hi, everybody.... first of all, i dont know nothing about nthis kind of things....
i read a lot here about everything, but i have some doubts....
INFO: i have a japanese Wii. I bought in 11/2007
Q1: I want to play US games... what should i do? i dont care about isos and things like that.... i just want to buy, for example, US paper mario and play with my JAP Wii.... what i have to do!?
A1: modship
Q2: but if get a modship can i play all original US games on my wii!? or i have to use the iso thing and the pacther to play us games?!?!
A2: Some of the newer ones won't work, because they will not be able to find English as the chosen language for you console. Besides, yes you will have to use patched isos for some of 'em, since they contain a firmware update that would feck your console up.
Q2: ok... Now... my doubt is what brick my wii!? 01 - playing JP isos? 02 - playing US patched isos? 03 - playing US original games? 04 - playing JP orignnal games? 05 - updating my hacked wii? 06 - using US games that update my firmware? 07 - using JP games that update my firmware?
A3: #6
Q4: ok... 06.... what kind of us games?! isos or original games?! there is another way to brick my wii?!
thanks... im doing this and after im going to do somekind of faq about japanese wiis..... thank peoples...
i read a lot here about everything, but i have some doubts....
INFO: i have a japanese Wii. I bought in 11/2007
Q1: I want to play US games... what should i do? i dont care about isos and things like that.... i just want to buy, for example, US paper mario and play with my JAP Wii.... what i have to do!?
A1: modship
Q2: but if get a modship can i play all original US games on my wii!? or i have to use the iso thing and the pacther to play us games?!?!
A2: Some of the newer ones won't work, because they will not be able to find English as the chosen language for you console. Besides, yes you will have to use patched isos for some of 'em, since they contain a firmware update that would feck your console up.
Q2: ok... Now... my doubt is what brick my wii!? 01 - playing JP isos? 02 - playing US patched isos? 03 - playing US original games? 04 - playing JP orignnal games? 05 - updating my hacked wii? 06 - using US games that update my firmware? 07 - using JP games that update my firmware?
A3: #6
Q4: ok... 06.... what kind of us games?! isos or original games?! there is another way to brick my wii?!
thanks... im doing this and after im going to do somekind of faq about japanese wiis..... thank peoples...