How to set up ISFShax

Special Thanks to @rw-r-r_0644 for finding and implementing ISFShax.


Although this is in use by many users and has proven itself as safe and reliable, you still use this at your own risk. Messing with the isfs superblocks is dangerous and can brick your Wii U. Make sure to make a SLC backup before installing isfshax (included in the guide). If something goes wrong, you will need defuse to restore this backup. The superblock linked here was tested and confirmed working. Installing an broken superblock will brick your Wii U.
Also keep in mind: if you are restoring a old SLC backup, which was taken before installing ISFShax, ISFShax will be removed by restoring that backup. Newer versions of minute try to preserve ISFShax when restoring the SLC.

To protect against Nintendo pushing a boot1 update (very unlikely, but you newer know), which would brick a console with ISFShax, boot1 updates get blocked by the 5isfshax.ipx plugin. Older versions did block system updates in general. If you need to do a system update, make sure you have the latest version of said plugin.


02.02.2025 - website
26.01.2025 - Remove updatre block
20.01.2025 - Removed encrypted fw.img due to update fw_img_loader and changed file names
13.07.2024 - No longer require the wiiu/root.rpx. Replace Tiramisu with Aroma as default. Add Haxchi as Entry Exploit.
04.04.2024 - Add Fastboot
13.03.2024 - System updates now get blocked by the wafel_isfshax_patch.ipx plugin.
29.12.2023 - Standby Services are now supported. For that to work you need to have the latests ISFShax superblock installed and need to use the latest minute fw.img and wafel_core.ipx. Also autoboot needs to be enabled.

What is this for?

ISFShax exploits boot1 with specially crafted ISFS (the filesystem of the SLC) superblock. Once installed, ISFShax provides similar capabilities to defuse. Since it launches before IOSU, it can be used to apply early patches to IOSU and can be used to fix most bricks. But it won't protect you of bricks caused by: breaking boot1, seeprom bricks or installing a broken ISFShax superblock. ISFShax also doesn't help you if you already bricked the Wii U.
Use cases are:

Choosing the Exploit

Don't forget to download the files below, before juming to the exploit specific instructions.

There are multiple ways to launch the ISFShax installer:
If you already have Tiramisu or Aroma installed and can launch it follow the Instructions for Aroma
If you already have Haxchi or CBHC installed follow Instructions for Haxchi
If the Browser still works and you can launch the browser exploit follow the Instructions for Browser
If you can't access the Browser, but Settings still work follow Instructions for DNSpresso
If you your Wii U crashes in the initial setup on Mii creation follow Instructions for DNSpresso
If your Wii U can't launch the browser anymore or can't connect to the internet follow the Instructions for UDPIH

Preparing the SD card

Windows hides file name extension by default. I highly recommend turning this feature off to avoid confusion (also it's a good idea in general to see what type of you are dealing with):

Make sure the SD card is formatted to FAT32 (already the case if you are using it for Homebrew). You can use guiformat for that.

A zip archive with all the files required can be downloaded here:
Extract it and move everything inside the sd folder to the root of the SD card. If asked, merge folders and replace existing files.

If you are upgrading an existing ISFShax setup: make sure to clean out the ios_plugins directory, since file names did change. These files need to be deleted, if they exist: wafel_core.ipx,wafel_isfshax_patch.ipx, 0core.ipx, 6isfshax.ipx.

You can a also download all the files manually from the git repos:
Get the following files and put them in the root of the SD. Choose the release tagged with "Latest" for each. / is the path seperator wiiu/payload.elf for example means: have a folder wiiu and put the file payload.elf inside.

Instead of downloading all the files manually, you can now use the isfsh-downloader script from the attached file to download all files automatically.

If you have already ISFShax files from a previous install on the SD, make sure you clean out wiiu/ios_plugins before, some file names changed and you don't want duplicates

MethodNamefile namePath on SDLinkComment
AllISFShax installerios.imgios.img
AllISFSHax superblocksuperblock.img
AllISFShax patch5isfshax.ipxwiiu/ios_plugins/5isfshax.ipx
Browser DNSpresso
fw.img loaderpayload.elfwiiu/payloads/fw_img_loader/payload.elf be replaced if it already exists on the SD
Browser DNSpresso
DNSpressoPayloadFromRPXroot.rpxlaunch.rpx the zip
UDPIHminute boot1boot1.imgboot1now.img
UDPIHrecovery menurecovery_menurecovery_menu
Haxchifw.img loaderwiiu/apps/fw_img_loader/*wiiu/apps/fw_img_loader and keeps structure

The structure on the SD should look like this:
boot1now.img (UDPIH Only)
recovery_menu  (UDPIH Only)
launch.rpx (DNSpresso Only)
    payload.elf (Browser, DNSpresso, and Aroma Only)
    payloads (Browser, DNSpresso, and Aroma Only)
        fw_img_loader (Haxchi Only)

Launching into minute

This step heavily depends on the used Exploit.

