I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm trying to convert games to bootable format for the PSP TOOL. Part of the requirements of sign_np are that you have the game's CID. Conveniently any game on PSN has its full CID in the URL. But this does not help when a game is not on PSN (Metal Gear Ac!d for example).
I've tried read-sfo but it only gives part of the complete CID.
A complete CID (this one taken from a PSN URL) looks like:
Where-as read-sfo only gives me the UCUS98620 portion. Param.sfo editor is equally flawed when it comes to reading PSP param.sfo files, unfortunately.
Is there a program I'm missing out there that can do this? Is there another means?
I've tried read-sfo but it only gives part of the complete CID.
A complete CID (this one taken from a PSN URL) looks like:
Where-as read-sfo only gives me the UCUS98620 portion. Param.sfo editor is equally flawed when it comes to reading PSP param.sfo files, unfortunately.
Is there a program I'm missing out there that can do this? Is there another means?