Doom RPG MOBILE PORT Vita v.1.0.0 - jakubito


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Title : Doom RPG

2005 for Mobile J2ME - Fountainhead Entertainment & id Software, Inc.
2005 for Mobile BREW - Antomic, Inc.
2009 for RIM BlackBerry - Mobile Post Production, Inc.

Description :
Doom RPG for Mobile Phones is a first-person turn-based role playing game set in the Doom universe. Developed specifically for your mobile device, you reprise the role of the Doom Marine made famous in the groundbreaking id Software titles Doom, Doom II, and Doom 3. Say goodbye to humdrum mobile gaming and prepare yourself for the return to Mars in a showdown with the legions of Hell!
Doom RPG works on the mobile Java implementation J2ME with the MIDP 2.0 environment, and also on phones running BREW 2.0 or later. If your phone supports either of these platforms, there is a good chance you will be able to play Doom RPG on it. Visit to find out more.

Game Features
With an advanced smooth-scrolling 3D rendering engine written by id Software and Fountainhead Entertainment, Doom RPG is a compelling cell phone gaming experience that is a refreshing departure from typical cell phone adventure games.
- Smooth-scrolling 3D gameplay from a first person perspective
- A brutal aresenal of 9 weapons including old favorites like the Super Shotgun and BFG, and some cool weapons new to the Doom universe
- 10 action packed levels filled with dangerous monsters, incredible power-ups, and secret areas to explore
- Over 8 hours of engaging RPG gameplay
- A compelling story, scripted sequences, tons of characters, and interactive environments
- Sound effects and classic Doom music
- Save game feature allows you to quit at anytime and pick up later where you left off
- Collect UAC credits and use them to purchase items and ammunition
- Earn experience and gain levels to become stronger
- Purchase stat boosters such as strength and accuracy to customize your character
- Replay game levels as many times as you would like to build up your character's abilities
- Full-screen rendering that matches the maximum resolution of your mobile device
- Supports a wide variety of carriers and cellphone devices

History :
Fountainhead Entertainment was born in 2000 and the owner was Katherine Anna Kang, she was Director of Business Development on id Software. There was 3 games from Fountainhead Entertainment, Sidrial PC 2002, Doom RPG Mobile J2ME 2005, Orcs & Elves Mobile J2ME 2006 and for Nintendo DS 2007.
She returned to id Software in 2008 and took on the role of President of id Mobile. In this time period, she produced Wolfenstein RPG, Doom II RPG and Doom Resurrection. By 2013, she had left the company once again. She also worked on Quake III Arena, along with various mission packs and Quake II ports.
Kang met Carmack after visiting him with a friend during QuakeCon 1996. They married on 5th January 2000 and their son Christopher Ryan was born on August 13, 2004. Their second child was born in November 2009.

Author: jakubito ''Jakub Dobes''
Release Name : Doom RPG Vita v.1.0.0
Release Version : v.1.0.0 First
Data File Version : Mobile BREW

Info :
This is a PS Vita port of the reverse engineered Doom RPG by [GEC]. All credits go to the GEC team, this project would not exist without their hard work.

Download :

Install :
- Search for "Doom RPG BREW" on to get the original mobile game assets file: (CRC32: d7cf11c5)
- Next, you need BarToZip.exe converter tool (Windows only) included in the PC release
- Drag and drop onto BarToZip.exe. You should now have file saved in the same folder
- Copy the newly generated to ux0:data/doomrpg/
- Download the latest VPK release and install it using VitaShell
- You can now start the game

Default controls :
Move Forward = D-pad up
Move Backward = D-pad down
Move Left = L
Move Right = R
Turn Left = D-pad left
Turn Right = D-pad right
Attack/Talk/Use = X
Next Weapon = Triangle
Prev Weapon = Circle
Pass Turn = Square
Automap = Select
Menu Open/Back = Start

Note :
Save and config data are stored in ux0:data/doomrpg/ - these files are compatible with the PC release.

Cheat codes :
3666 R → → → Open debug menu
43629 ← R → ↑ □ Max health and armor
4332 ← R R ↑ All keys, items and weapons
3366 R R → → Start benchmark

Bug reporting :
If you find a bug, please send me an e-mail to [email protected] or open an issue here on github.


