it's not bad/messed up, it's just encrypted/straight from the sdk. it needs to be repacked for us to easily use it. you can do it yourself but just keep looking for a ready made one
Ah, my bad.
ok , found i working file
now what ?
So you got it installed? Good to know.
To extract the save file from a .3DZ game, go to your emunand and do this:
1) press select to pull up your Gateway game list and choose Pokemon OR/AS. (You don't need to start the game, just make sure it's selected.
2) Start SaveDataFiler. The very first thing that the menu gives as an option should say "CTR Card".
3) With "CTR Card" selected, click the Y button to "Export this user save data to SD Card."
4) Click "Export (A)"
5) wait for it to complete, then click "OK (A)"
6) turn off the 3DS for now and put the SD card (the big one, not the microSD one that's in the Gateway)
7) make a backup of the folder titled "filer" on your SD card in case something goes wrong
To edit it, you need a program called PkHex from Download and extract the zip file on the first post. Then:
1) open PkHex.exe
2) click through the menus like this "File"->"Open..."->find your SD card->"filer"->"UserSaveData"->
Since you haven't used SaveDataFiler before, there should be only one folder in here with a name like "20150111224438" or something like that. That shows the time the backup was made. Otherwise, just look for the newest one and open it.->"000011c4" (I think, but I'm not sure. there should only be one folder here anyways so just open it.)->"main"->"Open"
3) make whatever changes you want and save the file (SAV->Export SAV->Save and say "yes" when it asks to replace it)
4) close PkHex and put your SD card back in the 3DS.
Now to put the hacked save back in the game:
1) Get back to EmuNAND.
2) Set your Gateway card to Pokemon OR/AS
3) open SaveDataFiler and click the tab titled "SD"
4) find the save you just edited and press "A" twice to import it back in, click OK when done.
5) Open your game and enjoy!
Sorry about putting it into so many steps. It isn't hard, I just wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out.