I had a similar issue with my M1 MacBook Air. What ended up solving it for me was really odd and kind of specific. First, if you have AppZapper or some other "uninstaller" use it on Android File Transfer for MacOS. Reinstall Android File Transfer, but before you do make sure that you do not have the Preview application open before reinstalling. If you do then you need to reboot before reinstalling. Open Android File Transfer to make sure it runs. Now do not open Preview at all ever. If you open Preview you need to reboot before Android File Transfer will work again.
Even still scenario 2 will happen more often than scenario 3. But it has been more reliable for me. On my Intel MacBook Pro, I do not have this issue at all. It works as intended. But it may be a difference in software on the Macs because one runs Ventura 13.2 and the other runs Monterey 12.6.3.
Edit: You may have better luck than I did with OpenMTP (hxxps://openmtp.ganeshrvel.c0m/). It does seem to have more options than Android File Transfer. Be sure to fix the links by removing the "x" and "0" and replacing them with their respective characters. I'm unable to post links.