Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition - Graphics / Options Mod
For game version 1.0.6
Updates Changelog:
"DynGPUFreqOn" in the name of .zip archive - its a version WITH DYNAMIC GPU FREQUENCY, just like the original. If you are playing in handheld mode and use overclocking, then I do NOT recommend using this version!
"DynResOff" in the name of .zip archive - its a version WITHOUT DYNAMIC RESOLUTION.
Unpack the "atmosphere" folder from the archive and put it in the root of the your SD Card, turn on overclocking and start the game.
Be sure to read:
For game version 1.0.6
Updates Changelog:
Update #10 [03.03.2022]
Update #7 [28.11.2021]
Update #1 [18.11.2021]
Delete old exefs patch folder before updating mod! Folder name was changed and patch itself updated
- Adjusted TAA anti-aliasing
- Less flicker, more sharpness in motion
- Changed the name of some graphics options
- Slightly increased LoD for "Medium", "High", "Ultra" presets of the first option
- Slightly increased world draw distance for all presets of the first option
- Slightly increased the shadows rendering distance for all presets of the "World Shadow Quality" option
- Slightly increased the distance of drawing traffic / pedestrians and changed the density for all presets of the corresponding option
- Reconfigured all presets of the "Vehicle Light Quality" option
- Increased the quality of light on the water for all presets of the first option
- For example, the headlights of a car
- Filtering of some textures changed from linear to anisotropic
- Reduced anisotropic texture filtering
- Disabled Image Brightening
- Used only in the Switch version of the game
- Increased brightness of midtones
- Slightly reduced sun / moon light intensity
- SSAO uses ComputeShader again
- When using TAA anti-aliasing it is somewhat curved, but the performance is better
- Reduced SSAO quality
- Reduced SSAO radius
- Reduced the density and distance of drawing debris on the road
- Reduced motion blur quality
- Various other small changes
- Mod updated for game version 1.0.6
- Be sure to delete old exefs patch
- Menu sounds are replaced with original ones
- Disabled "Ground Haze" option as it didn't work
- Added "Classic Radar" option to game settings
- Reconfigured video presets of the "Simulation Scale" option
- Enabled 2-cascade mode of distant shadows for presets "Medium" and "High" video option "Shadows"
- Increased resolution of cascaded shadows
- Reduced Depth Bias of shadows from all lights and reduced Transition Scale of spot lights
- Slightly increased frame time
- Slightly reduced GPU Head Room
- Reduced Sky Light intensity
- SSAO now uses Pixel Shader again
- Now, to change the video option "Visual Effects" from low quality to medium quality (or backward), you need to restart the game. or there will be numerous problems with materials
- Added a modification variant with disabled dynamic resolution, with a resolution change step of 1% and its minimum value of 1%
- Various other small changes
- Mod updated for game version 1.0.5
- Be sure to delete old exefs patch
- Added "Ground Haze" option to graphics settings
- Not sure if this works
Update #7 [28.11.2021]
- Slightly increased image brightness
- Reduced the resolution of shadows from light sources, but increased the Resolution Scale
- Slightly reduced Depth Bias of shadows from lights
- Reduced flickering when using TAA anti-aliasing
- Filtering of NormalMap and Specular textures returned to linear
- It was a mistake to set anisotropic in previos update, it affected performance
- Some other small changes
- Screenshots updated
- Slightly reduced the density of cars for all presets of the "Simulation Scale" option
- Increased draw distance of vehicles for all presets of the "Simulation Scale" option
- Slightly reduced draw distance of large objects for all presets of the "Graphics Quality" option
- Slightly increased the intensity of moon / sun light
- Mod updated for game version 1.0.4
- Be sure to delete old exefs patch
- Reduced image brightness
- In the Switch version, it was slightly higher than the standard
- Slightly increased drawing range of small objects
- Adjusted by the option "Distance Scaling"
- Slightly increased sun / moon light intensity
- Increased Shadow Amount
- Shadows will now be slightly darker
- SSAO now uses Compute Shader instead of Pixel Shader
- This slightly degraded the quality of SSAO with TAA anti-aliasing, but increased performance.
