GBAtemp 2008: introducing 2 new features!
Picture upload space & blogs!
GBAtemp 2008
2007 was a great year on GBAtemp. Let's make 2008 even better! Starting today, with two major new features. We sincerely hope that you will appreciate them and use them wisely!
Well, well, that's a good start for this year. We're always open to suggestions, so feel free to discuss these new features and suggest others (although we already have a lot planned for 2008
The staff.
Picture upload space & blogs!
GBAtemp 2008
2007 was a great year on GBAtemp. Let's make 2008 even better! Starting today, with two major new features. We sincerely hope that you will appreciate them and use them wisely!
- GBAtemp Blogging Service
Members now have their own blog. This service is to be used for anything and everything relating to your personal life, opinions, rants and raves, and anything else you can think of. While it's not a requirement we kindly request that you use this blog for personal purposes, and keep the gaming/emulation/etc discussions within their respective forums and topics. All members are free to comment on any and all existing blogs. Members also have free reign over their own blogs and shall be able to moderate their own entries; you can delete comments, retitle the entry, and edit at your own convenience. Blogs will only be subject to staff moderation in the most extreme of circumstances, anything illegal within the blogs will not be tolerated. Freedom of speech however is a key component so your opinions, no matter what they may be, will not be policed.
Screenshots of the blogging service
Special thanks to Linkiboy and salamence502, who had found out about the new feature before it went public, for having kept their mouth shut all that time. Must've been so hard for you guys!
- GBAtemp Picture Upload Space
All our members now have a free space to host their pictures! Putting a picture online has never been easier: just select the file you want to upload from your computer, and click the button. Once the picture is uploaded, you're given all you need to include your picture in a forum post or in an HTML page! Accepted picture formats are: JPG, PNG and GIF. Also, the maximum file size for pictures is 2 megabytes.
Screenshots of the picture upload space
The primary purpose is of course to use your uploaded pictures in forum posts or blog articles, but you may also use them from other websites. Abuses will not be tolerated.
- GBAtemp Forum & Skin Updates
Users of the Classic & Lite skins will be happy to learn that we're in the process of updating both skins to include the new features: wiki, blogs, buddy icons and so on. The banners on the top part of the pages will also be updated to include the newest features. On a related subject, we are always trying to track down all the little bugs of the forums; we've recently fixed a lot (new improved Youtube tag, post preview emoticons & spoiler box bugs, GBAtemp Mobile improves, ...). If you find any of these little problems, please report them on our Site discussions & suggestions forum. Also please note that from now on, I will be reporting all new changes made to the site, even the smallest, on my blog.
Well, well, that's a good start for this year. We're always open to suggestions, so feel free to discuss these new features and suggest others (although we already have a lot planned for 2008
The staff.