Half Life Counter Strike Team Fortress PC PORT Xash3D-FWGS Nightly 2023-10-07 [NEW ENGINE]- Xash3D-FWGS Team & fgsfds


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Flying With Gauss
Who we are ? We are a just random people that loves games, gauss guns, crossplatform apps and so on.

Xash3D Engine is a custom Gold Source engine rewritten from scratch. Xash3D is compatible with many of the Gold Source games and mods and should be able to run almost any existing singleplayer Half-Life mod without a hitch. The multiplayer part is not yet completed, multiplayer mods should work just fine, but bear in mind that some features may not work at all or work not exactly the way they do in Gold Source Engine.
Xash3D FWGS is a fork of Xash3D Engine, which aims on crossplatform, perfect online game and compability with original Xash3D and Gold Source.

Официальная группа по порту Xash3D на Android(Half-Life, Half-Life: Blue Shift, cs16-client)

[email protected]


Xash3D Compatible List for VITA Only ->

Xash3D FWGS (NEW ENGINE) Working, full playable from start to end ->
Half Life = Xash3D-FWGS & vitaXash3D v.4 fix (NEW Engine and OLD Engine)
Blue Shift Mission Pack = Xash3D-FWGS & vitaXash3D v.4 fix (NEW Engine and OLD Engine)
Opposing Force Mission Pack = Xash3D-FWGS & vitaXash3D v.4 fix (NEW Engine and OLD Engine)
* Opposing Force Press Demo 10.20.99 - Press Build Not for Puplic distribution Copy = Xash3D-FWGS (Intro video crash ! need map cheat for FIX, skip Intro on map, otherwise full playable and working, bug maybe coming from game data)

EXTRA Xash3D FWGS (NEW ENGINE) Working/Loading, but unplayable ->
Counter Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes = Engine and Map explore possible with map cheats, but missing many textures and doors do not open, currently unplayable, but loading and working. Very good performance and framerate.
Counter Strike Condition Zero BETA Prototype Leaked Copy (October 9 2003)
Counter-Strike.Condition.Zero.REPACK-ANON = same result, unplayable, texture errors and script erros, need map cheat.
- Any other Game or Mod will not work with new engine.

vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD ENGINE) Working/Loading, playable or unplayable ->
Half Life ALPHA Build v0.52 (Sep.4.1997 Prototype) = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (need noclip and map cheat, enemys and weapons missing, Maps are full playable)
Half Life Uplink Free Demo = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (full working)
Counter Strike 1.6 Bots LAN = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) / Bots regamelite v1 Pre-release by - fgsfdsfgs (works mostly perfect ! some maps has loading errors)
Counter Strike Condition Zero Multiplayer = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (working, but No Bots Compatible)
Counter Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes (Singleplayer) = crash very often, engine not full compatible, texture errors and script erros. unplayable but working and loading.
Team Fortress = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (need more testing ?)
Gunman Chronicles = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (has mistakes and script erros, unplayable, but maps playable with noclip cheat, intro video works mostly fine)
Gunman Chronicles E3 2000 Press Demo = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (weapons and enemys are missing, need noclip cheat. otherwise maps are somehow playable, on MP LAN the original GC weapon Pistol show up and works)
Action Half Life Version 1 MOD = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (Bots not tested, Maps working)
Action Half Life Directors Cut Version 2 Extension MOD = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine) (Bots not tested, Maps working)
Other MODS = Only vitaXash3D v.4 fix (OLD Engine)

Release Name VITA : Xash3D-FWGS
Author: Xash3D-FWGS Team & fgsfds


Xash3D-FWGS is an open source re-creation of the GoldSrc engine, a modified Quake Engine running Half-Life, Counter Strike and Team Fortress.

original note -> Data files are slightly different from the release vitaXash3D. This means both versions can't be installed at the same time.
WRONG INFORMATION - do not delete OLD version, need for ALPHA, CS1.6, CSCZ, GC and MODS ->


- libshacccg.suprx
- Game Data Files: PC

Install Notes NEW Version Xash3D-FWGS 2023-10-07 :
Written Myself

(!) Currently the Xash3D-FWGS Nightly build has no own install guide, so we have to use the old one from vitaXash3D v.4 fix version.

Install guide from vitaXash3D v.4 fix OUTDATED ->

-Copy the desired game directory (e.g. valve for Half-Life) to ux0:/data/xash3d/.
-Obtain appropriate game libraries (cl_dlls/client.suprx and dlls/server.suprx) and copy them to the game directory. See below for list of game libraries ported to the Vita.
-Copy the build/data directory to ux0:/ on your Vita. Replace everything if asked.
-Install the VPK obtained after building the port.
-Run it.

Notes vitaXash3D v.4 fix OUTDATED :
- The console log is saved to ux0:/data/xash3d/engine.log when debug mode is enabled.
- If you don't have any GoldSrc games, you can use the data files from Half-Life Uplink, HL's free demo version. To do so, just extract this archive to ux0:/ instead of doing step 1 from the guide above.
- Keep in mind that the game can hang for a long time when saving or autosaving (see issue #7), so don't kill it if it suddenly hangs when you enter a map or cross a checkpoint. You can disable autosaves in the "Game options" menu or with sv_autosave 0.
- Multiplayer seems to work, but it hasn't been tested much. You can connect to any Xash3D server as long as it is compatible with this port, meaning it has to be running the same mod as you on Xash3D-FWGS v0.19 or Xash3D build 3366.
- The mod launcher detects all directories you have inside ux0:/data/xash3d/, including valve, except launcher and directories that have names starting with a dot.
- Installing mods works the same as with PC Half-Life: you just have to copy the mod directory (e. g. darkstar) into ux0:/data/xash3d/. Keep in mind that you'll also need Vita ports of the mod's game libraries, if it has any. For available ports, see list below.
- If you're trying to run a mod that has no game libraries, Xash will try to fall back to the HL ones, so it's best that you have them installed at all times.
- If you don't have the full version of HL and are using the Uplink archive linked above, multiplayer and other mods won't work. If you have the full version of HL, you can also install Uplink as a mod by copying only the uplink folder from the same archive.
- If you're trying to connect to an online server from the server list and you get dropped back to main menu, then either you're banned on that server or it took too long to connect, in which case you just have to retry.
- Some Xash servers automatically ban people connecting from a device other than an Android or iOS smartphone, nothing can be done about that.
- Changing the video mode (screen resolution) immediately restarts the game. You can also change it by editing your mod's video.cfg. Keep in mind that some mods, like Counter-Strike, were not meant to be played in a resolution smaller than 640x400.
- To change your name either enter name my_name in the console or change name in your mod's config.cfg.
- You can change the layout of on-screen touch buttons by using the "Editor" function in the "Touch buttons" menu.
- Expect every new release to invalidate at least some of your old save files. Pretty much nothing can be done about this right now, as saves are function offset based, and those offsets change with almost every code change.



