What? I don't understand at all what is the purpose of this thread.
Are you jojoking? I seriously can’t tell.
It literally says what the purpose is intended for. Maybe you didn’t quite r e a d it?
Imagine this: someone wants a cheat for a game, say the example above. They go to the request thread. No one notices the request because no one cares. The poster keeps bombarding the thread making requests, bumping out other people’s requests.
Eventually, they say some off-color asshole shit in the request thread and the whole community loses a creator because of one guy (which happened before). All the while, all they had to do was try using float instead of S16, but they never knew that.
So, tbh, I see requests for
And I never see any codes.
Although, I know the game is easy to find values in, but I don’t release anything (because of people like you (hakiddingsofunny)).
Luckily, no one goes crazy making posts saying dumb shit bc the keyboard from Black Friday arrived early. Thus, while we don’t have cheats, we still have creators.
Think of this like a walkthrough/(+?)tutorial for people who want easy cheats without pestering people and won’t /can’t use ida or other programs.
You must explain this in the way so as much people as possible can understand you.
Buddy, that’s easy. You just ain’t readin’, bub.
•you’re using latest edizon se on a physical Switch console.
•you know how to initially search and secondary search for values.
You want EXP, search in float bc it’s not in U32.
Simple sample.
titleid has wrong structure,
Prove me wrong.
This is a thread I made, not you. Go make a better one because no one did. Prob also why you’re m a y b e not “getting it”.
why searching whole RAM if you know that value is in heap (which is still the most of what RAM consists, but then you can avoid searching executables, stacks, shared mappings, etc)?
How long is a search in RAM compared to, wait for it, begging for codes, waiting for your response to be noticed, someone to make a cheat after loading it in ______ program, testing the cheat, and posting it, for free?
I go to work for money, pugga; I ain’t got time for most things.
Life’s rough when it’s rough, but I’m certainly not knocking the next guy for trying to be not-a-dickhead.
Hope to see you contribute all your time for free, but I won’t be waiting

should help everyone by making novices understand how things work
So, once you know, you know…..you know? Bc ifykyk.
This thread doesn't look like tutorial at all.
Stop complaining and start posting to what this thread is for. You just haven’t read it properly.
I’ll add things no one else has (and hopefully others, as well) because I feel like giving up ten minutes of my time (versus hours) to save someone else hours/days of having to search and test cheats for a not-so-great game, when all people might want is gold for unlocking things…..and they’re thieves or ungrateful, so run that like a
Example: in Sonic Superstars, the value for coins to unlock robot parts is easy (U32), but people still ask for it.
I m a g I n e taking that away and having people ask for all emerald unlocks; now that’s a real search and maybe the person who does decide to look into the game will release a cheat for Super Sonic always on because they found the flag for emeralds.
Not reading kills people.
Couldn’t add my own quote from another blog, but,
“Personally, I return the energy I get: treat me shitty, I’ll bust your balls; work with me and I work with you“
So maybe give a better example instead of “critiquing”, when you didn’t use an actual source as an example. You just kinda did the same shit a n y o n e could do without using knowledge to make this better.
My b, b.