Alright, I use MacPass as well. It crashes a lot for me, sometimes I need to restart my computer entireley for it to start working again.
That said, from a fresh restart what I do is:
1. Right-click > Run as Administrator on MacPass
2. highlight the "netsh wlan hostednetwork mode=allow" line
- Change the following - "ssid=attwifi" to
- Change the following - "key=12345678" to "key=[MakeYourOwnPassword]"
3. Click Execute
4. Highlight a Mac address and click "Start"
Macpass should start counting down from 60. You can also go into your network adaptors and see the NZ@McD1 appear and dissapear. If it's still not working for you after that I'd suggest restarting the Homepass guide from square 1 again.