Hello All,
This same process very likely works for all other games and most of you probably already know about this. I am posting this for FFXII cheating on the switch and maybe in case if anyone is interested in knowing how the process works.
I've gotten the cheats to work for FFXII Zodiac Age on the switch. I had obviously taken and copied the memory addresses from the SXOS community cheat sub forums and created a txt file to use on Edizon.
On your Nintendo Switch you will have to be on Atmosphere 0.8.5 or above I think? I am on Atmosphere 0.8.9 or whatever the latest version is by the way.
First check to make sure the dmnt cheats are enabled from your "system_settings.ini" located in the atmosphere folder on the root of your SD card. Make sure this line displays as: dmnt_cheats_enabled_by_default = u8!0x1
which means the cheats are enabled, so please check that first.
From the SD card please navigate to: atmosphere\titles
create a folder called: 0100EB100AB42000
(That's the Title ID of this game)
Then created a subfolder within called: cheats
inside that cheats folder now create a blank text file.
Please name this text file: c2932c4d1c84ed7d.txt
(That's the build ID for the game. Note: you can see this info for any game in the HEAP,MAIN,RAM search section of EdiZon)
Edit that text file you created, (copy and paste the following below and save your text file. Pick and choose whatever codes you like, you don't need to copy everything if you don't want to).
[Infinite Items on change (99)]
04000000 00201E18 52800C7C
[Infinite Items on change (10)]
04000000 00201E18 5280015C
[Infinite Items on change (Off)]
04000000 00201E18 1A8EB1BC
[Infinite MP (On)]
04000000 00204064 52807CF4
[Infinite MP (Off)]
04000000 00204064 2A0103F4
[Gain 2x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010508
[Gain 4x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010908
[Gain 8x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010D08
[Gain 16x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B011108
[Gain Normal LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010108
[Gain 2x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080528
[Gain 4x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080928
[Gain 8x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080D28
[Gain 16x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B081128
[Gain Normal EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080128
[Always increase kill chain level on kill (On)]
04000000 001FED60 D503201F
[Always increase kill chain level on kill (Off)]
04000000 001FED60 540001C2
[Monster always drop all items (On)]
04000000 001FF9A4 D503201F
04000000 001FFAE8 1400002A
04000000 001FFBAC 1400002A
[Monster always drop all items (Off)]
04000000 001FF9A4 5400008A
04000000 001FFAE8 540005C0
04000000 001FFBAC 540005E0
[Max Gil]
04110000 00208008 0098967F
Once everything is saved. Start up your Nintendo switch inject the latest "fusee-primary.bin" to boot into the Atmosphere CFW. (I think if you attempt to use any other CFW, the EdiZon cheats may not work).
Enter the FFXII game, load up your save or whatever and get the game running. Press the home button on your controller and then hold down the R button and enter the Album. Then enter EdiZon app. Then navigate to that screen where you search for the memory values. You should see the cheats displayed and the descriptions along with the checkmarks to toggle on and off (hopefully it is not all blank for you). Then go back into the game. For example you will have to use an item for it to become 99 qty. Also when you kill an enemy I think the LP and EXP points gained will show normally (those white numbers that pop up immediately after killing enemies). But if you go to your status screen however it should show that you've earned way more points.
This cheats won't work if you are on the wrong version of FFXII. I also do not know if this works on XCI's or Japanese versions? I am using an NSP install of the game and it is on v1.1.0 for me is all I know.
Hopefully this all works for you guys.
This same process very likely works for all other games and most of you probably already know about this. I am posting this for FFXII cheating on the switch and maybe in case if anyone is interested in knowing how the process works.
I've gotten the cheats to work for FFXII Zodiac Age on the switch. I had obviously taken and copied the memory addresses from the SXOS community cheat sub forums and created a txt file to use on Edizon.
On your Nintendo Switch you will have to be on Atmosphere 0.8.5 or above I think? I am on Atmosphere 0.8.9 or whatever the latest version is by the way.
First check to make sure the dmnt cheats are enabled from your "system_settings.ini" located in the atmosphere folder on the root of your SD card. Make sure this line displays as: dmnt_cheats_enabled_by_default = u8!0x1
which means the cheats are enabled, so please check that first.
From the SD card please navigate to: atmosphere\titles
create a folder called: 0100EB100AB42000
(That's the Title ID of this game)
Then created a subfolder within called: cheats
inside that cheats folder now create a blank text file.
Please name this text file: c2932c4d1c84ed7d.txt
(That's the build ID for the game. Note: you can see this info for any game in the HEAP,MAIN,RAM search section of EdiZon)
Edit that text file you created, (copy and paste the following below and save your text file. Pick and choose whatever codes you like, you don't need to copy everything if you don't want to).
[Infinite Items on change (99)]
04000000 00201E18 52800C7C
[Infinite Items on change (10)]
04000000 00201E18 5280015C
[Infinite Items on change (Off)]
04000000 00201E18 1A8EB1BC
[Infinite MP (On)]
04000000 00204064 52807CF4
[Infinite MP (Off)]
04000000 00204064 2A0103F4
[Gain 2x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010508
[Gain 4x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010908
[Gain 8x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010D08
[Gain 16x LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B011108
[Gain Normal LP]
04000000 001FF374 0B010108
[Gain 2x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080528
[Gain 4x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080928
[Gain 8x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080D28
[Gain 16x EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B081128
[Gain Normal EXP]
04000000 001FF2E8 0B080128
[Always increase kill chain level on kill (On)]
04000000 001FED60 D503201F
[Always increase kill chain level on kill (Off)]
04000000 001FED60 540001C2
[Monster always drop all items (On)]
04000000 001FF9A4 D503201F
04000000 001FFAE8 1400002A
04000000 001FFBAC 1400002A
[Monster always drop all items (Off)]
04000000 001FF9A4 5400008A
04000000 001FFAE8 540005C0
04000000 001FFBAC 540005E0
[Max Gil]
04110000 00208008 0098967F
Once everything is saved. Start up your Nintendo switch inject the latest "fusee-primary.bin" to boot into the Atmosphere CFW. (I think if you attempt to use any other CFW, the EdiZon cheats may not work).
Enter the FFXII game, load up your save or whatever and get the game running. Press the home button on your controller and then hold down the R button and enter the Album. Then enter EdiZon app. Then navigate to that screen where you search for the memory values. You should see the cheats displayed and the descriptions along with the checkmarks to toggle on and off (hopefully it is not all blank for you). Then go back into the game. For example you will have to use an item for it to become 99 qty. Also when you kill an enemy I think the LP and EXP points gained will show normally (those white numbers that pop up immediately after killing enemies). But if you go to your status screen however it should show that you've earned way more points.
This cheats won't work if you are on the wrong version of FFXII. I also do not know if this works on XCI's or Japanese versions? I am using an NSP install of the game and it is on v1.1.0 for me is all I know.
Hopefully this all works for you guys.
Last edited by 980001267,