A while back I hacked my 3ds and it was working perfectly. Loaded a bunch of DS roms through TwilightMenu and was playing through Pokemon Silver for the first time. Eventually my 3ds kept crashing and giving me weird errors. Until I got the red light, so I looked it up and found all I had to do was replace the boot.firm file with the latest Luma release. I did that and boom my 3ds worked again, until it crashed again and couldn't boot with the red light. Cycle repeated a few times till I couldn't get it to boot at all. Obviously the next step from the troubleshooting guide I was reading was to replace the micro sd card I was using. So I replaced the 128GB Sandisk card with a new 128GB Samsung card. Formatted it and then copied everything over and replaced the boot.firm file. Currently even with the new micro SD card I'm stuck without the 3ds turning on and getting the red light. Not really sure where to go from here, any advice would be appreciated.