Doom RPG Reverse Engineering By [GEC], created by Erick Vásquez García
Current version : 0.2.2
NFO from Erick194 :

As we promised, the Doom RPG port for PC is finally here. created using SDL2 and BREW version doomrpg.mod original file reverse
This is my first port made for PC and I hope this works for you too.
Special thanks goes to @Anarkavre as thanks to him we got the original Brew game files.

You need to get the original files to be converted into a friendly format for the port, you can get them from, you can search
"Doom RPG BREW" on SOFTWARE menu.
Run the BarToZip program to convert the file into a, then you run the DoomRPG.exe
Hope you enjoy it, best regards.

Updates :
The BarToZip tool is updated to generate the file. This update allows you to convert PMD sound files to WAV without the use of the external program (PureVoice/pvconv.exe) from previous versions.

Bugfixes :
- Accuracy upgrade (+1 Accuracy) purchase is correctly added to both player and stats.
- Game prologue messages are displayed correctly with the corresponding text.
- Fixed a bug related to monster movement in the aiGoal_MOVE function.
Thanks to @tempun2 who let me know about this error.
- Monsters can now perform the second attack, as the projectile graph is displayed correctly.
This only applies to Cyberdemon and the Baron monster class.


Versions :
At least three versions of Doom RPG are currently known to exist, the older v1.0.20, v1.0.92, v1.8.94, v1.11.61 and last 1.12.98. Version 1.8.94 already had a view that takes up the entire width of the screen, rather than being contained within a small window. This change was probably done earlier, as modifications of v1.0.92 exist without letterboxing.

Version 1.11.61 has in particular the following improvements:
- Higher resolution textures
- Enhanced sound effects - v1.0.20 only had a single sound effect for item pickup, v1.11.61 has multiple sound effects
- Improved particle effects
During 2007, v1.6.84 was released. This version might only be available for S60v3 Nokia phones.
The release versions correspond with releases for different performance levels of cell phone technology.


Million Thanks Jakub Dobes and Erick194 ! Great Idea.
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Test : not working for me, sorry have no results

BarToZip.exe not working on Windows 8 =
error -> api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll
fix -> api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll
next error -> zlib.dll
fix -> zlib.dll
final error -> 0xc000007b
source from Anarkavre

Windows 7 + BarToZip.exe = WORKING
Last edited by peter8,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
Have fun Dizzy :) please report any results.

I have no luck, port not working for me, error on BarToZip.exe. I am sad. And Doom II RPG is maybe also coming up.
Otherwise a J2ME emulator would be also great, retroarch has one but not working....


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2009
How to enter the Number Codes?
Use up and down to change the numbers,left and right to move between the numbers, then 'x' to enter
Post automatically merged:

Anyway, just came her to say 'thanks ' for this - having a great time with it. Played for a couple of hours so far and it's very enjoyable, and a great port 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2015
United States
Not sure how to do that, but I looked at the Help In-Game on the Vita......

2 Move Fwd (Dpad Up)
8 Move Back (Dpad Down)
1 Move Left (L Button)
3 Move Right (R Button)
4 Turn Left (DPad Left)
6 Turn Right (DPad Right)
9 Pass Turn ( Square [ ]

So with that:
3666 -> Opens debug menu.
43629 -> Gives max health and armor to the player.
4332 -> Gives all keys, items and weapons to the player.
3366 -> Starts speed test "Benchmark"

Translates to:
RB, -->, -->, --> = Open Debug Menu
<--, RB, -->, Up, [ ] , = Give Max Health and Armor
<-- , RB, RB, Up = Give Keys, Items and Weapons
RB, RB, --> , --> = Speed Test Benchmark
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
got it to work now...

Windows 8 + BarToZip.exe = error
Windows 7 + BarToZip.exe = WORKING

BarToZip.exe need maybe a update for more compatible.

thanks, playing now on PSTV.
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@ Smoker1 :

Cheat List was updated in the NFO from the coder himself jakubito.
Its the same what you have ->

Cheat codes
3666 R → → → Open debug menu
43629 ← R → ↑ □ Max health and armor
4332 ← R R ↑ All keys, items and weapons
3366 R R → → Start benchmark
Last edited by peter8,

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