Xash3D-compatible Half-Life mods for any supported OS

Original Xash3D Engine by Unkle Mike (Windows version) supports wide variety of Half-Life mods, from simple 1-map mods to mods which change everything - from game resources (textures, models, sprites, sounds etc.) to gameplay itself (new weapons, NPCs, monsters, game mechanics etc.). But some people use ported versions of Xash3D to play Half-Life mods on different operating systems (like Android, Linux etc.). Here is a guide about mods which should be supported on any platform.


Uncle Mike & co for Xash3D and FWGS team for Xash3D-FWGS and game DLL source code;
Vita SDK Team for the Vita SDK;
Rinnegatamante for vitaGL, vitaQuake/vitaQuakeII and general advice;
ArkSource for the Live Area stuff;
KINGGOLDrus for some launcher graphics;
everyone on the #henkaku and #vitasdk IRC channels for help and/or testing.


Million thanks for the new Engine ! Impressive.
The old one was also good. Love you HL Team
testing later...
Last edited by peter8,
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New Member
Jun 15, 2023
United States
Menu is visually glitched but still works. Select button does nothing now used to bring console up in old xash. CS16 is not supported. Blueshift crashes when exiting app. It does run better but those bugs...

I ended up reverting back to v.4. Back up your old config.cfg, opengl.cfg, and video.cfg before trying the nightly if you want to revert back.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
EntertainmentOk8487 :
Menu is visually glitched but still works = YES , use touch screen
CS16 is not supported = Is Working, BUT CREATE GAME NOT WORKING. But Create game is working for Blue Shift and OF and standard Half Life.
Blueshift crashes when exiting app = use Home button to go back to Vita menu.


The NEW version is based on the Code Port from armv7 Android and Back-Port it to VITA. Instead of using ''suprx'' files.

Result :

Half Life = Working with Music, MP Lan Create Game = WORKING
Uplink = Working
Blue Shift = Working with Music, MP Lan Create Game = WORKING
Opposing Force = Working with Music, MP Lan Create Game = WORKING
Counter Strike 1.6 = Working Menu / Menu Music Working, MP Lan or Internet Create Game = NOT working !
Team Fortress = not tested
MODS = Working ->
Action Half Life , Menu Music Working, MP Lan or Internet Create Game = NOT working !

- Save and Load works a lot faster now than the old version, Million thanks, good job.
- Data files has differences compare to the old version.
old version -> menu.suprx
new version -> libmenu.so / client_psvita_armv7hf.so
- The old Data files has libraries for Uplink and CS, this is missing in new version.
- Some textures in the main menu has glitches, no big deal its still working.
- Some Settings are missing from the old version.
- To select Mission Packs like Blue Shift is different compare to the old version.
New version must activate over Custom Game, take more time.
- Music over media folder with MP3 files is working the same like the old version, good job.
- Video files are not working in original avi container, the same like old version, but dont need it.
(logo.avi, sierra.avi, valve.avi)
- Currently can only find Resolution 960x544, no smaller one like the old version ? But this is the highest resolution compare to the old version and its run a lot faster on the new version.

Still Testing, currently 1hour.


Original Notes vitaXash3D v.4 fix ''OUTDATED'' compare to ''NEW'' Version :

OLD Version -> Keep in mind that the game can hang for a long time when saving or autosaving (see issue #7), so don't kill it if it suddenly hangs when you enter a map or cross a checkpoint. You can disable autosaves in the "Game options" menu or with sv_autosave 0.
NEW Version -> Works all faster FIX ! Every loading screen is a lot faster.

OLD Version -> Changing the video mode (screen resolution) immediately restarts the game. You can also change it by editing your mod's video.cfg. Keep in mind that some mods, like Counter-Strike, were not meant to be played in a resolution smaller than 640x400.
NEW Version -> new Settings, maybe missing some of them ? Only 960x544, but faster than older version.

OLD Version -> If you're trying to run a mod that has no game libraries, Xash will try to fall back to the HL ones, so it's best that you have them installed at all times.
NEW Version -> NO MODS WORKING, OR Counter Strike, Action Half Life etc...


Install Notes NEW Version Xash3D-FWGS Nightly 2023-10-07 :
Written Myself

NOTE : Do ONLY install HL BS and OF for NEW Version ! All others are NOT WORKING !
Read POST 4 for proper install notes.

- Download from https://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/1157
VPK and Data Files
- Unzip the Data Files and Copy it to the directory ux0:/data/xash3d/
- Copy PC Data files into the xash3d folder ->
bshift = Blue Shift (~300MB + ~140files)
cstrike = Counter Strike 1.6 (~226MB + ~1700files)
gearbox = Opposing Force (~225MB + ~50files)
valve = Half Life (~427MB + ~300files)
- Music is working over MP3 files, create extra folder in ->
xash3d/bshift/media/Half-Life01.mp3-Half-Life16.mp3 + Prospero01.mp3-Prospero02.mp3 + Suspense01.mp3-Suspense03.mp3
xash3d/gearbox/media/Half-Life01.mp3-Half-Life16.mp3 + Prospero01.mp3-Prospero02.mp3 + Suspense01.mp3-Suspense03.mp3
xash3d/valve/media/Half-Life01.mp3-Half-Life17.mp3 + Prospero01.mp3-Prospero05.mp3 + Suspense01.mp3-Suspense07.mp3
- EXTRA / gamestartup.mp3 works also for valve, gearbox and bshift, use what ever you want for track.
- Video AVI files not working, DONT copy it, save space. (logo.avi, sierra.avi, valve.avi)
- EXTRA / Obtain appropriate game libraries.
- Install the VPK over Vitashell or something other.
- Run it.

