Before reading, note that I have an original R4DS that is running on firmware Woodv.1.49
So here's the problem. Evertime I go to run the ROM on my R4DS, the screen just goes White and stays white. I'm not quite sure what to do, however I heard some people here got it working on their flashcards.
So if someone out there got it working on thier R4DS or flash card can you post where you got the ROM and patch? Maybe that is the problem.
So here's the problem. Evertime I go to run the ROM on my R4DS, the screen just goes White and stays white. I'm not quite sure what to do, however I heard some people here got it working on their flashcards.
So if someone out there got it working on thier R4DS or flash card can you post where you got the ROM and patch? Maybe that is the problem.