Well, its high time i pulled my ds out again. It has been put away for so long because of the cracked hinge resulting in a two piece set.
Now i have decided to buy a new case. And no its not a shock case, thats why i only have 3 colours availible.
Which one? Here are my thoughts.
Pink, i am completely comfortable with my sexuality.
Black, Never was a huge fan but does look slick.
White, Same as it is now (not nec a con) , also my brother has it.
GBAtemp, make the choice for me.
Sinkhead Edit: Sorry, all-capital topic titles are against the rules. We don't want this place looking like the eBay listings
but its not a shock case, please change it back. they are cases from dealextreme.
Now i have decided to buy a new case. And no its not a shock case, thats why i only have 3 colours availible.
Which one? Here are my thoughts.
Pink, i am completely comfortable with my sexuality.
Black, Never was a huge fan but does look slick.
White, Same as it is now (not nec a con) , also my brother has it.
GBAtemp, make the choice for me.
Sinkhead Edit: Sorry, all-capital topic titles are against the rules. We don't want this place looking like the eBay listings
but its not a shock case, please change it back. they are cases from dealextreme.