Activate Cheats:
- open config.cfg
- write : sv_cheats ''1'' into the stringline 0197

Show FPS:
- open config.cfg
- search the line cl_showfps ''0'' -> and change it to -> cl_showfps ''1''


Install zbot_cs16.zip for Counter Strike 1.6 : OUTDATED - DO NOT INSTALL

USE -> Counter Strike 1.6 Bots VITAXash3D regamelite v1 Pre-release by - fgsfdsfgs = WORKING
Read POST 4 for download Link.

- Before You start installing Zbot, backup your entire cstrike folder.
- Download zbot_cs16.zip (~9MB) from google somewhere.
- Unzip the entire content of the zip to /SteamApps/[email protected]/Counter-Strike/ and replace all files in cstrike.
- Now start Counter-Strike and make a New Game.
- Use the console or use the command menu by pressing "H". By default the command menu is bound to "H".
To change this bring up the console and type:
bind "button" " commandmenu"
unbind "H"
- READ Bot COMMAND LINES down this post, section Multiplayer Setting Test LAN - Try Loading any MP Map.


Great Job here ! Works all faster now. Thanks !


TEST Opposing Force :
(no Overclock tools or plugins used, PSTV 3.65 + PS3 Controller)

Result : Perfect !

Setting Video Brightness = Working
Audio Settings = Working / make music loader and sound lower
Video Setting = Resolution 960x544 fast enough, can stay on it. Looks great on 4K big flat screen !
Loading times = good enough, a lot better than old version
Music = Working, comes sometimes later, so wait (?)
Analog Setting = Working over Mouse speed Setting
PSTV Touchscreen Pointer = Working (menu only)
Inactive Test = ~4hour, working
Framerate = between 30fps and 60fps, good enough for highest Vita native video resolution.

Extra Note :
This Port is full PSTV compatible, R2 and L2 is working over controller mapping.
My PS3 Controller setting over PSTV :
R1 - fire
L1 - jump
R2 - second fire
L2 - duck
X - open
[] - reload
/_\ - item use
<- - prev weapon
-> - next weapon
down - light



Action Half Life MOD Testing :


Action Half Life is designed to simulate the experience of being in an Action movie. Movies like Hard Boiled, Face Off, and Die Hard are the inspiration for AHL.
AHL aims for something called 'Movie Realism.' This means that you can take a few bullets and keep fighting. You can fall from a two story roof and only hurt your leg. You can bandage a wound in seconds. This doesn't mean you're invincible however, as hits to the head from large caliber weapons are instantly fatal, but a headshot even from a small pistol will put you within an inch of your life.
Of course, stunts play a large part in action movies, and likewise, play a large part in AHL. Dives, rolls, and long jumps can be executed for style and tactical advantage. There's nothing quite like diving through a window and capping the bad guy in the head before you hit the ground. This is a game of style and fun, not obsessive realism.

Download Data Files:

Download Music OST:

Install :
- you can install ahlv1_win32.exe without Half Life main files
- when it ask for E-Mail, just enter what ever you want
- search on c: , steam , steamapps your email folder
- copy the folder ''action'' into ux0:/data/xash3d

Result :
Title Menu working with Music / Multiplayer LAN Creat Game Mode NOT Working.

Post automatically merged:

Multiplayer Setting Test LAN - Try Loading any MP Map :
OUTDATED ! MODS and CS need OLD version !

Half Life MP :
MP Lan Create Game = WORKING
Select any Map and open it = WORKING
GameUI Starting Server = WORKING
Map Loading = YES
(No Bots Installed)


Blue Shift MP :
MP Lan Create Game = WORKING
Select any Map and open it = WORKING
GameUI Starting Server = WORKING
Map Loading = YES
(No Bots Installed)


Opossing Force MP :
MP Lan Create Game = WORKING
Select any Map and open it = WORKING
GameUI Starting Server = WORKING
Map Loading = YES
(No Bots Installed)


OUTDATED -> USE = Counter Strike 1.6 Bots - VITAXash3D regamelite v1 Pre-release by - fgsfdsfgs

Counter Strike 1.6 MP + Bots :
- zbot_cs16.zip
MP Lan or Internet Create Game = NOT working !
Select Maps = DO NOT WORK, dont show up
GameUI Starting Server = NOT WORKING, can not select any Map before
Map Loading = NO

Install zbot_cs16.zip for Counter Strike 1.6 :

- Before You start installing Zbot, backup your entire cstrike folder.
- Download zbot_cs16.zip (~9MB) from google somewhere.
- Unzip the entire content of the zip to /SteamApps/[email protected]/Counter-Strike/ and replace all files in cstrike.
- Now start Counter-Strike and make a New Game.
- Use the console or use the command menu by pressing "H". By default the command menu is bound to "H".
To change this bring up the console and type:
bind "button" " commandmenu"
unbind "H"

Bot Commands Zbot : CURRENTLY NOT WORKING, Create game Problem !

- Causes a bot to be added to the game. "bot_add" will add a bot to the team specified by the "bot_join_team" cvar. "bot_add_t" and "bot_add_ct" forces the bot onto the respective teams.

- This cvar determines the difficulty of all newly created bots (existing bots will retain the difficulty setting they were created with). Zero = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard, 3 = expert. Difficulty values higher than 3 are reset to 3.
bot_difficulty [0-3]

- This command takes either the name of a bot, or the keyword "all" - causing all bots in the game to be killed.

- This command takes either the name of a bot, or the keyword "all" - causing all bots in the game to be kicked.


Action Half-Life MOD MP :
MP Lan or Internet Create Game = NOT working !
Select Maps = DO NOT WORK, dont show up
GameUI Starting Server = NOT WORKING, can not select any Map before
Map Loading = NO
(No Bots Installed)

Result :
Same problem like from Counter Strike 1.6, Create Game not working. Need Old version.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
NEW ->
Original NOTE : Data files are slightly different from vitaXash3D. This means both versions can't be installed at the same time.
''This is WRONG ! DO NOT DELETE Files for OLD version vitaXash3D v.4'' We can use it in the same time !