  1. Hold B on the Gamepad while booting (if coldboot is enabled) or launching the H&S app
  2. A black and white menu should show up asking you to choose a payload.
  3. Select fw_img_loader

  1. Load the Homebrew Launcher
  2. Start the fw.img loader app

  1. Open the Browser and browse to
  2. Click on "HAXX"
  3. Immediately hold B until you see the payload menu
  4. select the fw_img_loader

If you can a access the settings:
  1. just follow these instructions to trigger the exploit (you already have the right files on the SD):
  2. Immediately hold B after starting the test until you see the payload menu
  3. select the fw_img_loader

If you are stuck on the Mii creation in the Inital setup:
  1. If you already connected your Wii U to your AP / Router, turn the AP / Router or the Wifi on it off.
  2. When the setup asks you if you already have a NNID, say yes (even if you don't have one)
  3. Now it tries to connect to the Internet, but will fail and ask you to take you back to the Wifi settings, follow back to thge settings.
  4. Turn your Router / AP on again and give it time to start.
  5. If you don't already have your Wifi configured there, connect to it now, but enter a wrong password.
  6. Edit your wifi connection and configure as Primary DNS, if you entered a wrong password before set the right one now.
  7. Press (B) Back and select Connection Test.
  8. Immediately hold B after starting the test until you see the payload menu
  9. select the fw_img_loader

  1. Load the recovery using UDPIH: (don't replace the recovery_menu)
  2. The LED should turn purple and a countdown timer for loading boot1now.img should appear, wait the 5 seconds
  3. Unplug the Pico
Note: If the LED turned purple, the UDPIH exploit worked, even if you don't see anything on the screen

Now you should see the minute main menu. If not, something went wrong. Make sure you have the correct fw.img file on the SD.
In minute you move the cursor with the power button and enter with the eject button (swapped compared to the recovery menu).

ISFShax isn't installed yet! minute is just loaded temporarily and gone after a reboot.

Note: minute only outputs 1080p through HDMI, no picture on the gamepad, and nothing on the analog outputs.
Some people reported that the screen output is not working for them when minute was loaded from the recovery_menu. If you made sure nothing else is the problem (right fw.img, TV supports 1080p HDMI), you can try following along blindly by pressing the appropriate buttons. Make sure to wait long enough between the presses, so the system has time to load. Without display output skip the first backup and go directly to Installing ISFShax.

minute main menu​


  1. Navigate to Backup and Restore
  2. Dump SEEPROM & OTP
  3. Dump SLC.RAW
  4. Return to Main Menu

Installing ISFShax

  1. Choose Boot `ios.img` (6x Power, 1x Eject)
  2. Now the ISFShax installer should launch (this takes a few seconds)
  3. Follow the Instructions on the screen, the buttons are the same as in minute. (3x Eject, 1x Power, 3x Eject)
  4. The console should now turn off.
  5. If the install was successful the Wii U should directly start into minute and the power LED on the console will be purple, once you turn it on.

successful isfshax install​

Backup ISFShax

Dump the SLC.RAW again. This will overwrite the previous SLC.RAW file on the SD. This is required if you need to restore the SLC for unbricking, without loosing ISFShax. Keep that backup in a safe place.


If you came here from the redNAND, the MLC rebuild or the Region Change guide continue with that tutorial now.

For now your Wii U loads minute (fw.img), which then applies the required patches from SD card. (IOSU needs to be patched, so it doesn't fall over the ISFShax superblock).
To boot into the Wii U OS select Patch (sd) and boot IOS (slc) <-- This is the third option, not the first!

If your console just bootloops through minute over and over again, you are probably coldbooting Aroma and replaced the wiiu/payload.elf with the fw_img loader. Just replace the wiiu/payload.elf again with the Aroma one (applies to Tiramisu too).

To make the Wii U booting automatically, without you having to press any buttons in the minute menu, you have to complete the "Autobooting with SD" section further down.

