Hello, I have a problem with an old 3ds xl that I bought second hand, I gave it to format without knowing that it was hacked and it did not turn on anymore but it had the blue light on always, I managed to enter a few times to gm9 and update some things and inluco use sistemb9s or something like that it was called and it seemed to work until trying tutorial things is to connect the charger and disconnect the battery, I took it off and tried to set it on like this, and from that moment on it didn't catch fire, it turned off and does not replace more than the charging light, but I checked fuses and the board and everything is visible, well it does not short circuit, the batteries are new, I changed them since I did not want to use the second hand one, but it no longer turns on at all , brick or damage?? And do you have a solution? Would someone help me with that?