- Guys I’m back and over and over again I tell you all that the Elites are conditioning us for what’s coming. I’m sure you all seen the Olympics ad and seen how they mock the last supper and showed the pale horse coming; again the Elites love to Mock God because even though they know he exist but like said many times they hate the God of the Bible.
Now again with these super hero movies they are showing you the Preflood Nephilim the demigods that existed before the flood. Now remember what I said about the portals/ Cern machine and how’s these demigods will come into our realms again; if you missed that thread where I explained about Cern then you should go see it
Can you see how in these super hero movies they are putting these portals and talks about other realms/ dimension in front of our faces like never before? Hell they even talks about Anti matter and matter/ the same stuff the people at cern talks about
Guys I’m telling you the Elites are preparing for the Big deception that’s coming we will hear more and more about opening portals and dimensions in these super hero movies until that time come because they have to try to condition the masses first.
We will see all that preflood technology come back again Stargates/portals yes all that existed don’t let these people fool you thinking it’s all myths. For those who followed my XRP post you all know about the The next world reset that is coming that will be the Era we will see these technology that we thought was impossible become reality
Oh once again these people are saying the same thing I said about shiva and they posted this way after I posted my CERN/ Shiva post. These people are finding about Shiva is definitely the one coming back lol guys you can’t make this up
I know it’s hard to believe that false gods like the Greek gods and city of Atlantis actually existed before the flood but I’m telling y’all all these myths was true
People are starting to wake up