Counter Strike 1.6 FIX over OLD Version (MP Create Game working on OLD version + NEW version)

Install :

- install Xash3D FWGS Continuous gl2shim Build 2023-10-12-psvita.vpk (new) over Vitashell
- install vitaXash3D v.4 fix.vpk (old) over Vitashell
- New and Old Version has seperate Bubbles on Vita Menu !
- create one folder with 'xash3d' and put it into ux0:data/
- the data pack for NEW version has only ''libraries'' files for ->
- copy all libraries from NEW version into valve, bshift and gearbox and also in main folder xash3d
- now copy cstrike data files into the SAME xash3d folder
- use the CS1.6 ''libraries'' from the OLD version vitaXash3D v.4 fix, because they have it.
- copy also menu.suprx into the same xash3d folder
- Play HL, BS, OF over Xash3D FWGS Bubble and Play CS1.6 over vitaXash3D v.4 fix Bubble.

Activate Cheat:
- open config.cfg
- write : sv_cheats ''1'' into the stringline 0197

Show FPS:
- open config.cfg
- search the line cl_showfps ''0'' -> and change it to -> cl_showfps ''1''

Result :
Both Bubbles NEW and OLD are working in the same time. Half Life, Blue Shift and Opposing Force gets loaded over NEW version and Counter Strike 1.6 gets loaded over OLD version. CS1.6 is working with Create Game.
Bots testing later.

Note :
The problem for NEW version is, it has currently no working libraries SO files. The OLD version use instead of that suprx files.
Every MOD will maybe not work on the NEW version, since all ''libraries'' files need converted from suprx to so.

Maybe its possible that all OLD data files are working in the same time, the date files are complete different and the Bubble loader is seperate working.


For myself, its good so. Million Thanks !


Counter Strike 1.6 :

vitaXash3D v.4 fix = WORKING
libraries used = YES
NEW GAME Single Player = /
Xash3D FWGS Continuous gl2shim Build 2023-10-12-psvita = NOT WORKING Only Title Menu
Bots = NO

Gunman Chronicles :

vitaXash3D v.4 fix = WORKING
libraries used = NO
NEW GAME Single Player = YES
Xash3D FWGS Continuous gl2shim Build 2023-10-12-psvita = NOT WORKING Only Title Menu

Action Half Life :

vitaXash3D v.4 fix = WORKING
libraries used = NO
NEW GAME Single Player = YES
Xash3D FWGS Continuous gl2shim Build 2023-10-12-psvita = NOT WORKING Only Title Menu



Counter Strike 1.6 Bots TEST =

Author : fgsfdsfgs

Release : regamelite v1 Pre-release

Description :
This is a Vita port of the ReGameDLL library (Lite version by FWGS), which is an open-source recreation of the Counter-Strike server DLL. The library also includes ZBot. This is probably still very buggy and unstable, as bots are pretty resource intensive. Use with caution.
This release contains the library itself, a replacement touch.cfg that adds a bot menu and a numeric keypad to the touch interface, and navigation files for all stock CS 1.6 maps.

Download :

Install :
- Install vitaXash3D and Counter-Strike.
- Extract cstrike_server.zip to ux0:/. Replace everything if prompted.

Setup Bots :
- Run Counter-Strike.
- Start a server using the Multiplayer -> LAN Game -> Create Game menu.
- Touch the Bot Menu button to open the bot control menu.

Notes :
- Game/server/bot settings are stored in ux0:/data/xash3d/cstrike/game.cfg and can be changed by editing that file.
- You can also probably host an Internet game and use bots in it.
- If you try to use bots on a non-stock map, ZBot will try to generate the navigation file for the map, which can take up to several minutes on the Vita. This process is also likely to run out of memory and fail. If it succeeds, you'll probably have to restart the game.
- You can also generate the nav files on PC by installing the PC version of ZBot and adding bots on your map of choice. After the generator finishes its work, you can copy the generated .nav file for your map from cstrike/maps to ux0:/data/xash3d/cstrike/maps on your Vita.
- Bots cannot talk or use radio commands in the Vita port, as it crashes the game for some reason. Thus, bot_chatter has no effect and should always be set to off.

Result =
Testing Map = cs_italy WORKING (not all Maps are working, search Map folder for names)
Bot Menu = WORKING / Touch Pointer PS3 Controller PSTV compatible ! YEAH
vitaXash3D v.4 fix = WORKING (its not perfect, has some glitches and bugs, but playable and good enough !)
Xash3D FWGS = NO, currently nothing works here.

MILLION THANKS fgsfdsfgs, this is Amazing work ! Testing first time on PSTV and it was on my dream list Bots for CS1.6 on VITA. The Bot Menu is great Love it !
Mission mostly done here, all working with new or old version.
Last edited by peter8,


New Member
Jun 15, 2023
United States
Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build 10.15.23

When enabling touchscreen both back touch screen and front touchscreen do the same thing. I had to use a plugin to disable that back touchscreen. Was the "mouse2" button in the older version which I binded as "+speed" to walk which I preferred. Should've been extra l2 r2 buttons

Select button is an unused button that can binded as "BACK" button. Used to bring up console on the older version. Not a problem since console can be enable through the menu now. But an extra button is always good.

The final boss room c4a3 now runs much better at around 45fps, used to run at 15fps on the older version.

Older version used to stutter when attacking anything for first few hits but then goes away when starting the app. This is no longer an issue.

General loading and saving is much faster now.

I'll still use old v4 for CS16 and will keep testing new Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build for officially supported games.
Last edited by EntertainmentOk8487,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Testing Console PSTV + PS3 Controller :

vitaXash3D v.4 fix =
- press SELECT to open console In-Game
- press L1 for virtual Keyboard
NOTE : The virtual keyboard has a bug on PSTV where the analog stick stop working ! Same Bug in System Shock PSTV and Shadow Warrior PSTV with keyboard mode, need restart game and touch pointer mode for fix.

Xash3D FWGS Continuous gl2shim Build 2023-10-12-psvita =
- press START to go back into the main menu and open Console there
- press /_\ for virtual Keyboard
NOTE : the virtual Keyboard on PSTV is only working before the game start ! After the game start /_\ dont work anymore. But the console can still be open under main menu.

Result :
Open console works on Old and New version.

Activate Cheat:
- open config.cfg
- write : sv_cheats ''1'' into the stringline 0197


Final Test PSTV Xash3D FWGS Continuous gl2shim Build 2023-10-12-psvita :

Opposing Force =
- testing on EASY difficulty, complete working from start to end.
- no crash
- framerate between 30 and 60fps
- testing HARDEST difficulty, EDIT OPEN
CANCEL = new Update, test all again.



Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build Pre-release 2023-10-18


engine: common: imagelib: add KTX2 support (#1455)
* engine: common: imagelib: add KTX2 support
Adds basic KTX2 support for a few compressed formats. KTX2 essentially
is a Vulkan-centric texture format that supports literally hundreds of
pixel formats.
For now only support for these is added:

Adding more formats is relatively straightforward:
- Copy format definition from `VkFormat` enum in `vulkan_core.h`
- Add a new definition into `pixformat_t` enum.
- Add format size calculation into `Image_ComputeSize()`

While we're at it, also adds a few new formats to DDS:
- BC7 is expanded into BC7_UNORM and BC7_SRGB

ref_gl and ref_soft code is updated where it made sense. But not tested
really. Support for these formats has been tested with ref_vk.

* address spaces-vs-parentheses formatting where noticed
* parenthesize sizeofs
* move ktx2.h to imagelib as img_ktx2.h; massage it a bit
* use SetBits() instead of |=
* remove stale TODO comments


First Test :

Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build Pre-release 2023-10-18

Half Life = seems ok / testing 30 minutes
Opposing Force = seems ok / testing 30 minutes
Blue Shift = the config.cfg is hardcoded and every option setup get lost when start the game again. try change cfg not possible after start game it go back to the hardcoded written file. gameplay ok.

Note : The setting menu has some new options.
Extra Note : Action Half Life Directors Cut Version 2 is working over vitaXash3D v.4 fix.
Last edited by peter8,


New Member
Jun 15, 2023
United States
Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build 10.20.23

Touchscreen seems to be better supported now. Before only one input was being registered on the touchscreen. This also improves the touchscreen customization (resizing touch buttons can now be done now).

Can now be fully played similar to a touchscreen phone/tablet. A nice way to let those analog sticks rest.

Sometimes there's trysavingconfig error when changing settings in menu.

Quiting games through menu can randomly crashes app. Occurs for any of the supported games not just Blue Shift.
Last edited by EntertainmentOk8487,
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
@ EntertainmentOk8487 : thanks for posting test results.

trysavingconfig error, I have the same, but only in Blue Shift, it seems hardcoded. not good.

anyway new update out there ->

Xash3D FWGS Continuous vbo-fix Build Pre-release 20 Oct
Xash3D FWGS Continuous shield-patches Build Pre-release 21 Oct

I will now test shield-patch version from 21.
Post automatically merged:

First Test :
Xash3D FWGS Continuous shield-patches Build Pre-release 21.10.2023

Half Life = WORKING / config.cfg = WORKING
Blue Shift Mission Pack = WORKING / config.cfg = WORKING - FIX / command showfps = WORKING FIX (thanks)
Opposing Force Mission Pack = WORKING / config.cfg = WORKING

Full PSTV compatible R2 and L2 button working. Counter Strike 1.6 still NOT working with new version.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021

Xash3D FWGS Continuous gcc3again Build 22.10.2023
engine: platform: sdl: fix forgotten icon setup call

Xash3D FWGS Continuous vbo-fix Build 23.10.2023
continuous-vbo-fix - fix forgotten icon setup call

Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build 24.10.2023
engine: network: fix async NS resolve

Xash3D FWGS Continuous android-legacy-porting Build 25.10.2023
engine: network: fix async NS resolve


Final Test ->

Game Title : Opposing Force
Version : Xash3D FWGS shield-patches 2023-10-21
Skill EASY : working from start to end (no cheats used)
Skill HARDEST difficult : working from start to end (no cheats used)
Save Files : working
Music : working
Cheats : ? not tested
Framerate : 30FPS to 60FPS
Notes : no crash in any situation what ever the FPs is running ! amazing
since Hardest difficulty is working I had not test Medium skill

Speedrun Test :
is not good working, framerate fall down to 20FPS to under 5FPS. mostly FPS fall down when run away on any enemy and its not killed. speedrun rocket or grenade jumps good working. bunny jump slightly working, need hold vertical analog stick, need practice. Based on shield-patches 2023-10-21 version test.

Final Result : Very good Port, million thanks, framerate is not so perfect, but good enough. Would Love to get SIN or Soldier of Fortune working, the coder has the knowledge how to do that its all QII engine.

Mission done

New updates testing later...
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
New Test ->

Opposing Force Press Demo 10.20.99

- Press Build / Not for Puplic distribution Copy

This demo contains excerpts of three episodes from Half-Life: Opposing Force. Many portions of this demo are incomplete. Unfinished features include dialogue, custom sequences and the finalization of game features and combat balance. The full version of Opposing Force will be available in November 1999.
There are three short episode excerpts that represent some different types of game-play in Half-Life: Opposing Force. Each of these will end by fading out and taking the player to the next mini-adventure. In the complete game, the levels are smoothly strung together as in the original Half-Life. These particular levels are taken from chapters one, two and five. There are a total of six chapters in Opposing Force and each chapter offers between five and seven levels.

Version : Xash3D FWGS Continuous android-legacy-porting 2023-10-28
Install : copy ofdemo folder
Note : Press Demo CDRom has no Music tracks
Result : WORKING, but stop in the middle of the intro video ! FIX over map cheat working.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Update ->
Xash3D FWGS Continuous ripplewater Build 2023-10-30

New Test :
Counter Strike Condition Zero CDRom ISO Disc 1 + 2 , SP + MP

Version 1 : Xash3D FWGS Continuous ripplewater Build 2023-10-30
Version 2 : vitaXash3D v.4 fix
Source Data : Counter Strike Condition Zero CDRom ISO (Disc 1 and 2)
Folder czero = Condition Zero Multiplayer (~260MB)
Folder czeror = Condition Zero Deleted Scenes Single Player (1.2GB)

Result version 1 Xash3D FWGS Continuous ripplewater Build 2023-10-30 :

Folder czero Condition Zero Multiplayer =
- correct Main Menu Tilte screen = YES
- Create Game do not work.

Folder czeror Condition Zero Deleted Scenes Single Player =
- correct Main Menu Tilte screen = YES
- game works incorrect, unplayable
- use map cheats, or what ever
- fast loading time !
- very good textures

Result version 2 vitaXash3D v.4 fix :

Folder czero Condition Zero Multiplayer = WORKING
- correct Main Menu Tilte screen = YES
- Create Game = WORKING

Folder czeror Condition Zero Deleted Scenes Single Player =
- correct Main Menu Tilte screen = YES
- game start incorrect, unplayable
- use map cheats, or what ever
- very long loading times
- more texture errors


valve folder from CSCZ with Xash3D FWGS Continuous ripplewater Build 2023-10-30 = WORKING, but Blue Shift not working anymore
valve folder from CSCZ with vitaXash3D v.4 fix = NOT WORKING, in this fact CS1.6 create game do not work anymore and all other mods
Result : stay on original Half Life valve folder.


