no It directly shows archive damage. unable to load save dataYou mean you have modified romfs archive and save isn't working?
wow very goodI think what you're saying is as follows (Chinese via google translate?):
You modified the money value using a save editor.
The save is not being loaded. The game says it is damaged.
Am I correct in this?
There may be a checksum in the savedata that has to be fixed. It's too hard to help you any further due to google's poor chinese translation.
wow very good
How do you know I used Google Translator?
You're right. Wait. Are you Chinese?
You are cleverYou accidentally left a bit of chinese in your earlier post.
No, I'm not.
I'm just carefully structuring sentences so google won't mess up.
You are clever
Is there any way to convert the archive of the game into a pc?
I'm very curious.
savedata cannot be edited
Nor can it be converted into PC
How to add all items
There are Chinese forums, but most of them are sharing gamesI'm not sure. Usually, the PC version's save must have fixes done to allow using it elsewhere. That's another problem in addition to the checksum.
It's also extremely difficult to communicate like this. Are there not any chinese console hacking forums you could ask on? It's unlikely you'll be able to receive much help here. I am sure someone will write a proper save data editor eventually if you wait. It is a fairly popular game, I think.