Apologies if there is an obvious/straightforward answer here, I have spent the last couple hours digging through countless broken links and outdated information and I'm kind of at my wit's end.
Is there any way to run .nds files from an EZFlash IV, without a passcard or other additional hardware? (On a DS Lite)
[Site won't let me post links, so they're broken on purpose - replace the * with .]
I'm trying to use the program linked in [gbatemp*net/threads/how-to-get-warioware-diy-sav-off-cart.573492/] (DSaveManager) to get save data off a WarioWare DIY cart, but when using the EZFlash .nds files aren't displayed. [wiki*bibanon.org/EZ_Flash/IV/Homebrew] states that .nds files need to be changed to .ds.gba files, but the links it gives to utilities for changing the file header are all broken. I've tried just renaming the file to a .ds.gba or .bin but that only results in a white screen on loading - Though problem is I don't know whether that's because the file is invalid or because I updated the firmware to 2.05, which I later learned apparently removes the cart's DS mode? But also that might have needed a passcard anyway? I imagine I might need to downgrade the firmware again to get the .nds app to work, but then I will be stuck with the problem that every single link I can find on god's green internet to the EZ IV client software is dead. Despite there being at least two old guides on the EZ IV on this site, none of them make mention of the basic requirements for launching DS apps/roms from it, so I don't even know if I'm completely barking up the wrong tree here trying to do something impossible.
I've seen threads make mention of nopass, but only to say "it's crap and old and unsupported and you should just buy a slot1 cart." But considering I am currently running on a very tight budget and only need to do exactly one thing with homebrew, being able to at least take a shot at the crap old unsupported method would be nice.
If the answer truly is "No, you cannot do what you're trying to do with the hardware at your disposal," then what is the least expensive option (if there is one at all) for getting access to the save data on my WarioWare DIY cart? I can't really justify spending on a flashcart for this one purpose right now, but it'd be nice to at least know what options are available for some other time.
Also, has any more reliable method been devised for getting save data from WarioWare DIY? Judging from that one thread, the odds of DSaveManager working out don't seem amazing. (Which makes it even harder to swallow an additional purchase when it's a gamble as to whether it'll actually work)
p.s. I do also own an old Action Replay DS. I doubt this helps in any meaningful way whatsoever but I figure I may as well mention it. For all I know there could be some wacky hacking method someone out there's devised using it.
edit: Oh, and my EZFlash is an old model IV, with the white plastic and miniSD slot. It did need the client software to add new games prior to me updating the kernel.