Testing Update Version : Xash3D FWGS Continuous ripplewater Build 2023-10-30
Half Life = working, config.cfg working
Blue Shift = NOT working (easy skill working on Xash3D FWGS shield-patches 2023-10-21)
Opossing Force = config.cfg hardcoded not working (hardest skill working on Xash3D FWGS shield-patches 2023-10-21)
Counter Strike 1.6 = not working, create game do not work, still need OLD version


Update :

Xash3D FWGS Continuous bitshift-fix Build 30 Oct
NFO: gl2shim fix broken matrix update when fog attribute enabled (32 bit …shift overflow)

Xash3D FWGS Continuous ripplewater Build 31 Oct
NFO: wscript enable faster builds with gccdeps/msvcdeps

Xash3D FWGS Continuous android-legacy-porting Build 31 Oct
NFO: wscript enable faster builds with gccdeps/msvcdeps


Testing Update Version : Xash3D FWGS Continuous android-legacy-porting Build 2023-10-31.vpk

Half Life = working, config.cfg working
Half Life ALPHA Build = not working, need vitaXash3D v.4 fix version
Blue Shift = working FIX, config.cfg working
Opossing Force = working, config.cfg FIX working
Condition Zero Deleted Scenes = loading, but still unplayable
CS1.6 = not working

Result :
- framerate better !
- all config.cfg files working correct, full fix
- Blue Shift FIX working
- seems mostly perfect for HL, BS and OF
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Counter Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes Intro FIX + Info

when start new game, the intro video fail in the helicopter in the beginning
FIX with Map cheat console command ->
intro video = map cz_recoil-intro (error)
jump to map 01 = map cz_recoil (skip intro)

Result =
The maps are playable, but many textures are missing and mission objectives instruction do not work and enemys are missing. Also most doors do not open.
Only map explore possible with cheats. Even when its not full work currently, its somehow working.
This was also working = cz_silo01, cz_silo02, cz_hr03, cz_train02, cz_train03, all maps has bugs and has no real exit.

Xash3D FWGS android-legacy-porting Build 2023-10-31 = Loading Times are fast and good, framerate good, no crash !
vitaXash3D v.4 fix = Loading times very slow and crash very often, framerate slow.

Currently maybe not more possible, until waiting for full Engine compatible code, otherwise performance are good so far.

Activate Cheat:
- open config.cfg
- write : sv_cheats ''1'' into the stringline 0197
- noclip


Opposing Force Press Demo 10.20.99 Intro FIX

ofdemo/maps = 7

map of0a0 - Incoming = Intro video crash, error in the middle of the video.
map of1a1 - Welcome To Black Mesa
map of1a2 - Welcome To Black Mesa (start here and go back to the beginning)
map of1a3 - Welcome To Black Mesa
map of2a5 - Friendly Fire
map of5a3 - Foxtrot Uniform
map ofboot0 - Boot Camp

Result =
Just skip to any map you want, since the Intro video Incoming crash and fail.
Testing without full OF data files installed, only press demo files.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Correct Notes for Half Life ALPHA Version + Activate Cheat commands ->

Title: Half Life - ALPHA Build v0.52 - Sep.4.1997 Prototype (E3 Demonstration Techdemo)

The September 1997 prototype of Half-Life is from before the game was completely redesigned and rewritten. Many differences exist at this point, including the plot, locations, and general concept and alternate music score. Originally meant as a press demo, the prototype was leaked to Reddit in January 2013. According to the Developer Console, it is version 0.52.
The physical disc sold on eBay for $709 USD. Notably, the place of origin on the listing was "Bellevue, WA", indicating that the leak might have been internal.

written: myself, only for VITA

- The wiki page is trash and give wrong information about this copy.
- this copy works only over vitaXash3D v.4 fix for VITA.
- ALPHA version has 17 maps (wiki say 15).
- This copy is for Map exploration only, not for normal gameplay.
- Some of this maps can be enter normal over each other map, others need cheat.
- ! DO NOT MAKE the ALPHA folder as main folder ! = the VITA crash and go slowdown for the complete system on NEW engine.
Create extra folder with ever you want for a folder name.
- Music over MP3 working vitaXash3D v.4 fix.
- Most enemy textures missing, only 1 enemy is working, but when he attacks than the game will crash.
- The framerate is mostly over 60fps, very good for Old version.

Original TXT valve Notes:

- Please keep in mind that this maps are still in progress.
- Use of “noclipping” are necessary.
- Some switches have been disabled.
- Some doors have been locked in an open position.
- Changes have been made to allow free exploration with a minimum of snags dead-ends.

activate NOCLIP cheat:
- open config.cfg
- write : sv_cheats ''1'' into the stringline 0197
- save
- start ALPHA version over vitaXash3D v.4 fix
- start the game and press select
- press L1 for keyboard
- write noclip and enter
- noclip now working

When you start New game, it will load the the first map from the Final version, now open the console and enter the correct Alpha name.

Chapter 1 - The Portal Device (Unforeseen Consequences)
start console command =
map c1a1
map c1a1a
map c1a1b

Chapter 2 - The Office Warrens (Office Complex)
start console command =
map c1a2a
map c1a2b
map c1a2c

Chapter 3 - The Security Complex (''We've Got Hostiles'')
start console command =
map c1a3
map c1a3a
map c1a3b
map c1a3c

Chapter 4 - Alien Research Lab (Questionable Ethics)
start console command =
map c2a4
map c2a4a
map c2a4b
map c2a4c

Chapter 5 - Communications Center (''Forget About Freeman!'')
start console command =
map c3a1

Chapter 6 - Reactor Lab (Lambda Core)
start console command =
map c3a2
map c3a2a

Extra commands:
maps * – lists of all maps
map techdemo - takes you to the very beginning of the E3 demonstration = WORKING
map maindemo - takes you to the doors right outside the room with the seal on the floor = WORKING
map silodemo - puts you in the room out in front of the green tentacle monster
playdemo <demfile> - there are a number of *.dem files you can run to see recordings of game action, such as c1a1, dem1, etc…


PARABOT V0.92 BETA by nekonomicon

Parabot CB Android port of multiplayer Bots for Half Life Deathmatch and Opposing Force CTF on Xash3D FWGS engine.
Human-like artificial player for Half-Life and some other games on GoldSrc and Xash3D game engines.