Aroma / Tiramisu

  1. If you are already coldbooting Aroma / Tiramisu, undo the Autobooting:
  2. To install Aroma or Tiramisu put the corresponding files on the SD.
    Aroma: (You don't need to have install Tiramisu to have Aroma, also the FTPiiU plugin will become handy later)
  3. Put the 5payldr.ipx in the ios_plugins folder (if you used the downloader, the plugin is already installed)

Booting without SD

This step is optional but recommended. Now the Wii U will boot like normal without the SD. To achive that ISFShax applies a minimal set of patches to the system (to tolerate the ISFShax superblock). Since these patches kept minimal, they are not optimized and some things like leaving the settings will take longer.
To make the full minute+stroopwafel run from the internal memory we can install minute fw.img and the ios_plugins to the SLC. This can be accomplished using FTPiiU Everywhere / the Aroma ftp plugin, which can be launched from Tiramisu and is already part of the Aroma Package (enable Everywhere in the settings) or you can use the haxcopy homebrew
Using haxcopy is recommended for most users.
If you are using haxcopy to update an existing install, make sure that the plugins have the same file name as before, else you might get duplicates, which can cause problems

If you used the download script, all the files where already put in the hax folder, so you can skip 1-8. Note that the script uses the fastboot minute.
  1. create a folder hax on the SD card (this will be copied to the slc)
  2. copy the fw.img to the hax folder
  3. create a subfolder ios_plugins in the hax folder
  4. copy 00core.ipx it to the hax/ios_plugins folder
  5. copy 5isfshax.ipx to the hax/ios_plugins folder
  6. if you want to coldboot aroma or tiramisu, copy the 5payldr.ipx to hax/ios_plugins folder
  7. If you need any other plugins like the wafel_unlimit.ipx, you have to rename and copy it to the hax/ios_plugins folder
  8. Copy the haxcopy app to the wiiu/apps folder (like you usually install homebrew)
  9. Put the SD in the Wii U and run haxcopy to copy the hax folder to the slc.
On Aroma you have to make sure access to system files is enabled:
  1. Open the Aroma Plugin Configuration Menu using L + Down + SELECT (-) on the GamePad or Pro Controller (or B + Down + Minus (-) for WiiMotes)
  2. Open the FTPiiU option, then settings and set ‘Allow access to system files’ to ‘true’ by pressing A

Uploading the files:
  1. (Tiramisu only) Make sure FTPiiU Everywhere is running on the Wii U
  2. Using a FTP client on the PC browse to /storage_slc/
  3. If you see a scfm.img file and sys folder go into the sys folder. If you see a bunch of folders (config import logs proc rights security title tmp) just go to the next step.
  4. create a subfolder hax and enter it
  5. Make sure your FTP client is in binary mode (not ASCII mode)
  6. upload the minute fw.img to the /storage_slc/sys/hax folder
  7. create another subfolder ios_plugins in /storage_slc/sys/hax
  8. enter that /storage_slc/sys/hax/ios_plugins folder
  9. upload 00core.ipx
  10. upload 5isfshax.ipx
  11. upload 5payldr.ipx
  12. If you need other plugins like the wafel_unlimit.ipx, you have to rename and upload them too
Now the Wii U should autoboot if no SD card is inserted.
If a SD card is inserted the minute menu should show up (even if the SD doesn't contain a fw.img). In that menu you can select the Patch (slc) and boot IOS (slc) to load the plugins from the slc and boot (no need to have them on the SD anymore).

Since ISFShax v5.0 the Wii U will first try to load the fw.img from the SD and if that fails it will try to load it from SLC.
Previous versions of ISFShax will first try to load the fw.img from the SLC and if that fails it falls back to the SD.
If you installed a broken fw.img which doesn't load, you can force isfshax to load the fw.img from sd by repeatedly pressing the power button till the menu shows up.

Warning: A factory reset will delete the hax folder. Without the fw.img on the SD the Wii U will then just have a black screen with a orange LED with the latest ISFShax it will apply minimal patches to boot and it will still block updates, but some things like leaving the settings might me slower. It's recommended to setup minute and stroopwafel again.

Autobooting with SD

To make the Wii U autoboot with an SD card inserted you need to create the filesd:/minute/minute.ini with the following content:
The attached file contains a few example minute.ini files for autobooting slc, sd or rednand. You can copy and rename the approriate one. The files in the zip already have the .ini file name extention. if you don't see it, then DO NOT add it, as Windows is hiding it.

