Homebrew Question Homebrew to see whats on my system memory?


Active Member
Mar 15, 2009
United States
Is there any homebrew app usable with SX OS which lets me see whats on my Switch system memory? I've got NSMBU, Tennis Aces and Odyssey installed on my system, which total about 10gb, yet only have 7gb free. Does the system software really take up that much space? Is there any other way for me to free up space? Would it be a matter of save files taking up that much space, does Checkpoint save backups to the system memory or to the SD?

Just seems like a huge amount of space being taken up by something and I'm trying to figure out what it is and the "data management" on Switch OS isn't helping much.

edit: nevermind, I found the "delete save data" section, which I was afraid to click because, well, I didn't want to delete all my save data. But that lets you see the size of all of it. Apparently the save file for dragon quest builders 2, for example, takes up 1.1gb. Which is kind of ridiculous.
Last edited by jimbo11,

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