The current version (0.92 beta) supports the following playmodes/Mods:

-> Half-Life (deathmatch & teamplay)
-> Deathmatch Classic (DMC)
-> Opposing Force (deathmatch & CTF)
-> HolyWars 2.0
-> Bubblemod
-> Severians
-> Adrenaline Gamer 6.6 (All gamemodes)
-> They Hunger Trilogy

You copy the Parabot to your system by extracting the "parabot092-pc.zip" archive.
After that you have to install the bot for the Mods you wish to play (have a
look at the "How to..." section for that).

The Parabot comes without any waypoint-files that you might know from other
bots. It will learn new maps by just playing them together with humans and store
its experiences in the "addons/parabot/navpoints" folder. To make this learning
more efficient you should move as much as possible when first starting a new
map, picking up every item you see on your way.
After approximately 15 minutes the Parabot should navigate quite well on average
sized maps. Note that the storing of the navigation files might cause small
delays when changing maps or ending the game.

For recent news and the latest updates have a look at the github page

1.) install or uninstall Parabot:

Copy "addons" folder from archive to Half-Life/<modfolder>.
If you have installed metamod then add the following lines to
your plugins.ini:
"win32 addons/parabot/dlls/parabot.dll"
"lin32 addons/parabot/dlls/parabot.so"

If not then edit Half-Life/<modfolder>/liblist.gam.
Replace gamedll "dlls/hl.dll"
to gamedll "addons/parabot/dlls/parabot.dll". // for Windows
Replace gamedll_linux "dlls/hl.so"
to gamedll_linux "addons/parabot/dlls/parabot.so". // for Linux
Replace gamedll_osx "dlls/hl.dylib"
to gamedll_osx "addons/parabot/dlls/parabot.dylib". // for OSX

2.) play a game with Parabot:

Once you installed Parabot as explained above you can start a game following
these steps:
1. launch Half-Life or any of the supported Mods
2. Chose "Multiplayer", then "LAN game", after that "Create game"
3. Pick a map and click "OK"
Note that you *CANNOT* play in Singleplayer-mode while the bot is installed!

3.) change the difficulty level:

If you only want to change the overall difficulty level of playing against
the bots, the easiest way is to change the "MinAimSkill" and "MaxAimSkill"
variables in "parabot.cfg" - look in the correspondant Mod-directory (e.g
"valve/addons/parabot/config/valve" if you want to change the settings
for HL-deathmatch) and open the file in a texteditor (like notepad.exe).
If the bots are too hard for you, change MinAimSkill to 1 (or comment
the line out by writing a # at the beginning) and MaxAimSkill to,
let's say, 5. In case the bots are getting too easy for you,
you should comment out MaxAimSkill and setMinAimSkill to a higher value.

4.) change the number of bots that join the game:

Open the correspondant "parabot.cfg" and change the "NumBots" variable
to the value you like (details are explained in the file).
Note that while playing you can still add more bots by typing "addbot" in
the console.

5.) edit the different bot personalities (name, model, aggressivity,...):

Open the file "characters.cfg" in the correspondant Mod-directory as
explained in 3.) and have a look at the contents. All possible values
(name, model, aim-skill, perception, aggressivity and communication) are
explained in there and you can change them as you like or add completely
new bot characters as well.

6.) change the language the bots are speaking:

Change the "ChatFile" setting in the appropriate "parabot.cfg".
The languages available in this version are English, Spanish, French,
German, Czech, Finnish, Romanian, Swedish, Danish and Russian.

7.) edit the chatfiles:

Have a look at the chatfile you want to modify and try to understand the
structure of it (it's not too hard). You can add as many replies as you like
but make sure they are not too long (around 80 characters should be the
maximum) and don't pass one line. "%s" gets replaced by the playername the
bot is talking to (does *NOT* work in the @GOT_WEAPON-section). "%w" gets
replaced by the weapon that has been used/picked up (only for @GOT_KILLED,
You can define new keywords as well (maximum length 30 characters, only
containing letters in uppercase) and add them to the last section.
It is important to know that keywords appearing first in the file are chosen
first in case that a sentence contains several known keywords.

8.) change other options/gamemodes:

All other options can be adjusted in the appropriate "parabot.cfg" file.
If you are a real newbie and the bots beat you even at aim-skill 1 (or if
you are just sick of them blasting you away with the rocketlauncher...) you
can restrict the weapons they can use or let them run in PeaceMode where
they won't attack. You can switch off the chat as well if it irritates you.


Since v0.9 all commands can be executed with a menu during gameplay.
For the menu to work properly, make sure you have got the following line in your

bind "6" "slot6"

To use the menu, type "botmenu" in the console or add the following line to your

bind "F1" "botmenu"

This will raise the menu every time you press the "F1" key. (You can change "F1"
to any other key you like...)

The Parabot adds the following new commands to the game. Unless otherwise
specified they work on both normal and dedicated servers:

- adds a new bot to the game
"peacemode on" / "peacemode off"
- enables/disables PeaceMode
"restrictedweapons on" / "restrictedweapons off"
- enables/disables RestrictedWeaponMode
"chatlog on" / "chatlog off"
- enables/disables chat logging to the file parabot/chatlog.txt
"hidewelcome on" / "hidewelcome off"
- if active the "Welcome to Parabot" message at game start is surpressed
"botcam" (no DS)
- spectator mode for observing the bots, consecutive calls switch the camera
to follow different bots
"camstop" (no DS)
- ends the spectator mode
"botstop" (no DS)
- pauses all bots
"botgo" (no DS)
- continues after a botstop

You can type these commands in your console or bind them to special keys by
editing the corresponding "config.cfg" (in Half-Life\valve, \dmc, \gearbox,
\holywars, \ag or \Hunger ). For the latter you could just copy and paste
the following lines:

bind "F4" "addbot"
bind "F5" "botcam"
bind "F6" "camstop"
bind "F7" "botstop"
bind "F8" "botgo"
bind "F9" "peacemode on"
bind "F10" "peacemode off"
bind "F11" "restrictedweapons on"
bind "F12" "restrictedweapons off"


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Testing Latest Update Version : Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build 2023-11-03.vpk

Half Life = working, config.cfg working, framerate good enough
Blue Shift = working, config.cfg working, framerate good enough
Opossing Force = working, config.cfg working, framerate medium in combat and try speedrun, but good enough

@ EntertainmentOk8487 :
''Quiting games through menu can randomly crashes app. Occurs for any of the supported games not just Blue Shift.''
(test from FWGS Continuous master Build 10.20.23)

New FWGS Continuous master Build 2023-11-03 ->

Half Life , quiting game from menu = working fix
Blue Shift , quiting game from menu = working fix
Opossing Force , quiting game from menu = working fix
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New Member
Jun 15, 2023
United States
Imo it's excellent where it is right now if you want to play the official games, Half Life, Opposing Force and Blue Shift. You could even turn autosave back on in the config if you want and isn't as distruptive as the older version since loading and saving is much faster.