You can adjust the timeout (in seconds) to your liking. The autoboot option specifies which entry from the minute menu will be loaded. 1 corresponds to Patch (slc) and boot IOS (slc), which loads the ios_plugins from the SLC. If you haven't installed them to the SLC or want to load them from the sd for another reason you can change that value to 3 which corresponds to Patch (sd) and boot IOS (slc)

As an Alternative check out the Fastboot option below.

Optional: Fastbooting (Advanced)

To make the Wii U boot as fast as possible, without showing minute, you can now use the fw_fastboot.img. This won't work with redNAND
It is hardcoded to go straight to the first option (booting the slc, with patches from SLC). It won't display anything and ignore any autoboot configuration in the minute.ini.
  1. First make sure the system can boot using the first option in minute. (see booting without SD)
  2. Replace the the fw.img in the hax folder on the SLC with the fw_fastboot.img (renamed to fw.img)
In case you ever get stuck and need to load the full minute from SD you can do this:
  1. Place the minute fw.img on the SD card
  2. repeatedly press the power button until the minute menu shows up on the screen. (Since ISFShax v5.0 you don't have to do this, since it will try the SD first by default)

Installing System Updates

To protect against Nintendo pushing a boot1 update (very unlikely, but you newer know), which would brick a console with ISFShax, boot1 updates get blocked by the 5isfshax.ipx plugin. Older versions of the plugin did block system updates in general. If you need to do a system update, make sure you have the latest version of said plugin.

To install a system update (e.g. for vWii Decaffinator), make sure you have the latest version of the plugin (and stroopwafel). To do this just replace the 5isfshax.ipxin the wiiu/ios_plugins folder with the lastes one.
If you have Aroma or Tiramisu, you also need to remove the 5payldr.ipx to prevent Aroma from loading, since Aroma also comes with it's own update block.

Uninstalling ISFShax

DON'T just restore an older SLC backup, as that would break SCFM!
You DON'T need to uninstall ISFShax to update it. Also uninstalling and reinstalling it won't fix anything. Just installing the new superblock over the old replaces it completely.

  • Make sure your Wii U doesn't depend on any patches (linke wafel_unlimit_mlc.ipx or redNAND). You can check that by booting with only the wafel_core.ipx and the wafel_isfshax_ipx plugins in the ios_plugins directory on the SD and using the Patch (sd) and boot IOS (slc) option
  • Delete the /storage_slc/sys/hax folder if you set up the slc booting
  • run the ISFShax installer again from minute and follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall.


Here is a list of currently available stroopwafel plugins, you can use with ISFShax:
If you have more plugins, tell me and I can add them to the list

Description of the Files

In case you are interrested in how all the files work together and which you need to keep, you can keep reading on:

This contains the actual ISFShax. It is a specially crafted superblock for the SLC File System (ISFShax) to exploit a vulnerability in boot1 and give us arbiary code excution. It also contains a mini version of minute, which will be executed to load the full minute (fw.img) from SD or SLC.

This is the checksum for the superblock, to make sure it didn't corrupt along the way, as a bad superblock would lead to a brick.

this contains the full minute, which gives you the menu after turning on. It can be used for creating and restoring backups and similar tasks and it acts as a bootloader stroopwafel. When selecting one of the First 3 Boot options, it will load IOSU (the OS/Firmware that runs on the ARM processor) and also loads the plugins from the ios_plugins folder. It will then patch IOSU to first execute the first plugin, which should be stroopwafel, before launching IOSU. At that point you see the GO GO GO message, as IOSU takes over.

This is stroopwafel. It contains a patches for handeling IOSU reloads (so these go through minute, to apply the patches again), redNAND and to facilliate a framwork for other plugins to apply patches and also exports functions to be used by plugins.

This plugin patches IOSU to ignore the ISFShax superblock and use the normal superblocks instead. (A superblock contains the file system meta data, like folder structure and used blocks. The SLC has 64 superblocks (to spread the wear), which are written in round robbin, whenever something is change don the slc. ISFShax is installed to 4 superblocks for reduandency)

This redirects the men.rpx (the Wii U Menu) to the root.rpx of aroma, so Aroma gets loaded on boot. If the root.rpx is missing it will load the menu normally.

This is the ISFShax installer. It installs the superblock.img to 4 of the superblocks, and marks these superblocks as bad in the normal superblock, so they won't be overwritten.

This file gets loaded by most exploits (Like the Browser exploit or the Aroma Payloadloader). In this case it contains the menu, that comes up by holding b and letting you select another payload. By default it would load the Environmentloader for Aroma, if installed.

This patches IOSU to load the fw.img from SD and then tells it to reload. This is used to initially load minute, before ISFShax is installed.

