I think there was a slight misunderstanding.
By being 1:1 I meant the file names and the script contents itself will generally match the related script file from the original outside of additional events that have been added. I did not mean that you could just replace the scripts with the ones from the PSP or PC version, as they obviously would use different encodings, control codes, and pointers, and would crash if the Vita tried to load it.
I haven't looked into the PSP version, but the PC version has the scripts contained in the "ED6_DT01.dat" file as shown by the "ED6_DT01.dir" listing the script names (i.e. T4221).
It's not completely necessary to know Japanese to replace the script if someone has the Vita JP, original JP, and English scripts for the games because the file names correspond to each other and they would be able to directly correlate the original Japanese and English scripts together as they were not changed compared to the Vita remake.
Sadly this is incorrect, and i reaaaaly wish it wasn't.
Translating SC will be harder than FC since FC's files used the same names, but FC's files also use the same names as SC, and contain completely different information.
T4221 in Japanese SC Evo is the very opening lines as Estelle wakes up, but in FC this same file is the lines from toward the end of the game, discussing how/why would a certain someone betray a certain someone (trying to be spoiler free here) if he loves his country so much.
I will have a comparison look with FC over this weekend if I get a little time, now that I know what I'm looking for it will be really fast.
The script in terms of whats said could very well line up, but the scripts in SCevo, and I'm guessing in FCevo too, have an additional piece of information before each dialogue line in the scenario files, called things like
#005F or
#1002F wheras the scripts in FC for PSP, when I looked, did not have this at all, and logic would assume that line one would be say #0001 and line 2 would be #0002 but nope, there is no order to them in the file, and the same linecode can be used in entirely different files, so if I had to guess I'd say its referencing something somewhere else.
Additionally for FCevo there is other information for dialogue inside the map files, this is where it notes what face to use, or what voice file to play.
I'll have a test with those at some point and see if I can get it to use a different line of dialogue on a certain piece of text.
One final thing is that in those same map files it notes how long the voice should go on for, usually between 1 and 3 seconds.
I'd say that since the order is not the same, and the codes are not the same, I'd think you'd need to know some Japanese to make sure you're replacing the correct piece of text, otherwise you'd be testing the same dialogue section for hours trying to find exactly what section to replace, because most of the games dialogue is duplicated in another file (the reason for this, I can't say I know at all...).
Interestingly the game doesn't crash if reads the file wrong, it either skips the dialogue entirely and autoruns through that particular section as though you'd skipped all the dialogue,
or the screen goes black but the music and sound effects can still be heard perfectly fine, indicating that its only the visual side of things thats hit a bug, of course the game isn't playable here, but its not a hard crash that forces the game to shutdown.
I'll continue to look into the files and see how I get on, and i look forward to what the rest of you discover as you look through the files and run tests.
One interesting thing worth noting is some file names have changed or pointers are in entirely different places (asthough the file were now being searched bottom up instead of top up), in one of my first tests I replaced the weapons file, and now estelles weapon description and name was all about how tasty this particular thing is and positive for health, so it was reading somewhere drastically different in the file, I'll probably do all that stuff last, as people can still play a game if the weapons aren't in English, but the games dialogue is what needs doing most.