I still keep older Xash3D for CS16.

Is there anyway to disable the upper left screen notifications that occurs when things load in?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
EntertainmentOk8487 :

Yeah, this version is very good and I will stay on it like you. Its very stable and was mostly never crash and the framerate is good enough. I have done OF and BS on Hardest Skill difficulty from start to end, so mostly all fine.

''Is there anyway to disable the upper left screen notifications that occurs when things load in?''
-> is maybe in the config file, show information/notifications, something like that.
I mostly have this on BS but not so much on OF. Anyway I am fine with it, you need it for Mods testing and CSCZ.

Had you see the new setting in Video option, water effects ?

BTW : why is CSCZ Deleted Scenes loading over the new engine, but every other mod or game is not working ?

To bad CS1.6 is not compatible at the moment, I hope they get fix it, but also need the Bot files compatible, otherwise useless for me. I had read the FWGS News and its say the main goal is CS, so lets hope. And truly CSCZ Deleted Scenes would be the most insane highlight ever ! So please FWGS team fix it or make it compatible. Gunman chronicles would be also possible its loading over old version and Action Half Life with bots. Otherwise the old version works pretty good for CS1.6.
Love you all !


Rinnegatamante, hope you read it ->

There is also a Quake III PC Android reverse engine from a other team, I am wonder how it works on the Vita. The directly PC port from HL is working slow but the new android backport is working much faster on the Vita with SO loader. The Result, maybe PC ports over android backward is working faster ?


New Test ->

Version :
Counter Strike Condition Zero BETA Prototype Leaked Copy (October 9 2003)

Release :

Result Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build 2023-11-03 VITA :
Same as the final version, game start and work, but the textures has errors and script errors and videos dont work, unplayable.
Only map cheat working. The valve folder is not compatible from the Beta archive.

Beta Leak Note :
Build was compiled 37 days before the final version.
Stolen via intrusion into Valve corporate intranet in September and October 2003.
There is a pdf FBI Document 'VALVE Software Axel Gembe' on google somewhere with the investigation of the hack Agobot, where the forensic finds the way to germany.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
New Test ->

Version : Gunman Chronicles E3 2000 Press Demo (Modified & Light data version)
Result vitaXash3D v.4 fix : WORKING, but weapons and enemys are missing, need noclip cheat. Otherwise Maps are complete playable.
Note A : Xash3D FWGS do not mount the files ! NOT working in anyway, not even the title screen.
Note B : vitaXash3D v.4 fix -> say E3 00 Build
! Note C : when start a MP lan game, the original Pistol weapon show up and items ! that is missing on SP new game. !

E3 2000 HL MOD Video :

NFO E3 data files :
* Gunman Chronicles E3 Modified version (WORKING)
From this Build, the following has been removed:
- Personal details of Rewolf employees
- Legal contract/NDA agreement document with Valve
However, no bloat has been removed from it, so you can
still see the evidence of the messy development process.

* Gunman Chronicles E3 Light version (WORKING)
This build has all bloat files removed, to make it an easier download and install.

* Gunman Chronicles Pre-Release Soundtrack

I am highly thankfull ! (even when not perfect)



CS1.6 is already Ported to Android, but the files are incompatible with VITA, so we have to wait for the re-write code.
The NEW ENGINE is based on the Code from armv7 Android Port and works Back-Port to VITA, instead of using ''suprx'' files in OLD ENGINE.

''Counter-Strike 1.6 Android port using Xash3D FWGS engine, rewritten CS1.6 client library and ReGameDLL_CS''

Thats what we need to Fix CS1.6 on NEW ENGINE, but we also need Re-Write Bots from regamelite v1 Pre-release by - fgsfdsfgs.
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Update 3 days ago ->

Version :
Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build Pre-release 22 11 2023
continuous utils: mdldec: avoid double ".smd" extension output.

Testing ->
Half Life = update date installed and working, gameplay testing later
Blue Shift = update date installed and working, gameplay testing later
Opposing Force = update date installed and working, gameplay testing later


Extra Gunman Chronicles 'dlls/gunman_psvita_armv7hf.so' and CS1.6 ->

Gunman Chronicles is NOT working on NEW Xash3D FWGS Engine, because 'dlls/gunman_psvita_armv7hf.so' is missing.
The VITA data pack is missing the SO loader.
The same for Counter Strike 1.6 and all the other games to.

Gunman Chronicles is working and loading over old Vita engine vitaXash3D v.4 fix version, but its incorrect working, because the ''suprx'' data Vita file is also missing. But still somehow working here, with music.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021

07 Dec Xash3D FWGS Continuous master Build
public: make hash case-insensitive again

06 Dec Xash3D FWGS Continuous vbo-fix Build
ref: gl: fix solor to color

05 Dec Xash3D FWGS Continuous refapi-5 Build
utils: mdldec: add separate directories creation for sequences and textures.

05 Dec Xash3D FWGS Continuous avi Build
utils: mdldec: add separate directories creation for sequences and textures.

03 Dec Xash3D FWGS Continuous android-legacy-porting Build
engine: nswitch: fix compiling by removing stdc++ from SDL2 dependencies as we link it later

02 Dec 12:47 Xash3D FWGS Continuous litwater Build
engine: client: add support for "mp3 playfile/loopfile" commands.

The AVI build sounds very interesting ! testing later

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    Sorry to hear.
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    @NinStar, That's unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that.
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    @Skelletonike, Good morning
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