/guiformat-x64.Exe )
  • Select the FAT32 partition, put the right allocation unit size and perform a quick format (most likely 65536)
The right allocation size should be
32ko between 2TB and 4TB​
64ko between 4TB and 8TB​
128ko further theorically but the software won't allow it and MTPW will force it to 256ko which doesn't work for the PS3 so I stick with 64Ko and it works for me (if you know a software that allow you 128ko pm me)​


If you get the failed to open device error 32, just close MTPW and all windows explorer and start again.


If your drive is not recognized once it is on and USB enclosure, consider trying another one as I find some will not work with 4K sector size.

Keep in mind you might have difficulties to make the your loader recognize the disk, with my recomandations of 65K cluster size for FAT32 and 4K cluster size for NTFS it should work but if not, try to modify the cluster size.
multiMAN is an old software, he will recognize the disk but with some defaults. For example it will not display the true size of the drive


The JB games will work but the ISO will show but won't work on multiman and I didn't find any way to make it work


I suggest you use webMAN MOD it will all work correctly.
Here you go, you got tons of place to put whatever you want on your console.

Any correction is gladly appreciated. Cheers
Last edited by Al_Touriste,


Gungan Philosopher
Sep 8, 2019
United States
Nice guide but you should point out that this is for External hdd only.
thanks for the info that changes my opinion on use. ps3netserver for me is easier to mange than an external hdd power wise and having an extra hd sit on the desk. i thought there was some seagate 16tb laptop drive that fit the ps3 bay that would work eternally. that is the only way something like this would remove ps3netserver from being the way for me
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Has A Very Big
Jan 11, 2021
United States
thanks for the info that changes my opinion on use. ps3netserver for me is easier to mange than an external hdd power wise and having an extra hd sit on the desk. i thought there was some seagate 16tb laptop drive that fit the ps3 bay that would work eternally. that is the only way something like this would remove ps3netserver from being the way for me
Yes 1.5tb is the max size internal hdd the PS3 can use. You can install larger drives, but only 1.5tb can be used of it.
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Reactions: Al_Touriste

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