There was 3 Doom PSX Alpha Versions released the last days, also include a Beta copy for Final Doom PSX.
Alpha 0.05 has a Image with bin + cue, BUT the 0.30 and 0.32 plus Final Doom are in RAW Files, it need a Image-FIX.
For the 0.30 Version there is a working Image-Fix, but 0.32 and Final Doom Beta need replace files from the original version for Build-Fix, some Files are broken and have zero bytes. .
I - Tools for Vita / PSP
II - Data Match
III - Erick194, Doom Alpha PSX 0.32 plus Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build Fix information
IV - Differences
V - More Information with Pictures from Erick194 in this forum topic / Pictures from german database
I - Tools for Vita / PSP ->
PSX2PSP v1.4.2 - create PSP EBOOT
PsOne ISO Maker PRO v0.1a = Doom PSX Alpha 0.30 Image-FIX from Erick194 = Doom PSX Alpha 0.32 + Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build-FIX
II - Data Match ->
Doom PSX Alpha 0.05 :
Build ID = /
Build Date = PSX.EXE 14.07.1995
File Size = 252MB plus 4 Music Tracks
PSX EBOOT with PSX2PSP v1.4.2 = WORKING, need US ID from Doom
Doom PSX Alpha 0.30 :
Build ID = /
Build Date = PSX.EXE 14.07.1995
File Size = 79MB
Bad-Dump FIX = Image-FIX with PsOne ISO Maker PRO v0.1a = WORKING
PSX EBOOT with PSX2PSP v1.4.2 = WORKING, need US ID from Doom (later the Folder can renamed with a last extra Symbol)
NOTE ! = on Copyright Screen press very fast any button to skip it, or Freeze (not on PS3 CFW Cobra)
Doom PSX Alpha 0.32 :
Build ID = /
Build Date = PSX.EXE 14.07.1995
File Size = 79MB
Bad-Dump (broken files), need FIX Files from original Final Version
Final Doom PSX Beta Version :
Build ID = SLUS_000.77
Build Date = 28.11.1995
File Size = 50MB
Bad-Dump (broken files), need FIX Files from original Final Version
III - Erick194, Doom Alpha PSX 0.32 plus Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build Fix information ->
- The audio files in those folders have zero bytes, triggering an infinite loop. It is caused by this line in the code :
void T_Start(void)
// Some code...
psxcd_play(CD_TRACK[cdmusic_title_screen], CDVolume);
do {} while(psxcd_elapsed_sectors() == 0);
- In order to create the missing cd images you need to get: COMPLETE.RAW CREDITS.RAW DMSELECT.RAW DOOM1FIN.RAW DOOMMAIN.RAW DOOMRAVE.RAW FINALE1.RAW files from the original Final Doom game. And they should replace the files that contain these names inside the alpha build folders.
- Doom Alpha PSX 0.32 plus Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build-FIX from Erick194 GEC Entretaiment :
IV - Differences ->
Doom PSX 0.05 Alpha Version, differences :
* complete done all Maps, no Image mistakes, its all working fine.
- correct Image dump
- Everything has differences. (Textures, Map Design, Audio sampler, Liquid effect, Light effect, Window effect etc..)
- Has 1 Map, that is not in any other Version. (this is where the ENERGY texture was used)
- Cheats differences. from Erick194
To do list : not all Secrets was tested
Doom PSX 0.30 Alpha Version + Image-FIX, differences :
* complete done from start to end, no Image mistakes, its all working fine.
- failed Image dump
- Has Nightmare Imp on Ultra Violence difficulty. (Map 38 Tricks and Traps)(MAXIMUM The Video Game Magazine Issue 2)
- 99% mostly the same like the Final Version.
- Level 8 = The Exit do not work.
- Level 22 = The yellow door do not work to the Exit.
- Level 49 = Missing (The file is in the wrong folder, MAP49.WAD file from the MAPDIR5 folder should be in MAPDIR6 folder)
- Doom 1 has some Maps with the double Shotgun.
- Some windows effects are different, to all Versions.
- Some Keys are with skull and keycard mixed up.
- Imp has a different audio sample.
- Sometimes the music break up.
- Some Maps has tiny differences.
- Redemption Denied has difference in Spidermastermind Position.
- Cheats differences. from Erick194
- All Speedrun tricks working from Final Version.
To do list : not all Secrets was tested
Doom PSX 0.32 Alpha Version + Build-FIX from Erick194, differences :
To do list : Find Nightmare Imp. Testing Map 49, was Missing in 0.30 Alpha Version. Secrets.
- failed Image dump
- difference cheats from Erick194)
Final Doom PSX Beta 28-11-1995 Version + Build-FIX from Erick194, differences :
* complete done from start to end, no Images mistakes, its all working fine.
- failed Image dump
- The Data Match for Level Maps are not the same compare with the original Final Doom PSX Version.
- No gameplay differences found. Only one switch was not show up, but was still working.
- The textures for the Result Screen has mistakes.
- Map 29 has a Ending.
- Map 30 need to load over Level Select Option over Main Menu, because Map 29 had the Ending.
- Map 30 has also a Ending.
- All Speedrun tricks working from Final Version.
Note :
- The original Final Version from Final Doom PSX has placeholder for a Map 31 and 32, that was canceled.
To do list : not all Secrets was tested
V - More Information with Pictures from Erick194 in this forum topic / Pictures from german database ->
- Cheats
- Picture procedural liquid effect
- Alpha 0.30 sprite viewer via cheat code
- Video for Alpha 0.30 Redemption Denied Difference in Spidermastermind Position
- Debug info via cheat code
Extra, Pictures are from the german OGDB database, there is a comparsion guide with data match article.
Million thanks for this release, I was waiting sooo long ! Amazing.
