Hey! My modded n3DS crashes in Fire Emblem Awakenings, but only when one specific Character is involved in a fight (Nowi in Chapter 8). Everything works perfectly, every character can fight without a crash. But every time she is involved in a fight (dialogue will still happen at the start of the fight, but then it crashes), an ErrDisp error with the code "0xd900458b" appears. Process ID 39, name "quartz".
I used fsck on Ubuntu to check the SD card. It said some things were wrongfully claimed to be used up and are actually free and it claimed the Backup had a single difference and I then chose to overwrite the original with the backup, but that did not fix it either. The (128GB) SD card was formatted to FAT, I then inserted it into the 3DS to create necessarily folders, then started the hack. Therefore a totally clean install with nothing else on it.
I played through the third Sidequest then and it worked perfectly. I then saved the game again and tried to replay the story mission, but Nowi will cause a crash again
Every other chapter and every other game works flawless, but I can't progress through the game and even if you manage to get through the chapter without her ever fighting, I now fear more errors will happen. What can I do?
I used fsck on Ubuntu to check the SD card. It said some things were wrongfully claimed to be used up and are actually free and it claimed the Backup had a single difference and I then chose to overwrite the original with the backup, but that did not fix it either. The (128GB) SD card was formatted to FAT, I then inserted it into the 3DS to create necessarily folders, then started the hack. Therefore a totally clean install with nothing else on it.
I played through the third Sidequest then and it worked perfectly. I then saved the game again and tried to replay the story mission, but Nowi will cause a crash again
Every other chapter and every other game works flawless, but I can't progress through the game and even if you manage to get through the chapter without her ever fighting, I now fear more errors will happen. What can I do?