This is the a version of the fw_img_loader that can be loaded as an app from the Homebrew Launcher. (Haxchi)

This is loaded by DNSpresso and loads the wiiu/payload.elf

The recovery menu is loaded by UDPIH. It has some options to fix certain problems, but we are just using it to load minute. If the recovery_menu sees the boot1now.img, It will skipp the menu and after a countdown use PRSHhax to reset the Wii U into boot1now.img

SInce PRSHhax exploits boot1 early, many hardware initilizations still needed to be done. This is done by boot1now, which is a mini version of minute, similar to the one embedded in the ISFShax superblock. It will then load the fw.img from the sd.


This means after ISFShax is setup, you only need to keep the fw.img, wiiu/ios_plugins and your config in the minute folder. If you are fastbooting from the SLC, then you don't need anything on the SD.


  • @rw-r-r_0644 for finding and implementing isfshax
  • @GaryOderNichts for their direct contributions, help and two of the exploits (UDPIH and DNSpresso)
  • @vgmoose for all the support and for the Wii U that replaced the one Idestroyed during early isfshax testing
  • @Maschell for his help and all other contributions to the Wii U scene
  • hexkyz for the warmboot boot1 exploit which made all of this possible
  • @shinyquagsire23 for de_Fuse, minute and stroopwafel
  • Salt Team for the original minute CFW
  • dimok789, FIX94 and others for the iosuhax CFW
  • fail0verflow for mini
  • @skawo screenshots
  • and all other contributors to the Wii U scene!


    2.5 KB · Views: 2
Last edited by SDIO,


Active Member
Jan 22, 2023
Without the SD the console boots directly to the Wii U Menu.
With \minute\minute.ini configured like this
[boot] autoboot=3 autoboot_timeout=0
I get this attached log.


  • IMG_3818.jpeg
    937.3 KB · Views: 5


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
With ISFShax v5.0 > 'Now it tries to load minute first from SD card and then tries SLC.'
When you boot minute from SD, the minute.ini is executed, which the screenshot shows.

You must rename the minute.img/fw.img in the root of your SD card.

If you want to launch minute you must rename the file back to minute.img or fw.img.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2005
Visit site

I see there is a new version of isfshax and I have read it is not recommended to update our previous installation. Can I ask why? What functions do we "loose" if we do not perform the update?

On the other hand, I see there are also updates for Minute and stroopwafel (00core.ipx). Is it recommended to replace these files if we do not perform the update of isfshax?

Thanks in advance for your help, and congratulations for this amazing job.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
Without the SD the console boots directly to the Wii U Menu.
With \minute\minute.ini configured like this
[boot] autoboot=3 autoboot_timeout=0
I get this attached log.
Make sure to also update the fw.img and ios_plugins on the SD card.


I see there is a new version of isfshax and I have read it is not recommended to update our previous installation. Can I ask why? What functions do we "loose" if we do not perform the update?

On the other hand, I see there are also updates for Minute and stroopwafel (00core.ipx). Is it recommended to replace these files if we do not perform the update of isfshax?

Thanks in advance for your help, and congratulations for this amazing job.
The update mainly concerns the boot order. If it works for you how it currently is, then there is no need to risk anything by upgrading ISFShax. You can still do it of course if you like or if you want the new boot order.

The other updates are independent of that. But compared to the previous version of minute or stroopwafel there is likely no fix affecting you. If you have an older stroopwafel than that, the it might be worth upgrading
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Active Member
Jan 22, 2023
Make sure to also update the fw.img and ios_plugins on the SD card.
I'm sure, all files are updated: in root, in \wiiu\ios_plugins and in \hax, and the haxcopy has been done.

I don't understand why now the log screen shows up, shouldn't autoboot_timeout=0 hide it?


New Member
Jan 24, 2025
United Kingdom
Thank you for the guide, I have successfully followed it, just 1 quesion. With the latest 5.0 verison of 5isfshax.ipx in my ios_plugins folder, do I also need wafel_isfshax_patch.ipx to prevent automatic system updates? I also have Aroma disabling updates too?


Active Member
May 9, 2024
United States
Hello is there anyway to boot Aroma even without SD Card? I tried reuploading to that same directory but it just fails in slc which means i have to run wiiuexploit to get Aroma running on SD Card
EDIT: it's apparently not the storage nvm
Last edited by robokingscosmos,


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
Thank you for the guide, I have successfully followed it, just 1 quesion. With the latest 5.0 verison of 5isfshax.ipx in my ios_plugins folder, do I also need wafel_isfshax_patch.ipx to prevent automatic system updates? I also have Aroma disabling updates too?
No, you just need the 5isfshax.ipx. wafel_isfshax_patch.ipx is just the old name for the same file.