- Increased car density for all presets of the "Simulation Scale" option
- Filtering of Specular and Normal Map textures changed from linear to anisotropic
- Anisotropic texture filtering reduced from 4x to 2x
- Slightly reduced resolution of cascaded shadows
- Increased drawing range of large objects
- For all presets the "Graphics Quality" option. For example, low-quality HLOD buildings will now display less closely
- Showing blood from killed pedestrians fixed
- Increased pedestrians density for all presets option "Simulation Scale"
- Improved quality of FXAA+ anti-aliasing
- Returned SSAO quality and reduced radius
- Slightly increased sun / moon light intensity
- Slightly reduced resolution of cascaded shadows
- Slightly reduced distance of cascaded shadows and far shadows
- For all presets the "Shadow Quality" option)
- Increased quality of materials
- For all presets the "Graphics quality" option except low. Thanks to this, puddles on the road turned on in rainy weather. Unfortunately, this had some impact on performance / resolution
- Slightly reduced LOD distance for high preset of "Graphics Quality" option
- Slightly reduced the distance of large objects for the maximum preset of the "Graphics Quality" option
- Minimum dynamic resolution increased from 0.5 to 0.55
- Added a variant of the mod without disabling the dynamic change of the GPU frequency ("WithDynGPUFreq" in the .zip archive name)
- Various other minor changes
- Added a couple of new screenshots showing puddles
Update #1 [18.11.2021]
Delete old exefs patch folder before updating mod! Folder name was changed and patch itself updated
- Resolution regulator now has step "5"
- All presets for the "World Shadow Quality" option have been reconfigured
- Reduced the resolution of cubemap and planar reflections for the "Car Reflections" option
- Slightly reduced SSAO quality and increased radius
- Slightly increased the distance of pedestrians and vehicles for the "Simulation Scale" option
- The presets for the "Vehicle Light Quality" option have been reconfigured
- Sharpening the image a little more
- Slightly reduced the intensity of light from the sun / moon
- Slightly reduced resolution of cascaded shadows and shadows from light sources
- Replaced background textures of the main menu / pause and textures of loading screens from the PC version of the game
- Other small changes
- Disabled dynamic change of GPU frequency [Handheld]
- Various graphics options enabled [Handheld / Dock Station]
- See screenshots
- Reduced minimum dynamic resolution from 0.825 to 0.55 [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Disabled image brightening [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Used only in the Switch version of the game
- Increased brightness of midtones [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Increased image sharpness [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Reduced the intensity of TAA anti-aliasing [Handheld / Dock Station]
- The intensity of light from the sun / moon has been reduced [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Increased draw distance for traffic and pedestrians [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Increased depth bias of shadows from light sources [Handheld / Dock Station]
- To reduce artifacts when shadows are on
- Improved bloom quality [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Replaced 1 font identical to the original [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Only for russian language
- Replaced background textures of the main menu / pause and loading screens [Handheld / Dock Station]
- From PC version of the game
- Added "Classic Radar" option to game settings [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Menu sounds are replaced with original ones [Handheld / Dock Station]
- Various other minor changes [Handheld / Dock Station]
"DynGPUFreqOn" in the name of .zip archive - its a version WITH DYNAMIC GPU FREQUENCY, just like the original. If you are playing in handheld mode and use overclocking, then I do NOT recommend using this version!
"DynResOff" in the name of .zip archive - its a version WITHOUT DYNAMIC RESOLUTION.
Unpack the "atmosphere" folder from the archive and put it in the root of the your SD Card, turn on overclocking and start the game.
Be sure to read:
It was necessary to disable GPU dynamic frequency. No matter what frequency you set in Sys-clk, the game periodically resets it to 384Mhz or 460Mhz, it is at these frequencies that the game works by default.
Now the game without overclocking works only at a frequency of 307Mhz and here a problem appears, although it exists without a mod. The game will NOT start at a frequency below 384Mhz or without overclocking, game will just crash.
If you are using a variant of the mod without "DynGPUFreqOn" in the archive name, then be sure to set the GPU frequency to at least 384Mhz in order for a successfully game launch.
To change the video option "Effects, Levels of Detail, World Draw Distance" from Low quality to Medium quality, or vice versa, you need to restart the game. or there will be numerous problems with materials.
This mod increases the load on the CPU, I recommend set CPU frequency as high as possible.
The console will barely pull the maximum graphics only with overclocking to the max, with strong drops in resolution and/or FPS.
There is a problem with the dock station in the game. When you change any option, the render resolution is reduced from 1080p to 720p. You need to either restart the game or use the ReverseNX overlay to quickly switch modes, this returns the resolution.
60 FPS can be achieved by setting the resolution lower. The game does not change frame time and it is always ~ 33.33ms (30 frames). Resolution will be always a priority.
Now the game without overclocking works only at a frequency of 307Mhz and here a problem appears, although it exists without a mod. The game will NOT start at a frequency below 384Mhz or without overclocking, game will just crash.
If you are using a variant of the mod without "DynGPUFreqOn" in the archive name, then be sure to set the GPU frequency to at least 384Mhz in order for a successfully game launch.
To change the video option "Effects, Levels of Detail, World Draw Distance" from Low quality to Medium quality, or vice versa, you need to restart the game. or there will be numerous problems with materials.
This mod increases the load on the CPU, I recommend set CPU frequency as high as possible.
The console will barely pull the maximum graphics only with overclocking to the max, with strong drops in resolution and/or FPS.
There is a problem with the dock station in the game. When you change any option, the render resolution is reduced from 1080p to 720p. You need to either restart the game or use the ReverseNX overlay to quickly switch modes, this returns the resolution.
60 FPS can be achieved by setting the resolution lower. The game does not change frame time and it is always ~ 33.33ms (30 frames). Resolution will be always a priority.
GTA_VC_The_Definitive_Edition_v1.0.6_Switch_Graphics_Mod_03.03.2022.zip2.1 MB · Views: 294
GTA_VC_The_Definitive_Edition_v1.0.6_Switch_Graphics_Mod_DynGPUFreqOn_03.03.2022.zip2.1 MB · Views: 217
GTA_VC_The_Definitive_Edition_v1.0.6_Switch_Graphics_Mod_DynGPUFreqOn_DynResOff_03.03.2022.zip2.1 MB · Views: 239
GTA_VC_The_Definitive_Edition_v1.0.6_Switch_Graphics_Mod_DynResOff_03.03.2022.zip2.1 MB · Views: 291
Last edited by ecl0674,