here's a VERY BAD (over the internet) translation
Also ??? and GBA being clean. . . [ ???? (NDS) ] When just that, circumstance changes to having shown disapproval in building in the patch, changing. . . Completely, there is no fidelity, is. With, it tried remodelling "3in1 ExpPack Tool" substantially with the meaning which is said. Also the name is "GBA ExpLoader". Whether something, it is Exp secret (lie) is. . . After all, you could not fumble the part of GUI and the picture. Depending, the appearance as completely is the same "3in1 ExpPack Tool", but. . . As yourself becoming something which is different completely, it is ? intention. The < main remodelling point putting the > GBA file, the wherever of SD, it tried to be able to start. SAV the file left considering the use of the plural Slot-1 card expansion packs as folder of fixing, but the folder modified in "GBA_SAVE". It tried libfat to correspond to SJIS from R19 devkitpro at a stroke to R21. When SAV the file does not exist, it tried to draw up with the same name as the GBA file. Automatic SRAM the internal organs doing the patch, the patch it tried 2nd from starting to do with contents of the SGN file which was drawn up in "the GBA_SIGN" folder. The PASS starting of Slot-2 was supported (the patch does not do the BIN file). "GBA_ExpLoader_00" Ver0.0 prototype edition Temporarily, if you understand concerning EEPROM/FLASH system it tried corresponding to everything. But, because the numbers of samples which are tested are very few, perhaps there are times when it does not operate just even in the same SAVE type. SRAM system has not done the patch altogether. In addition, it processes ROM which is not analysis impossible ROM and SAVE as SRAM. Adjusting to SAVE type, you adjust the size of the SAV file,, but because in EEPROM type size decision is difficult, it draws up with 8KB of larger one. In case of SRAM type, it has made 32KB unconditionally. Don't you think? nevertheless the patch "of EZ4 Client" is useless useless! When this time, you inspected seriously, not only FLASH_V121 and either FLASH_V120 was not moving at all? In addition, in order to be able to use both mode of PSRAM/NOR concerning FLASH1M_V102/V103, the patch it has done. Because this time the modification point is many, being to think, that bug is indwelling in large quantities, noting, please use this point. In addition, the management table of SRAM from differs "3in1 ExpPack Tool". You have used with the other tool, when the "expansion pack" is used, it meaning that SRAM is modified, after taking backup in advance, please use. When in the same way, GBA it starts with YSMENU, it is similar, because (yasu adjusted the address of the management table, it goes out cleanly). With "EZ4 Client" and "GBATA", please do not use the GBA file of SRAM patch end. It cannot detect SAVE type just. Please be sure to use clean ROM.