someone wanted to know how to swap god games' discs, here's how:
GOD ie:
disk1 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\01234567890123456789;
will have folder beside it
disk2 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\98765432109876543210;
will have folder beside it
I've not tested it, but this is from the dashlaunch readme, was just helping someone with dashlaunch, when I took a look. I'm not sure I fully understand the process or not, I'd have to test it, but I have no god games on my system.
GOD ie:
disk1 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\01234567890123456789;
will have folder beside it
disk2 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\98765432109876543210;
will have folder beside it
I've not tested it, but this is from the dashlaunch readme, was just helping someone with dashlaunch, when I took a look. I'm not sure I fully understand the process or not, I'd have to test it, but I have no god games on my system.