Alpha 0.05 has a Image with bin + cue, BUT the 0.30 and 0.32 plus Final Doom are in RAW Files, it need a Image-FIX.
For the 0.30 Version there is a working Image-Fix, but 0.32 and Final Doom Beta need replace files from the original version for Build-Fix, some Files are broken and have zero bytes. .
I - Tools for Vita / PSP
II - Data Match
III - Erick194, Doom Alpha PSX 0.32 plus Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build Fix information
IV - Differences
V - More Information with Pictures from Erick194 in this forum topic / Pictures from german database
I - Tools for Vita / PSP ->
PSX2PSP v1.4.2 - create PSP EBOOT
PsOne ISO Maker PRO v0.1a = Doom PSX Alpha 0.30 Image-FIX from Erick194 = Doom PSX Alpha 0.32 + Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build-FIX
II - Data Match ->
Doom PSX Alpha 0.05 :
Build ID = /
Build Date = PSX.EXE 14.07.1995
File Size = 252MB plus 4 Music Tracks
PSX EBOOT with PSX2PSP v1.4.2 = WORKING, need US ID from Doom
Doom PSX Alpha 0.30 :
Build ID = /
Build Date = PSX.EXE 14.07.1995
File Size = 79MB
Bad-Dump FIX = Image-FIX with PsOne ISO Maker PRO v0.1a = WORKING
PSX EBOOT with PSX2PSP v1.4.2 = WORKING, need US ID from Doom (later the Folder can renamed with a last extra Symbol)
NOTE ! = on Copyright Screen press very fast any button to skip it, or Freeze (not on PS3 CFW Cobra)
Doom PSX Alpha 0.32 :
Build ID = /
Build Date = PSX.EXE 14.07.1995
File Size = 79MB
Bad-Dump (broken files), need FIX Files from original Final Version
Final Doom PSX Beta Version :
Build ID = SLUS_000.77
Build Date = 28.11.1995
File Size = 50MB
Bad-Dump (broken files), need FIX Files from original Final Version
III - Erick194, Doom Alpha PSX 0.32 plus Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build Fix information ->
- The audio files in those folders have zero bytes, triggering an infinite loop. It is caused by this line in the code :
void T_Start(void)
// Some code...
psxcd_play(CD_TRACK[cdmusic_title_screen], CDVolume);
do {} while(psxcd_elapsed_sectors() == 0);
- In order to create the missing cd images you need to get: COMPLETE.RAW CREDITS.RAW DMSELECT.RAW DOOM1FIN.RAW DOOMMAIN.RAW DOOMRAVE.RAW FINALE1.RAW files from the original Final Doom game. And they should replace the files that contain these names inside the alpha build folders.
- Doom Alpha PSX 0.32 plus Final Doom PSX Beta Version Build-FIX from Erick194 GEC Entretaiment :
IV - Differences ->
Doom PSX 0.05 Alpha Version, differences :
* complete done all Maps, no Image mistakes, its all working fine.
- correct Image dump
- Everything has differences. (Textures, Map Design, Audio sampler, Liquid effect, Light effect, Window effect etc..)
- Has 1 Map, that is not in any other Version. (this is where the ENERGY texture was used)
- Cheats differences. from Erick194
To do list : not all Secrets was tested
Doom PSX 0.30 Alpha Version + Image-FIX, differences :
* complete done from start to end, no Image mistakes, its all working fine.
- failed Image dump
- Has Nightmare Imp on Ultra Violence difficulty. (Map 38 Tricks and Traps)(MAXIMUM The Video Game Magazine Issue 2)
- 99% mostly the same like the Final Version.
- Level 8 = The Exit do not work.
- Level 22 = The yellow door do not work to the Exit.
- Level 49 = Missing (The file is in the wrong folder, MAP49.WAD file from the MAPDIR5 folder should be in MAPDIR6 folder)
- Doom 1 has some Maps with the double Shotgun.
- Some windows effects are different, to all Versions.
- Some Keys are with skull and keycard mixed up.
- Imp has a different audio sample.
- Sometimes the music break up.
- Some Maps has tiny differences.
- Redemption Denied has difference in Spidermastermind Position.
- Cheats differences. from Erick194
- All Speedrun tricks working from Final Version.
To do list : not all Secrets was tested
Doom PSX 0.32 Alpha Version + Build-FIX from Erick194, differences :
To do list : Find Nightmare Imp. Testing Map 49, was Missing in 0.30 Alpha Version. Secrets.
- failed Image dump
- difference cheats from Erick194)
Final Doom PSX Beta 28-11-1995 Version + Build-FIX from Erick194, differences :
* complete done from start to end, no Images mistakes, its all working fine.
- failed Image dump
- The Data Match for Level Maps are not the same compare with the original Final Doom PSX Version.
- No gameplay differences found. Only one switch was not show up, but was still working.
- The textures for the Result Screen has mistakes.
- Map 29 has a Ending.
- Map 30 need to load over Level Select Option over Main Menu, because Map 29 had the Ending.
- Map 30 has also a Ending.
- All Speedrun tricks working from Final Version.
Note :
- The original Final Version from Final Doom PSX has placeholder for a Map 31 and 32, that was canceled.
To do list : not all Secrets was tested
V - More Information with Pictures from Erick194 in this forum topic / Pictures from german database ->
- Cheats
- Picture procedural liquid effect
- Alpha 0.30 sprite viewer via cheat code
- Video for Alpha 0.30 Redemption Denied Difference in Spidermastermind Position
- Debug info via cheat code
Extra, Pictures are from the german OGDB database, there is a comparsion guide with data match article.
Million thanks for this release, I was waiting sooo long ! Amazing.
Last edited by peter8,