~Dual posted in what I now believe to be the proper forums. Apologies.~
I purchased an easy flash Omega definitive edition just a few days ago and it was delivered by Amazon. I have tried asking the company through Amazon as the slip of paper in the package told me to but I have not received a response yet.
My problem is that my easy flash Omega does not seem to be updating the firmware when I updated the kernel. My kernel is version 1.10 but my firmware is staying continuously at firmware 7 when there is most recently firmware 9.
The site says the firmware should update automatically after a reboot of the console but no such thing has happened upon reboot. I also did not turn off the console while updating the kernel so that is hopefully not the issue.
Also and I'm not sure if this is related to the firmware issue but my save States and my physical saves are not working on the easy flash Omega pro for many games like Wario Land 4 and Pokemon fire red. I have not gotten the latter game to work with either save states or with the physical save of flash 128 kilobits.
The game keeps starting up as if I never had a save file at all even though there are save files in the RTC folder and the saver folder.
I also did not see any message stating that the battery had run dry.
Does anybody have any ideas? thanks very much and I'll post images if I can.
Some images of what I see on the main menus. The Kernel used to be 1.05 but I updated to 1.10 from the EZ flash site but the firmware didn't update from it's original v7 to v9.
Images of saving and waiting and then resetting to the main menu and then restarting the game with no save present.
I purchased an easy flash Omega definitive edition just a few days ago and it was delivered by Amazon. I have tried asking the company through Amazon as the slip of paper in the package told me to but I have not received a response yet.
My problem is that my easy flash Omega does not seem to be updating the firmware when I updated the kernel. My kernel is version 1.10 but my firmware is staying continuously at firmware 7 when there is most recently firmware 9.
The site says the firmware should update automatically after a reboot of the console but no such thing has happened upon reboot. I also did not turn off the console while updating the kernel so that is hopefully not the issue.
Also and I'm not sure if this is related to the firmware issue but my save States and my physical saves are not working on the easy flash Omega pro for many games like Wario Land 4 and Pokemon fire red. I have not gotten the latter game to work with either save states or with the physical save of flash 128 kilobits.
The game keeps starting up as if I never had a save file at all even though there are save files in the RTC folder and the saver folder.
I also did not see any message stating that the battery had run dry.
Does anybody have any ideas? thanks very much and I'll post images if I can.
Some images of what I see on the main menus. The Kernel used to be 1.05 but I updated to 1.10 from the EZ flash site but the firmware didn't update from it's original v7 to v9.
Images of saving and waiting and then resetting to the main menu and then restarting the game with no save present.
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