Hello is there anyway to boot Aroma even without SD Card? I tried reuploading to that same directory but it just fails in slc which means i have to run wiiuexploit to get Aroma running on SD Card
EDIT: it's apparently not the storage nvm
Aroma needs the SD sdcard. But you can use the 5payloader.ipx to load it on boot, so you don't have to use the browser exploit.
With the USB Partition plugin, you can emulate a SD on a USB device, if that is something you want.
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Active Member
May 9, 2024
United States
Aroma needs the SD sdcard. But you can use the 5payloader.ipx to load it on boot, so you don't have to use the browser exploit
I did copy the three files to SLC, (including fw.img) however it just regular boots if I select option one or three. no homebrew.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
Replace the files and then run the installer again. Make sure to clean up the old files with different name


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2022
Replace the files and then run the installer again. Make sure to clean up the old files with different name
Do we need to use actual SD card or update could be done using emulated SD FAT32 partition?
Is there any chance that, at some point in the future, we could see a homebrew app or Aroma plugin to automate the update process?
Post automatically merged:

The attached file contains a few example minute.ini files for autobooting slc, sd or rednand. You can copy and rename the approriate one.
minute-sd.ini and minute-slc.ini in archive are identical, autoboot=3.
Last edited by pankos,


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
Do we need to use actual SD card or update could be done using emulated SD FAT32 partition?
You need to use the actual SD, the emulation only affects IOSU

Is there any chance that, at some point in the future, we could see a homebrew app or Aroma plugin to automate the update process?
I haven't planned anything

minute-sd.ini and minute-slc.ini in archive are identical, autoboot=3.
Fixed it, thanks


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2022
I am having trouble updating ISFShax. I’m stuck on the following step:
  1. Hold B on the Gamepad while booting (if coldboot is enabled) or launching the H&S app
  2. A black and white menu should show up asking you to choose a payload.
  3. Select fw_img_loader
When I select fw_img_loader, I am only loaded into Aroma.

Steps done before:
I was using the SD emulation plugin, so I first deleted it from the SLC. I also deleted other old plugins from the SD card and the SLC hax folder, and deleted minute.ini.
I then used the isfsh-downloader script to download everything and copied it to the SD card, replacing the old files. I also copied the new plugins to the SLC folder.

However, I don't see the minute menu appear at boot when the SD card is inserted, even after deleting minute.ini.
Post automatically merged:

I have also noticed that the fw.img files are of different sizes in the root of the SD card and in the hax folder.
Last edited by pankos,


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
Maybe you still have an older superblock installed, which loads fastboot minute from the SLC first before it tries the SD.
The fw.img in the hax folder is the fastboot minute

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    Looks cool.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @K3Nv3, I had a Macfee antivirus popup/ nag kept showing on mini pc even when I uninstalled it (preinstalled bloatware bs). Used a program called "Geek Uninstaller" n it fixed it, and also found few other bs things n removed.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    That's why it's good to do a fresh install on those things
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I don't have a bought win 11 license, n was worried bout wiping preinstalled win 11, so that only reason I didn't
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Lol paying for windows
  • U @ UncleRat:
    does this chip work with firmare Version 19.0.1
  • U @ UncleRat:
    hwfly picofly rp2040
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    All the Switch modchips work regardless of firmware version. Yes will work on 19+
  • U @ UncleRat:
    ohhh okay bc i have the chip right here. and my console is updated
  • U @ UncleRat:
    was worried bc i couldnt find info bc i am noob. thank you very much,
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Someone didn't get it when I said it's Elon day lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @K3Nv3, I do have windows 10 license I bought years ago, n my personal PC I installed win10 then just upgraded to win11 for free. I didn't know tho there were win11 cracked versions out already. Of course didn't look for them either.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Should work as long as you take a picture of it and download directly from windows
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I did already on my new tower pc, yea worked fine.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I took my old drum machine to a second hand music store (Music Go Round) to see what they give me (I paid $500 5-6 years ago) n they only offered me $150, they as bad as gamestop. Nuh ill keep it.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I'll give you $5 and a good time in the back for it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Been there, done that. Don't feel like using that rash cream for a week again either.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: Been there, done that. Don't feel like using that rash cream for a week again either.