"banned for 2 weeks! why are you posting things mods have already deleted! When you know fine well they don't want you to post them
Also please don't try to post the same subject more than once"
This is the comment you got banned for:
QUOTE said:
"It would be quite Ironic if this post gets removed (like it did last night). Since the DSX cart is based on the reverse engineering efforts of other!
So much for the supporting the Homebrew community?"
Another mod deleted your post (not me) So then you reposted what he deleted and clearly knew some of the ds-x mods didn't want you to post that! Now lets take a look at the ds-x rules :
One common question moderators get involves deleted threads, such as the whos, whats, whens, wheres, and most importantly perhaps, why. Unlike a thread being locked, a deleted thread will disappear completely leaving no trace or message to explain why it was deleted.
Deletion is usually saved for when a thread is too far gone into trouble to salvage, when it is almost complete spam, or when it is obscene or highly inappropriate to start with. As such, it is most often obvious why a thread was deleted and doesn't usually need further clarification.
What NOT to do.
There are a few things to remember NOT to do when you have a question about a deleted thread:
# Do NOT post a new thread to ask why your thread was deleted.
This will just be considered spam and will be locked or deleted.
# Do not repost your thread until you get a moderator's OK.
Reposting your thread without finding out why it was deleted may land you in hot water. Threads are deleted for a reason and until you discuss it with a moderator, it should not be reposted.