How to activate Anemone Splash Screens (Luma3DS)

I heard that some people are having trouble trying to active Anemone Splash Screens,
so today, i'm gonna explain how to active them.

Step 1: Turn off your system, and hold "Select" while turning it back on.
(Also works with the Rosalina Menu's reboot and power off options)
It should boot you into Luma3DS

Step 2: Scroll up to the Splash: Off(x) Before( ) After( ) payloads section, and turn it from Off(x) to the After(x) option.
It should look like this: Splash: Off( ) Before( ) After(x) payloads (The (x) indicates that the said option is turned on)

Step 3: Press "Start" or click Save and exit
It should automatically display the Splash Screen you activated/installed in Anemone

And that's how you activate Anemone Splash Screens.
Any questions regarding either Splash Screens or Home Menu Themes will be answered in this thread's comment section.
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