GBAtemp Extraordinaire
Since 2002, GBAtemp has been a community-powered site, and nothing is more important to the site than its user base. With this new editorial feature, we're bringing the spotlight to you! We've decided to ask a set of simple questions to a
Legendary Temper: a long-standing member of the community, someone who has made important contributions, or who bears significance to the history of the site or the forums. This may include staff and non-staff members. We'll try to make this a weekly feature, but with over
500,000 members now, it may take a while for
you to be featured
Today's entry will be featuring one of our most well-known staff members. Being a Supervisor once wasn't enough, so he came back to moderate with an iron fist again once more. That's right: the one, the only,
@p1ngpong! We beg you don't cry ;O;
- Who are you, and what do you do in real life?
I am a Londoner born and bred and have lived in London my whole life, but I am originally Greek Cypriot. I have been in the IT industry for the last few years and am currently an infrastructure engineer for a large healthcare provider.
- How did you find yourself joining GBAtemp?
I joined about six months after I got my first Nintendo DS and flashcart. I joined mainly to mess around and troll a bit and did not think i would still be here all these years later.
- What's the most exciting/interesting/crazy thing or event that you've witnessed throughout your GBAtemp years?
I have seen a lot of stuff in my time here both publicly and behind the scenes. Lots of drama definitely, high profile bans including staff member bans (like when JPH posted a naughty image on the front page). I have seen the site get hacked and come back stronger and improved. But definitely the most interesting, crazy and downright sad thing I have seen here is the whole Xuphor drama. He (who pretended to be a she) faked a terminal illness and had an outpouring of support from the community. That not being enough for him he pushed it to the point that the whole story fell apart and was exposed by the community. On the plus side looking back on that it was nice to see how caring and supportive everyone was when we still believed him.
- What part of the video game industry are you currently interested in, or excited about?
I am genuinely interested in seeing Nintendo's next move. I was always really underwhelmed by the switch even when it was brand new and an exciting concept. I would dearly love to see a decently powerful dedicated console from them that is not gimmick-laden like the 3DS, Wii U, original Wii and switch. Other than that I am really excited about the developments we are seeing in VR and AR. Hopefully, at some point in the near future, someone will bring out a dedicated device that can tie in the potential I see in VR and AR in a less clunky and affordable way.
- Do you have a message for the staff, an opinion you want to share with the community, or anything else you would like to say?
My message to the staff from admins, to mods to mag staff and others, is to keep up the great work. I think the dedication and hard work we see from them is what makes GBAtemp so successful and has resulted in its longevity. Thank you to the admins especially for keeping this place independent and never selling out when so many others have.
To the members out there, thank you for contributing and being a part of the community. I hope you appreciate this place and all the hard work that has been poured into it over the years. GBAtemp is not perfect by any means but I do genuinely believe this place is special, and everyone who logs in and contributes even in a small way has helped create this special little place on the internet.
Thanks for reading! We hope you enjoyed this new editorial feature. If you think you qualify for Legendary Temper, feel free to leave a comment in this thread and your turn may eventually come.

Make sure to check out our previous Legendary Tempers!