Gen1 Starters in Pokemon Black & White


Unknown Member
Dec 12, 2020
United States
Hello everybody,

How's it going? I hope you're having a lovely day. Today I'd like to reach out to some Pokemon connoisseurs, if there are any still lingering around in these forums.

I have not played Pokemon since 1998 (yes, I am very old). I played the original Red & Blue close to their US launch release on the Gameboy Pocket, got completely hooked, leveled up my Pokemon team to an elite status, completed the story, link cable battled, traded, saw all there was to see, did all there was to do, caught 'em all, and then I retired. Never looked back. Until now.

I am about to start a game of Pokemon Black. I have chosen this one due to its critical acclaim, unique features and setting, and apparently more "adult" storyline. However, all the Pokemon are new, none of the previous Gen Pokemon can be found in the wild, and as I understand it, all the early in-game ones you encounter are lame. So, I'd like to import a couple of the Pokemon of my vintage over into the game, so I can have them near or around the beginning, to make it a little more familiar and enjoyable.

I have researched this topic a little, and apparently the only way to really do this is to trade the Pokemon over from either the GBA games, or some of the other DS ones. I have no way to do this legitimately.

Is there any way to possibly "spoof" a trade by less-than-legitimate means? I am aware of the Pokemon Bank and Poke Transfer applications, but it seems they're only utilized for transferring Pokemon from older games to the 3DS iterations. I do have a "Virtual Console" Pokemon Red CIA (IPS colorized hack) installed on my 3DS, but something tells me the Pokemon from my less-than-legal version would quickly be sniffed out if I were to try using Nintendo's official tools.

Here is the equipment at my disposal:

- CFW New 3DS XL
- Legitimate Pokemon Black cartridge
- Old 3DS XL
- DSi XL
- DS Lite

Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2017
United States
1. Get PKSM (available as a .cia or as a .3dsx:

2. Go to the GPSS and look for legal Pokémon from gens 5 and below:

3. After downloading them, move them to your SD card (I believe you move them into a folder where PKSM stores your bank) and insert them into your Black save file.

That's the very basic of it.

Alternively, if you want to try it in a more legit way, there's PKMNClassic you can look up, which hosts servers for the gen 4 and 5 games and allows you to use the GTS for trading online. I've tested it myself a while back, and it's a simple process to set up.
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Unknown Member
Dec 12, 2020
United States
1. Get PKSM (available as a .cia or as a .3dsx:

2. Go to the GPSS and look for legal Pokémon from gens 5 and below:

3. After downloading them, move them to your SD card (I believe you move them into a folder where PKSM stores your bank) and insert them into your Black save file.

That's the very basic of it.

Alternively, if you want to try it in a more legit way, there's PKMNClassic you can look up, which hosts servers for the gen 4 and 5 games and allows you to use the GTS for trading online. I've tested it myself a while back, and it's a simple process to set up.
Thank you so very much, that is super helpful. I discovered PKSM through a previous post of yours I stumbled upon. I downloaded it, and will install on my SD shortly.

I will also definitely look into PKMN classic as well. If it's simple enough, I'll probably just go that route rather than tinker around with save editors.

Thanks, again!
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    Every console has shovel ware which most agree are all poo
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    Yea Sony and Xbox working on a handheld now even.
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    That would be cool
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pae, you're welcome
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    Good night
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    @K3Nv3, just my opinion but more games on the platform does increase the odds of some of them being awesome
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    A 12,000 in one odd of finding not a shit game good luck
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