There was another game just like this.....I can't rem what it was called, but I think it was a GBA game. You control a guy who looks like the guy on the boxart. You have a very basic looking graphics (brick platforms) that you are trying to reach the top of. You can create these platforms that look like an upside-down "U" to get to platforms you can't jump to. There are animals scattered around and you shoot them with.....well actually, it looks as if you throw rocks at them. Some animals drop some....things that you are supposed to collect....little tablet looking things, a power-up for your "U" shaped platforms, etc. You get to the top and it goes to the next level of basically the same thing. It DOES have tutorials as you play.
The game seems like some kind of Flash game turned DS game. I'd give it a 4 out of 10 tops.
They may call it Heracles, but I call it skip. It's a purely forgettable game.